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02-20-2009, 12:58 AM
Hello. My wife Sharon and I are very fond of the squirrels in the wooded lot
behind our house. We feed them, keep them with fresh water and enjoy their
company. However lately, some of them have become very sick and we would
like to be able to help them. Someone locally suggested that it might be
squirrel pox, but it didn't seem to match the pictures that they had. I am
enclosing two pictures of two different squirrels that are affected by this
disease, whatever it is, and any help or guidance that you could give us
would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

02-20-2009, 01:08 AM
Oh those poor little babies....It does seem to look like pox...is there any way you can trap them and cage them to take care of them? Given their condition, it shouldn't be difficult to live trap them....They need help immediately and the sooner you can get control of them the better it will be for them......

A rehabber should be on soon to help you....

02-20-2009, 01:09 AM
Oh Dear God! How pitiful they look. I don't know of anything it could be BUT pox. I hope some of the rehabbers that have treated this before will come on soon - I have only seen one case of it around here, and it was a very mild one. Have you checked under Squirrel Pox in the Specific Ailment thread?


02-20-2009, 01:22 AM
Yes, we could trap them, we hand feed them now, especially the blind ones. It is hard for them to find the food and feel their way up trees. We hope to be able to help them before a local cat tries to get them. We just don't know what we should do once we catch them - in other words, how to treat them. Thanks for your replies. Steve G. (PS My wife Sharon is the actual squirrel charmer, they run to her when they hear her)
We will look forward to any advice we could get but we have to log off now, getting late. Thanks

Nancy in New York
02-20-2009, 03:39 AM
Hi, thanks so much for caring for these babies. That does look like squirrel pox. Go into the squirrel board and scroll down to rehabber information and location. See if you are near any of the ones that are listed. I have PM'd a couple of people that may be able to help you out. Hopefully they will get on first thing in the morning. I will check on this when I get into work. Hang tight!:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou

Jackie in Tampa
02-20-2009, 05:29 AM
Classic Pox, confirmed. :grouphug
I am sorry there is only so much that can be done for the wilds. Best advise is keep fresh water and plenty of food. If you have indoor pet sq, precaution should be taken, as it is contageous. There is not alot of info available on Sq Pox, but many members here have had pox in their yards and can give better advise. I had pox, what I found ws Shaklee has a product that is all natural. Nutri-Feron, targeted at cancer patients to boost immune system. It is in capsule form, and would be dosed in their drinking water daily. Google Shaklee and find a dealer in the keys or Homestead. Although it is not cheap, It gives the best chance...in my opinion. Others have used teas etc, all immune boosters.
Believe it or not, sqs will survive this terrible virus, of course like all other heavies, the old, young and weak will not .:sad
If you feel that you want to trap and treat, let me know, as I am a bad typer and a GREAT talker! There is a private message area, click there and pm me and I'll give phone number.
Here is a link to my old thread
Also under specific aliiments other threads will be found.
It is not contageous to other species, thank goodness.
I am on my way to St.Pete now to try to catch a poxy baby....:osnap
It makes you feel so helpless, the pox will obstruct their sight and leave them prey. The virus stresses the entire population.
Let me know if we can help you, good luck.:grouphug
:Welcome welcome to TSB, sorry it had to be under bad circumstances!
Jackie in Tampa!

Jackie in Tampa
02-20-2009, 05:50 AM
Anyonee with my number has ok to share! thanks!
BsMom, 4Sk, GB, Pam,Nancy, many have...:thumbsup

Jackie in Tampa
02-20-2009, 05:59 AM
back again...sorry...I looked at pics...if there is a possibility that you can get your hands on BAYTRIL, Metacam, Acyclovir,Nystatin...these are some things we are going to need from vet or anywhere you can get them...please start getting items together...cat carriers will work for housing for now...NO towels, but lots of T shirts. Heating pads, without auto cut offs...
1cc syringes, without needles
esbilac puppy replacer milk, can or powder
q tips, bleach, rubber gloves, spray disinfectant

If trapped...these babies need to be medicated for secondary infections with strong anti biotic, BAYTRIL.
That eye is not good, may have already lost.
All of these things are also great to have for baby season and especially hurricane season...your typical sq survival kit!
good luck...

02-20-2009, 08:54 AM
These sqs are in the Florida Keys, Key Largo; I'm in Miami, about 1 hour away. Would be happy to help with a "squirrel train" to get these babies to a rehabber.

If the lady can trap them, I could make the trip tomorrow. Is there a rehabber in south or central FL willing to treat them?

Charles Chuckles
02-20-2009, 09:37 AM
God Bless the poor babies and thank you for taking care of them everyone you are all so awesome:grouphug :Welcome

02-20-2009, 10:52 AM
Oh, those poor babies!!! :(

It looks like the pox pics I've seen before.

You're in good hands here. Thank you for caring.:grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
02-20-2009, 11:03 AM
Loopy and I will do all we can, :poke and we are moving the furniture out of our homes now! :rotfl Got the elves building cages...:rotfl
No ...we will do all we can!:thumbsup

We're ready!
thanks Lynne!:wave123

Mookie's Mom
02-20-2009, 11:27 AM
Oh how sad! I hope this poor baby will get your wonderful help. Thank you for caring.

Jackie in Tampa
02-20-2009, 01:08 PM
Bless their hearts, very sad virus :grouphug
I hate those pics, hurts my tummy.
Other members have volunteered to help get them here, the Sq Train, hoot hoo, chug a chuga chug! Hoot hoo!:thumbsup
Good luck catching them, it may not be too hard in their condition.
Keep us posted...
I can't think of any members in south Florida, do we have any rehabbers down there? These people could probably use some help.
Aside from Nutri feron, Nonda Surrate used a natural to build immune system...enchinacea.

this is a link to her documented 1998 study

her is a link to my pox outbreak
Sending prayers :grouphug

02-20-2009, 03:45 PM
If you need help with the train let me know.

If Squirrelcharmer needs help trapping, let me know.

02-20-2009, 06:24 PM
Is there any word as to what's happening? We wait for any news.....

02-20-2009, 10:30 PM
I have Septra DS in substitute of Baytril that can be shipped overnight if needed.

Jackie in Tampa
02-21-2009, 05:26 AM
I saw them on the board yesterday, but they did not post:dono
thinking they are still trying to trap...
Poor sqs..:grouphug

Nancy in New York
02-21-2009, 09:16 AM
Fingers crossed, poor babies!

02-22-2009, 12:33 AM
I can't stand the silence....

02-22-2009, 05:36 PM
Hello. sorry for the delay getting back. In the last couple of days we have recieved two more sick squirrels. My oldest son saw a man with a box in an empty lot down the street and he dumped out a sick squirrel. My son put the squirrel in his bicycle helmet and brought him back to us. He is living in our back yard now with the others and seems to be eating and drinking OK. Another neighbor caught another sick squirrel in his back yard and asked to bring him to our house also, so we have yet another sick squirrel in our back yard. Heard a commotion in the back yard last night and found the neighbors cat up in one of our trees attacking one of the sick squirrels. But the squirrel put up quite a fight and we were able to get the cat out of here: hopefully he will be nervous about trying that again. My wife and I talked to one of the ladies on the list of animal rescuers: Karen Deitman from ArkAngels rescue and she advised us against capturing the sick squirrels, she says it causes them stress, that they do have pox. She said to keep their dishes clean (clean with bleachy water), she said that the only thing we could try was enchinacea. We seem to have an idea of what to start now, so we are. We also sprayed down all of the rocks and tree branches with a mild bleach solution (as per Karen) to kill some of the contaminants that might be on there. We are still looking for ideas, etc. But we now have 6 sick squirrels and a couple showing their first red spots. We have had 2 squirrels pass away. Wish us luck. Steve and Sharon Gardner. Key Largo.

02-22-2009, 05:41 PM
I don't think that's going to do much to help them, you need to trap these squirrels and give them to someone who will treat them. Basically the info you were given was to let nature run it's course and they will die :shakehead

Nancy in New York
02-22-2009, 06:16 PM
I am so happy that you are back. People on this board truly only want to help the squirrels, and I know that suggestions can be overwhelming. AEMJ is right, the whole community could die. This is a terrible death for these poor babies. I have never known of a squirrel getting better on its own. Even with the best of care, it is so hard to treat. Capturing will be stressful but so is their existing with this. When they are slowly going blind and unable to see predators or find food that is an ongoing daily stress. I hope that we don't overwhelm you. If you feel more comfortable PMing some of the members rather than getting swamped by so many opinions, please feel free to do so. If I can be of any help to you, feel free to contact me off of the board or where ever you feel comfortable. If I can't help, I will contact someone who can. Thanks for thinking of these babies, they need help.:thankyou -Nancy-

02-22-2009, 07:13 PM
We have some great rehabbers here that have successfully treated pox squirrels, and can give you guidance on treatment that has worked for them. Please stick with us through this really tough time.

02-22-2009, 07:40 PM
Thanks for your replies. I have to agree with the last responses that I have heard, that capture and treatment is the best course, even if that disagrees with the opinion of the local wildlife expert. My wife and I still need to decide which is the best treatment plan once caught. As I said earlier, our sick population is now up to 6 to 8 squirrels. Two are completely blind, three are blind out of one eye, and a couple are just showing first signs of the pox. Which ones do you think should be the first that we go after? Steve and Sharon

02-22-2009, 07:45 PM
Thanks for your replies. I have to agree with the last responses that I have heard, that capture and treatment is the best course, even if that disagrees with the opinion of the local wildlife expert. My wife and I still need to decide which is the best treatment plan once caught. As I said earlier, our sick population is now up to 6 to 8 squirrels. Two are completely blind, three are blind out of one eye, and a couple are just showing first signs of the pox. Which ones do you think should be the first that we go after? Steve and Sharon

I think you should try to trap any and all of the sick ones. We have several great TSB rehabbers in FL that have experience treating pox. They have the medications necessary, including acyclovir.

We can also help with transport. I am in Miami and could help get them to where they need to go.

Time is of the essence. Once the pox gets into their internal organs, they will die. If they can be treated before this happens, they can often be cured.

If you need help trapping, we can do that too.

Just let us know what you want to do and we'll help you.

02-22-2009, 09:44 PM
I am praying that the Lord will Bless your efforts so that those poor squirrels will not suffer further.Looking at those photos makes me want to cry..

02-23-2009, 03:31 PM
Can you please give us an update. Have you set the Havaheart traps yet, or are you going to try and catch them by hand? A couple of our members assisted somebody with catching a pox squirrel this weekend, and even though his vision was impaired, he was quite a fiesty fellow. They got him and he is being treated, but his nestmate now needs to be captured. See this thread:


02-23-2009, 05:49 PM
Hello, again. We have captured the squirrel pictured with the two blind eyes. The other squirrel pictured seems to be doing much better, he is not so red any more and the sores seem to be scabbing over. We are still attempting to catch him. We saw another of our sick squirrels (almost blind) today he is eating and drinking well - we need to catch him. The other two sick squirrels we have not seen yet today, we are hoping they are still alive. The squirrel we have caught seemed to be in a state of shock when we caught him, but is doing much better now, moving around, drinking some water. I would be happy to take suggestions as to his care, or if someone can treat him, we will find a way to get him there. He is about completely blind, though, as I said. Steve

Nancy in New York
02-23-2009, 06:04 PM
I'm glad that you caught the little one. I will try to get someone that can help. Hang on.

02-23-2009, 06:12 PM
Hello, again. We have captured the squirrel pictured with the two blind eyes. The other squirrel pictured seems to be doing much better, he is not so red any more and the sores seem to be scabbing over. We are still attempting to catch him. We saw another of our sick squirrels (almost blind) today he is eating and drinking well - we need to catch him. The other two sick squirrels we have not seen yet today, we are hoping they are still alive. The squirrel we have caught seemed to be in a state of shock when we caught him, but is doing much better now, moving around, drinking some water. I would be happy to take suggestions as to his care, or if someone can treat him, we will find a way to get him there. He is about completely blind, though, as I said. Steve


If you have any plain pancake syrup or karo syrup, add a little to the water.

island rehabber
02-23-2009, 06:57 PM
Steve, is Odessa FL near you? I've been frantically searching for rehabbers for you and found this place:

12514 Jot Em Down Lane, Odessa, FL 33556 Phone: (813) 792-8511 Fax: (813) 920-0698

I'll keep looking!

Jackie in Tampa
02-23-2009, 07:22 PM
Heat will add comfort! Like Jeff, AEMJ said...dark and quiet and cover the cage...ps...I cannot type well, so excuse my briefness. Sorry.
what meds do you have, cat dog or bird meds?
pain and antibiotic...
No towels ...tshirt inside for hide if possible. This virus causes extreme stress, so less stress is best. The Rescue Remedy will help.
If possible to put heating pad under sq container...:thumbsup
water and seed, nuts..whatever you have. Avacodo corn

We are working on helping you now, making arraignments...hang tight and thanks a million! :grouphug

02-23-2009, 07:27 PM
Squirrelcharmer, Rescue Remedy may really help you right now with this squirrel. It is sold at some pet stores, Walgreen's pharmacy and CVS' pharmacy. I hope you can find a store with some in stock tonight. Thanks for all that you are doing to save these sick little fuzzers.

We will all be working together to get you the help you need.

Nancy in New York
02-23-2009, 07:34 PM
And yet another example of the wonderful people that are on The Squirrel Board. What team work. You guys are the best!!!!:thankyou :thankyou :bowdown :bowdown

Jackie in Tampa
02-23-2009, 07:47 PM
ok...have talked to 4Skwerlz! She can drive halfway to me. :bowdown Can Sharon or Steve drive to Miami and meet her? Can this happen in the morning?
4S cannot have sq in her home,so would be easiest in am!:thumbsup
I am hoping Loopy will recieve sq for care, if not???I will try:grouphug
Thanks all!:thankyou
LadySq...bit my tongue!:osnap

02-23-2009, 07:47 PM
I just spoke with Jackie. She is coordinating arrangements, and I'm standing by to help with squirrel train tomorrow.

Rough plan so far:

Squirrel finders drive to Miami to meet me (1+ hr)

I meet Jackie halfway between Tampa and Miami (2+ hrs each way)

Jackie delivers squirrel to Loopysquirrel for rehab.

We need to find out of squirrel finders can drive to Miami and arrange times and so on.

Jackie in Tampa
02-23-2009, 07:48 PM
I have ALL phone numbers...let me know...

02-23-2009, 07:54 PM
I have ALL phone numbers...let me know...

I'm just waiting for a call from you or Loopy. Feel free to share my phone # if needed.

Jackie in Tampa
02-23-2009, 08:24 PM
loopy will take sq...on the phone now:thumbsup :bowdown

02-23-2009, 08:43 PM
Florida TSB members are awesome!!!!!!:grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
02-23-2009, 08:57 PM
I GUESS i WAS WAITING FOR UPDATE , has anyone heard from Steve and Sharon? sorry caps...:dono

02-23-2009, 09:05 PM

Jackie in Tampa
02-23-2009, 10:18 PM
sharon and Steve want to know what we think about waiting extra day and catching more. Hard to coordinate several trips.
These sqs are yard buddies:grouphug , that are loved and friends.
The sq they have trapped now is on heat and eating, has had syrup water and pecans. Somewhat comfortable as far as being captive. Sharon thinks they can catch more!
:poke Pox is stressful to sqs. Thoughts needed.

Jackie in Tampa
02-23-2009, 10:48 PM
i guess we are off for first thing tuesday...
Good Luck S&S. We are waiting for an early update. Thanks so much for helping these poor sqs!:grouphug

02-23-2009, 11:21 PM
Way:thumbsup to go, guys. Wish I wasn't so far away. Jackie, Loopy, let me know if there is anything I can do. Have several empty cages if needed. Tomorrow is payday:jump :multi :jump

Nancy in New York
02-24-2009, 02:44 AM
Florida TSB members are awesome!!!!!!:grouphug

Have you ever seen anything so amazing...:bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown FLORIDA ROCKS:thumbsup :thumbsup

02-24-2009, 05:36 AM
My thought is: don't delay treatment. We can do multiple trips if necessary.

02-24-2009, 07:15 AM
Just spoke with Jackie. Squirrel Charmer thinks she can get a couple more of the sick squirrels today, so we can transport more than one at a time. I'm standing by here, waiting for phone call....

BTW, thanks for starting the donation thread. The gas money really will help.

Jackie in Tampa
02-24-2009, 10:09 AM
Looking for update:wave123

02-24-2009, 03:54 PM
:bowdown :bowdown Fantastic work, everybody!! :bowdown :bowdown

Squirrelcharmer, there are a few dietary supplements that have been used to boost the squirrels' immune system, in hopes of preventing or lessening pox. Any of these might be usedful to use -- either while you are lining up transfer of the sickest squirrels, or for the others that can remain in place. You have already seen the published literature for echinacea. For the NutriFeron and the SeaMeal, we have no idea if they "did" anything (no scientific study!), but they seemed to do no harm, were well-accepted and … maybe they helped. Here is a little info and also links to threads where they were discussed more.

Echinacea - already posted above - http://www.squirrel-rehab.org/rehabinfo/fibroma.shtml
This is a link to Nonda Surrate's 1998 study.

Shaklee NutriFeron - As Jackie already mentioned, NutriFeron is a dietary supplement manufactured by Shaklee Corporation. It claims to boost the body's natural interferon (interferon is used in AIDS and other immune disease treatment). It is tablets which can be dissolved and syringe-fed, put on food or offered as "tea" instead of plain drinking water. Jackie put "tea" out in birdbaths for her wilds. Discussed at http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11806 (Mads' thread - She had 5 recent releases that got, and recovered from, pox.) This is available only through Shaklee distributors. If you want to try this we can give you dosing info.

Solid Gold Seameal Mineral & Vitamin Supplement - Also an immune booster. Mads used this for her "Fab 5" and has used it previously for her dogs (discussed at http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11865 -- especially Posts 10, 11, 15). She mixed it with almond butter and her squirrels loved it. Here is the product website: http://www.k9cuisine.com/p-84-solid-gold-seameal-powder-with-flaxseed-meal.aspx

I wish you all the best in caring for your little friends. :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
02-24-2009, 05:48 PM
Thanks BsMOM, awesome links!:bowdown
Sharon, I am home...my pm box was full, but have made room:hidechair
I will post shortly about our tenative plans!:wave123

:sad Sharons little yard buddy has passed in his sleep. Thank you Sharon for keeping him safe and warm, and for giving him peace.:grouphug
R.I.P.Little Fuzzer:Love_Icon

02-24-2009, 06:00 PM
:grouphug I'm so sorry to hear the news about your little friend. RIP little one. :Love_Icon

It's so hard to watch this disease. For some squirrels, it just hits so very very hard. And when there are so many pox on the outside, it is our understanding that there are also many on the inside. I know that everyone was eager to get your friend to Loopy's (and that would have been a very good thing), it is also possible that the disease had already progressed too far. So, giving him comfort and warmth and safety in his last hours was perhaps the very best gift you could give him. :bowdown :bowdown And he surely knew he was safe with his friends. :Love_Icon

Despite this very sad outcome, we have found that pox is not deadly to all -- so definitely keep up your efforts for others that may need your and TSB's help. There is "Intensive Care" support for the very sick, that Loopy and others can provide, and there is "In Yard" support for the others -- even making sure they have a good food and water supply will reduce the stress on them as they fight the virus.

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

02-26-2009, 10:23 PM
Here are the two squirrels I wrote to Jackie about. One has the scabs falling off his face, which looks awful. He is very weak and thin, and the other is blind in both eyes. I have seen three new ones as of today with some spots starting on them. I just keep praying I don't lose all of them.

02-26-2009, 10:29 PM
Here are the two pics.

02-26-2009, 10:31 PM
Yes, we are feeding them and giving them fresh water every day and giving vitamins for their immune system. We are continually spraying down the trees and rocks with bleach water. We've been in contact with Jackie every day and are awaiting medications.

02-26-2009, 10:33 PM
We believe that these are the same two squirrels from our first post with pictures. The one has gotten worse, the blind one seems about the same.

02-26-2009, 10:46 PM
I need help knowing how to trap them. The ones I have been able to catch, I can just go pick them up and they are very weak and don't need any meds to calm them. I have just provided food,water and warmth and a safe place so they don't end up prey to another animal, but they seem to just go to sleep and die in their sleep peacefully as possible. Still it breaks my heart.

02-26-2009, 10:48 PM
OH MY, I don't know what to say, these pictures make my stomach and heart hurt so bad for these babies.

Nancy in New York
02-27-2009, 02:55 AM
I need help knowing how to trap them. The ones I have been able to catch, I can just go pick them up and they are very weak and don't need any meds to calm them. I have just provided food,water and warmth and a safe place so they don't end up prey to another animal, but they seem to just go to sleep and die in their sleep peacefully as possible. Still it breaks my heart.

Thank you for all that you are doing. Poor poor babies.:grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
02-27-2009, 05:00 AM
I cried several times yesterday. ....frustrated!
IF ONE MORE AH TELLS ME TO LET NATURE RUN IT"S COURSE!, I will choke them! What don't people understand? GGGrrr!
We are not sure that you will be able to treat them, we were hoping to get some local support, but none has been found! Can Karen help you trap? Will KAREN help you? Were you able to get pharmacist help?
Loopy and I have been communicating and have re-ordered meds for pox. Having some diffeculty in getting all meds together. I think the goal is to trap as many as you can this weekend, with plans on traveling on monday...are we all ok with that? Leigh...maybe sunday night or monday morning.
Sharon and Steve, will you have time to focus on trapping this weekend? Maybe you can have Karen call me..or get her number. I am thinking that if she can help sustain any you may get on saturday, keep trapping til monday and we can start transport monday morning or even sunday night.
Also...scabs are contageous...get rid of them. Also sq corpses.....sorry.{R.I.P.precious babies}
I have busy am, but will be home and available later this afternoon.
Good Luck and we'll talk!:grouphug
:bowdown Thanks S&S, sorry about 'lil buddy':grouphug

Do you have cages/carrires? I don't think you will be able to put more than one sq in carrier though, they are not good room mates, not even when healthy...they are onry!
I hate seeing these pics, it hurts me and I ball like a baby.
For the love of pete,,,, no standing water! MOSQUITOES SUCK!
Sharon, bleach is good! Have the neighbors still been seeing too?

02-27-2009, 06:19 AM
I need help knowing how to trap them. The ones I have been able to catch, I can just go pick them up and they are very weak and don't need any meds to calm them. I have just provided food,water and warmth and a safe place so they don't end up prey to another animal, but they seem to just go to sleep and die in their sleep peacefully as possible. Still it breaks my heart.

Trapping isn't that hard.

Make sure you thoroughly familiarize yourself with the trap first. Try setting it and springing it a few times to make sure you can set the tension on the bar just right.

A good bait is half an apple covered with natural peanut butter and spiked with a few more peanuts. Make sure the bait doesn't keep the trigger platform from closing.

Put the trap where the squirrel normally goes to feed. Up against a favorite tree with opening facing outwards, or under a squirrel feeder. I like to put some dried grass inside the trap so the "floor" looks more natural, and they have something to rest on once they're trapped. You can also put some grass or branches over the trap to make it look more natural.

After you place the trap, test it one more time. Make sure no grass, twigs, or mulch are in the way of the door closing.

Empty all your feeders until you catch her. You might want to sprinkle a few nuts around the trap though, to attract them to the area.

If you catch the wrong squirrel, just release him and re-set the trap.

As soon as the squirrel is trapped, place a dark t-shirt or cloth over the trap; it will make them feel more secure and calm. Then carry the cage into a warm, dark quiet place like a garage.

Alternate Method:
If your yard buddies are very tame and used to being fed, they may all want to go in and out of the trap with no fear, like it's some kind of fancy new feeder. In this case, you'll be catching a squirrel every 3 minutes, usually the wrong one. Also they might begin to "guard" this new food source, and chase the weaker, sick squirrels away, which isn't what you want!

In this case, you'll need a stick around 12 inches long and a long piece of string. Set the trap the same way, except you'll disengage the trip platform and use the stick to prop up the door. Tie the string to the stick and retreat to wherever you normally watch them feed, holding the other end of the string. Test it by giving the string a pull. Pull the stick well away from the trap so it doesn't get in the way of the door closing. Make sure the door swings down hard enough to engage the latch.

For this method, you'll want to put a large pile of nuts in the back of the cage so you don't run out of bait.

The other squirrels can run in and out, but as soon as you have a sick squirrel in there, you pull the string.

As soon as you have one trapped, call Jackie and we'll organize the squirrel train.

Good luck!

Jackie in Tampa
02-27-2009, 06:36 AM
:thumbsup Thanks 4Sk! Love those fast fingers!:D
PS...our St.Pete poxy sq is hanging in there for Loopy!:bowdown
taz has made his mind up, and he wants to get well and go home!
There is hope, it is not luck that is keeping these sqs alive, it is getting treatment! MEDS!
Thanks all who are willing to go the extra mile!
Thanks Tomo for all your input yesterday, I know you would help if you could. However please let Dr.P know what we are finding, as we are alittle more determined than most. :thumbsup Also understand...that how you are feeling, is what and where I was a year ago! been there and have moved forward! Going to get some answers, even failure will be worth it's weight someday!
I love sqs!:jump
:bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown
Thanks for all the support TSB, you guys rock!:thumbsup

Nancy in New York
02-27-2009, 07:07 AM
Do you need anything from New York?? ANYTHING

Jackie in Tampa
02-27-2009, 07:43 AM
yeah...you down here trapping sqs!:D

02-27-2009, 08:52 AM
squirrelcharmer (both of you :D ), you are doing a GREAT job! You have lots of support out here for what you are doing -- much more than you know. :thumbsup :thumbsup

DEFINITELY continue to try to trap the worst of the sick, so they can be treated, or at least given a safe and comfy place. :bowdown :bowdown Pox does not affect all of them as badly as the few you have seen close-up -- some get a few pox and fight it off, and they will be best helped by having a ready source of food and water and whatever vitamin/supplement support you can provide.

This part concerns me though....

... We are continually spraying down the trees and rocks with bleach water. ....

I hate to offer contrary advice, since that has already caused some problems here, but will simply say why I don't think you should do this -- then you and Jackie and your other advisors can determine what you think is best to do. :peace

BLEACH IS GOOD and should be used copiously to wash your hands, clothes, shoe bottoms, utensils, etc etc. I believe that Jackie and Fred also bleached their wood deck from time to time.

BUT spraying the rocks and trees causes two problems. One is that squirrels DRINK standing water -- including dew on trees (even where we wouldn't think there was any). My fear is that if there is not enough time for it to very thoroughly dry, squirrels may end up ingesting it, which would not be a good thing. (:thinking I don't know if there would be any residue which could become bleach again with rain or dew :dono )

The other thing is, you could end up creating little puddles where mosquitos could breed. If there are any right now. I don't know what their tolerance for bleach is, but mosquito eggs are very very hardy. So this could be counterproductive.

Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to explain why so you can evaluate the reasons yourself. But I suggest you just bleach yourselves and the items you are using, and not the yard in general.

Again -- you are doing great! And should be hopeful for your squirrels -- for the general population (we agonize with you for the ones that are dying :Love_Icon ). Some don't get sick or only a couple of pox. Some become too sick to live long enough to help. But for some, "we" (TSB and others unrelated to TSB) have tested a number of treatment methods over the past couple of years that appear to have good results --- very infected squirrels recovered! Some very dramatically. Not science-level "proof" but very encouraging real-life-experience -- and an exciting start! And enough to encourage others (some very skeptical rehabbers and vets included) that this is something credible and worth trying. :bowdown :bowdown

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
02-27-2009, 09:15 AM
QUOTE=J Going to get some answers, even failure will be worth it's weight someday!
I love sqs!:jump
:bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown
Thanks for all the support TSB, you guys rock!:thumbsup[/QUOTE]
Really wanna and need to say thanks to everyone in the pox history!
Nonda:bowdown , Jill:bowdown , Loopy:bowdown , Danialson:bowdown ,
Swank:bowdown , Rick:bowdown ,Karen Calrk:bowdown ,Angel:bowdown ,
Gabe:bowdown , Mars:bowdown ,BsMom:bowdown ,Dr.John:bowdown ,so many wonderful TSB members:bowdown , and all th poxy sqs in heaven:bowdown Grey and Lights:bowdown alot I can't remember right now too:bowdown
AS a matter of fact, I'm going to get a poxy baby right now! Wish us luck!

02-27-2009, 09:50 AM
My heart breaks when I see these pics. This is awful. You guys are doing everything you can, I know. How can I help??? You guys need some more $$$ ??? I get paid tomorrow.

Jackie in Tampa
03-03-2009, 07:53 AM
Jeff, how available are you to go south in a few days? Way south, all day affair, In the keys? Not looking good down there, thinking they may need a few extra hands....go and trap as many as we can.

Jackie in Tampa
03-03-2009, 08:39 AM
What day? Any Ideas?
Thinking sooner than later...but I should get prepared if possible ...alot of kids to leave Fred with, so if I have all done for him...I can seriously help down there. Or whatever....hows your schedule look? I can actually go down and meet up with 4skwerls if you are swamped.:dono I have alot going on...but can steal a day.:thumbsup

03-03-2009, 09:01 AM
I have a dr appt on Thurs.

Jackie in Tampa
03-03-2009, 09:52 AM

03-03-2009, 10:20 AM
Sat. would work for me. I could leave here Friday midnight and maybe get there by first feeding.

I could leave early sat a.m. and get there by first feeding.

03-03-2009, 10:53 AM
:rotfl All we need now is the ringleader :thumbsup Jackie :thumbsup and an address. :multi
And a list of what we need to bring, besides goodys....

Should we meet up and carpool? Or caravan all the way down? Who's going to buy the traps? You guys don't even need me, but I won't pass up a chance to see Jackie again and meet you AEMJ! On the other hand, I'm real familiar with the Keys....

03-03-2009, 03:24 PM
Can I suggest that you have a Triage plan in mind ahead of time? Undoubtedly, squirrels will be trapped which are not your target -- the more mildly infected will not be in need of "hospitalization" and treatment, but can be supported in place. It may be a difficult decision to make, so it would help you if you think it through and discuss it in advance. The decision might also be impacted by how many there are "ICU beds" for -- that may well be the limiting factor.

Is it only Loopy and Jackie that can care for them? I know this is a heartbreaking situation, but please consider the overall use of very precious resources. NEITHER Loopy nor Jackie will say no to a squirrel in need and they are both amazing forces of nature -- but we should be mindful of their limits even if they are not. :) And both have limited space. Also, consider that ... it's only March.

I wish you all the best in your rescue mission. :bowdown :bowdown

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

03-03-2009, 03:43 PM
Can I suggest that you have a Triage plan in mind ahead of time? Undoubtedly, squirrels will be trapped which are not your target -- the more mildly infected will not be in need of "hospitalization" and treatment, but can be supported in place. It may be a difficult decision to make, so it would help you if you think it through and discuss it in advance. The decision might also be impacted by how many there are "ICU beds" for -- that may well be the limiting factor.

Is it only Loopy and Jackie that can care for them? I know this is a heartbreaking situation, but please consider the overall use of very precious resources. NEITHER Loopy nor Jackie will say no to a squirrel in need and they are both amazing forces of nature -- but we should be mindful of their limits even if they are not. :) And both have limited space. Also, consider that ... it's only March.

I wish you all the best in your rescue mission. :bowdown :bowdown

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

Thanks, my logical friend.:D Thank goodness we have you to keep us "reality based."

I'm thinking two traps. We will probably have more carriers though, so could re-set them and possibly capture more.

Triage. On one hand, a squirrel with pox that's caught early has a better chance of recovering. It would be sad to release a squirrel with only a few pox, only to catch him later....blinded and running in circles and at death's door. On the other hand, the worst-off certainly deserve care now. Not sure of the answer.

How many can be cared for? That's an important question that only Jackie, Loopy, and others can answer.

Waiting to hear thoughts from them.

03-03-2009, 04:45 PM
:D That's what I'm here for :tilt

... Triage. On one hand, a squirrel with pox that's caught early has a better chance of recovering. It would be sad to release a squirrel with only a few pox, only to catch him later....blinded and running in circles and at death's door. On the other hand, the worst-off certainly deserve care now. Not sure of the answer....
Difficult questions. No real answers, I'm afraid -- you just need to think it through and do your best. :grouphug

What we know:
1. Many (most?) squirrels get mild cases and then get better. Only close-up knowledge is from Jackie, who knew all by name and could monitor them. That will rarely be the case, to be able to watch and say "OK, that one STILL only has 2 pox today, it's not getting worse."
2. The very sick must be cared for (or euthanized) -- if they are blinded and feeble, it would be cruel to leave them in place if they can be at least made comfortable and safe, or can be treated.
3. A mildly sick squirrel will be very stressed just by being caged and relocated.
4. The barrage of meds will be stressful for a squirrel that is feeling well -- and the meds do pose some risks to the squirrel (liver, kidney, etc). So it's a risk-benefit analysis -- do the risks of treating outweigh the risks of the disease?

What we don't know:
1. Which squirrels will progress to become overcome with pox.
2. Efficacy of the meds -- we think we see that they have some effect (very sick squirrels have recovered), but there are no scientifically rigorous data.
3. Efficacy vs. various degrees of illness -- I believe that most of the treated squirrels have been quite sick. However, the antiviral is known (in humans) to have the greatest impact if given 24-72 hours after onset. We would rarely have that knowledge or opportunity. Maybe this is it. But again, you will need to balance the benefit of perhaps treating early vs. the risk to a squirrel that might have recovered on its own. And -- you won't know if a sq with 2 pox is early-onset or just has a mild case.

Many questions, few answers. But we are building experience and knowledge with every squirrel treated. At least this year, there are options for treatment, and not just the helpless despair of the past. And we have believed that our experience and results may encourage others to help also.

Just ..... have a plan. :)

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

Tum Tum
03-03-2009, 05:36 PM
Good luck to you and saving these amazing survivors. Please do your best to save them!

Good luck, to you and to them! :multi

03-03-2009, 06:05 PM
:D That's what I'm here for :tilt

Difficult questions. No real answers, I'm afraid -- you just need to think it through and do your best. :grouphug

What we know:
1. Many (most?) squirrels get mild cases and then get better. Only close-up knowledge is from Jackie, who knew all by name and could monitor them. That will rarely be the case, to be able to watch and say "OK, that one STILL only has 2 pox today, it's not getting worse."
2. The very sick must be cared for (or euthanized) -- if they are blinded and feeble, it would be cruel to leave them in place if they can be at least made comfortable and safe, or can be treated.
3. A mildly sick squirrel will be very stressed just by being caged and relocated.
4. The barrage of meds will be stressful for a squirrel that is feeling well -- and the meds do pose some risks to the squirrel (liver, kidney, etc). So it's a risk-benefit analysis -- do the risks of treating outweigh the risks of the disease?
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

You're so right...I would never suggest re-releasing a really sick one. The bad ones will def. be trapped and transported!


When a squirrel that has only a few pox and seems healthy is trapped:
1. Record the locations/numbers of pox. Could we mark him with some paint on the tail or something? Then Sharon could monitor the squirrel and note if he gets worse.
2. Does anyone think it would do any good to give such a squirrel a one-time dose of acyclovir before re-releasing?
3. Monitor the squirrel and re-trap if he gets worse, but before he's totally blind and debilitated.

I have read that when the pox begin to dry up and fall off, at that point, there will usually be no more new pox. If a squirrel has survived to this point--and last night Sharon reported she had one like this--do we still trap and transport?

03-03-2009, 07:13 PM

When a squirrel that has only a few pox and seems healthy is trapped:
1. Record the locations/numbers of pox. Could we mark him with some paint on the tail or something? Then Sharon could monitor the squirrel and note if he gets worse.
Others have said that marking with paint, etc would also make them more visible and vulnerable to predators. A notch out of the tail FUR could be done, though -- if that would be apparent enough to monitor. But that may require more hands-on than a relatively healthy wild is going to allow you :D
2. Does anyone think it would do any good to give such a squirrel a one-time dose of acyclovir before re-releasing?
The recommended dosing is 3 times a day for 5 days. One dose is not likely to have much effect.
3. Monitor the squirrel and re-trap if he gets worse, but before he's totally blind and debilitated.

I have read that when the pox begin to dry up and fall off, at that point, there will usually be no more new pox. If a squirrel has survived to this point--and last night Sharon reported she had one like this--do we still trap and transport? That's my understanding, too, but you could verify with Loopy or Jackie. They don't all come out simultaneously, but I think they mostly develop over a short period, then start to dry up.

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

03-03-2009, 08:13 PM
Just found this very sad story and photos. I can tell you I shouted "Oh God" out loud when I saw them. I don't have any helpful advice but did want to compliment your heroic efforts to help these squirrels. You are admired.

03-03-2009, 08:28 PM
JIT & AEMJ - I can provide tshirts, for cages, I presume?
Water bottles.....like bottled water? I can do that, too & bring them with me on Friday. Let me know!

03-03-2009, 10:49 PM
I've been thinking through the logistics of your rescue mission .... and also happened to catch up on the St.Pete pox thread, where is has proven to be difficult to trap the second ailing squirrel ....... and we have seen before that it can take several days to trap the "right" squirrel(s).

So .... I'm wondering if it might be best to make this a two-stage rescue mission? Can we get some traps to the Keys first and teach them how to set and bait them (ummm, 4S?? :D). Then once there are squirrels ready to be transported for treatment, the Tampa Sq. Ambulance can hit the road and come south for them?

It's a very long trip from Tampa to the Keys. If they come all that way and no squirrels are trapped on Sat., then what? Turn around and drive back. Then sqs may be ready for transport in a day or two or three. So then we need someone to drive back again?? Wouldn't it make more sense to have them be called in once transportation is needed? Again, this is a valuable resource -- Jackie and AEMJ and 4Skwerlz each are offering to donate a day to this mission and we should make the most of it.

I hope this is helpful -- you are all wonderful for trying to help these squirrels. :Love_Icon

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

03-04-2009, 12:08 AM
You all are an amazing group of people. I agree that we need help trapping, and once we have some sick one, then wheels in motion to transport. I reported to Jackie today, I did not see my very sick one or my blind one running in circles today. I looked everywhere and sat out back, feed a few others, but never saw my 2 really bad ones. Did not have any lucky trying to catch them. I was afraid of the cold weather and there condition, and I pray to God they made it thru the night, but they never came out today, even at their regular feeding time. I have another one that will be totally blind in a few days, and 3 with several pox sores on them. I use to have 10 or more squirrels in my yard, but they seem to be dwindling. Three have literally died on me, and 2 more are in question. Jackie has my phone, and any one is welcome to call. Once a plan is put in motion let me know, I can let you know are schedule, whether my husband has to work or not, me and my boys will be home this weekend. Thanks again for all the help and support. Sharon

03-04-2009, 06:12 AM
I agree....a cold windy day isn't good. The first warm, sunny morning (maybe today), you will probably see them all out there, hungry.

Also, on the point about marking them with paint. How about a dab of brightly colored magic marker? Could be done through the trap. Henry can testify that this lasts for a couple of weeks...

03-04-2009, 06:14 AM
As for logistics, I'm willing to go down there Saturday and help trap, since I'm the closest. Then if squirrels are caught, Jackie and AEMJ can fire up the squambulance.

It's really up to you guys, Jackie, etc., since you'll be traveling the farthest. Whatever you want to do. Just let me know.

Jackie in Tampa
03-04-2009, 07:29 AM
The halfway house upstairs is ready! I say if we get Poxy sqs from St.Pete, maybe they should go to Loppys with Taz, thinking to bring Keys pox tp my house. This may seem silly and probably is, but my simple brain thinks that there may be a reason that we don't know about ...to not mix these two strains, if there are two strains.? I can run this by my mentors and Loopy. That's first!
Second, to catch in atrap is the easy part, but to handle a wild sq is not! So coloring tails etc, is not probable. Giving meds and keeping digits a must.
Third, Loopy and I discussed and decided we will not treat the mange issue. If sq survives the pox, he'll most likely hurdle the mange too! We do not like the outcome of mixing the different meds, we think this has huge impact on mortality outcome.
Fourth, these are jmo too, meds, we do have enough to go for now, but they will dwindle...we are looking for fresh un opened prescriptions of acyclovir dosed for children in a flavored syrup form to be given orally...if you have this or can aquire, please pm myself or Loopy! Thank you, we can pay for the meds and shipping.
Fifth, cages, space and triage time, I can only handle 6 or 7 max! However if needed, I have one more small space that can be transformed quickly!

If this goes down...remember everything maybe infected....so for Henry and Pickle etc, bleach all...shoes etc. Lysol everything. I am a bigger worrier than Loopy, but that's me....

I have emailed Sharon. She did not see her sick sqs yesterday, I am thinking the weather!?
I am waiting for update on trap status and sq status, thanks Sharon :bowdown for going the extra mile! Steve too!
Also, Pam, can you repost that link about Nystin, Nystop powder, that Dr.J found, the study that was done by university students...I can get that from pharmacy if we need, it is roughly $60...but can be divided betwwen Loopy and I. I would like to try this as a topical.:thinking
Thanks all!
Good Luck:grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
03-04-2009, 07:31 AM
Do you have enough traps to do this or do you think the one they have will suffice?
Not sure they have a trap....they have caught previous sqs with hands/gloves. Very slow and dibilitated!

03-04-2009, 08:42 AM
OK 4S do you have a trap? If not then one of us has to take a couple traps down there. Then the other can play Squambulance when the call comes. Sound like a plan?

I have no trap here. My havahart is up in Melbourne in storage with most of my other stuff...grrr.

I can buy traps if necessary.

03-04-2009, 08:48 AM
Here is the info that we had for the NYSTOP powder:

Originally Posted by info from the Vet Network
Just an interesting tidbit from our wildlife rehab people. We have been seeing alot of juvenile squirrels with pox lesions. On a whim one of the rehabers applied a nystatin powder called NYSTOP to the lesions. Within a day they begin to dry up & fall off. I always thought the fungal infections were secondary to the viral lesions but maybe they are on to something..... The rehab people also stated they had tried other nystatin formulations but this was the only one that worked.

The squirrels were treated with Nystop powder twice a day and by the 5th day the lesions were reported to be clear. There were pictures but when I copied the post, it didn't "copy" the dramatic photos. (I no longer recall where it was and have no time to search -- it was in Jackie's original poxy sq thread if someone has time to search and post the link or copy and post the pics?? Or, Pam if you still have the original handy??)

There is also Nystatin cream, as you know, and which has been used because it is available but -- SO FAR -- the powder has not been. The original rehabbers were quite clear that they saw better efficacy with the powder than other nystatin formulations (cream, etc.). No one knows why. FYI, nystatin (the active ingredient) is an anti-fungal. Pox is a virus so it would not be expected to directly affect the pox disease. BUT these rehabbers saw VERY dramatic results, very quickly. Very exciting. If anyone can talk a vet into prescribing this to try in the squirrels to be treated ......

If the powder is used, care should be taken to avoid getting it in their eyes or allowing dust to be breathed.

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

[ummmm, from way up here in the north, I was sort of viewing "Tampa" as the "greater Tampa geographical area" (:tilt -- very "greater") although I imagine those of you in St. Pete do not exactly consider yourselves as being in "Tampa" -- so sorry for my haste in gathering you all up together. :shakehead It is also quite a long drive from St. Pete ....... :tilt ]

03-04-2009, 09:01 AM
How much do the traps cost to purchase? Would it make sense to use some of the donations to purchase a few traps that could be moved around as needed? They could travel with the squirrels when it seems like it is the last group -- which probably would be soon, as the outbreak runs its course in a given location. Just a thought -- I'm not quite sure how the logistics might be managed .....

Jackie in Tampa
03-04-2009, 09:04 AM
prescription of nytop powder is no problem, as DR.Gray wrpte before, I'm sure she will again...last script went unfilled, no poxy sqs at the time. This was last year.

Jackie in Tampa
03-04-2009, 09:05 AM
OK 4S do you have a trap? If not then one of us has to take a couple traps down there. Then the other can play Squambulance when the call comes. Sound like a plan?
4Skwerls has access to pox funds and can purchase, she also has mega experience with trapping!:bowdown
:wahoo :wahoo

03-04-2009, 10:18 AM
Good idea to keep them separate as much as possible. In addition to Pox, they may be carrying other infection that would be "new" and possibly more problematic for sqs from a different area.

Jackie in Tampa
03-04-2009, 05:43 PM
Leigh will purchase traps and go for afternoon feeding on thursday. If squirrels are trapped we will train them up here tomorrow night. That's the plan.
Good Luck Leigh! Be careful:grouphug

03-04-2009, 05:48 PM
You'll train them up on Friday night?? Do you need a hand??

Jackie in Tampa
03-04-2009, 05:50 PM
is today thursday or wednesday?

03-04-2009, 05:51 PM
Today is Wednesday, sweetie!

03-04-2009, 08:47 PM
Hi guys, squirrel pox is just horrible, isn't it? My experience has been that it is difficult to catch them while they are well enough to make a difference. I would still try, though, just sharing my experience. I'm going to say a prayer tonight that you guys are successful in helping these poor squirrels. Thank you for what you're doing. :Love_Icon

03-04-2009, 10:45 PM
:wave123 squirrelena! We miss you and thundersquirrel! :wave123

island rehabber
03-04-2009, 10:56 PM
:wave123 squirrelena! We miss you and thundersquirrel! :wave123

I was thinking the same thing! I was reading one of TS's poems the other day...she is a wonderful poet. Nice to see you back, squirrelena!

Jackie in Tampa
03-05-2009, 04:12 AM
If caught thursday at dinner, drive them thursday night.:thumbsup
I thought it WAS wednesday...but it's thursday now!:thumbsup
Good Luck 4Skwerls!:thumbsup
:wave123 Hello Henry!

03-05-2009, 09:48 AM
Do you guys still need some $$$$??? let us know! :D

03-05-2009, 12:26 PM
OMG. Poor baby. It is definitely squirrel pox cos I have one which was like that. BEst way to catch them is to use chicken wire. If you PM with your tel# I will call you and explain how best to catch it. It will recover if catch and taken care of. As to whether it will be reseable I am not sure. Live traps i dont think will work and I use the chicken wire method. The reason why I ask you to PM me is the only way I know how to describe how I catch them is explain to you over the phone. If not I will take a pic of my home made trap and post of picture. Cant do it till tonight though cos my old camera broke. Not sure how to download pic from new camera.

actually i am going to try to explain but it. Cut a sheet of chicken wire and make it into a cylinder by joining the 2 edges. You will have some sharp edges, just fold them inwards to join but make sure no sharp edges are inside the chicken wire cylinder. Make sure that the trap is big enough inside diameter 10inches and ht 14-16inches. then you need to seal one end by folding the wire over. make sure that this fold and your join are all secure cos they will try to put up a struggle.

next thing to do is when you see it, try to get close to them. You may have to stop and stay still several times so as not to frighten it cos they can still hear you and keep very still. once you get close enough put the wire trap over the squirrel., then quickly pinch the bottom close with your squirrel inside., This is how I catch all my squirrels and works 99% of the time for me. If your squirrel trust you, you may want to tempt them with a nut with one hand and hold the chicken wire trap with your other hand to put over squirrel. Or if it is standing on the ground eating you can creep up and put wire trap over it. I hope my explaination is good enough.

03-05-2009, 04:36 PM
The problem with using Chicken wire, is that when trapped the squirrel chews on it and it bloodies they mouth, and thrashing around in the trip can do even worse than that, because of the wire, not just the cut edges being too sharp. This can have that happen with Havaheart traps, but is far less likely compared to using a makeshift chicken wire trap.

Jackie in Tampa
03-05-2009, 05:53 PM
Great Job S&S, and Leigh!:bowdown
See you in a few hours Leigh! Be safe!:wave123

03-05-2009, 06:00 PM
:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown

BOTH of you drive safely!! Hope you each think to post when you get home :thinking --- for us worry-wort-types :tilt

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

03-05-2009, 06:48 PM
Jackie and Loopy-
Went to my vet's office today, vet not in until tomorrow. I Googled both acyclovir and the nystop top powder. Both are people drugs sold by prescription but I don't see having any problems with getting a scrip tomorrow. I will mail them out to you Jackie, since I have your address. Found both meds on web MD, and printed the information out and left it at Dr. Julie's. Let me know if I can do anything else:grouphug :grouphug :Love_Icon :Love_Icon To all concerned. My prayers as always are with all of you and the squirrels.

03-05-2009, 07:46 PM
She caught two -- and is on her way toward Naples/Ft. Myers. Jackie on her way south to meet her.

P.S. Anne, I sent you an email -- your PM message box is full. :)

EDIT: Just see squirrelcharmer here -- I mis-spoke. That should be "THEY caught two ...." (and both are on their way to treatment.:grouphug :grouphug

03-05-2009, 08:01 PM
Leigh did such a great job today helping me and my husband trap 2 of our very sick pox squirrels. Steve had to catch one by hands, and the other one went right in the trap. Leigh was so helpful with alot of very knowledgable information. I still have 2 or 3 with pox, but not as bad as the 2 Leigh is bringing to Jackie. I will try to catch some more and set up another transport when we can. I pray they do well once they get some meds in them. It was so nice meeting Leigh and would love to be able to meet Jackie some day. Still did not see the blind one that bit me, or the really sick one. It has been a few days, I am thinking they are gone. I pray Leigh and Jackie have safe trips, post something when someone knows how their trip went. Thanks again for everything everyone, Sharon and Steve

03-05-2009, 08:16 PM
Leigh just called from the Miccosukee Rest Stop on Alligator Alley. Not sure of Jackie's location -- just got her voicemail. I will try to help them figure out where to meet. And will let you know when I have anything new to report. :grouphug

03-05-2009, 08:40 PM
:multi :multi :multi :multi :multi Way to go Florida Area Rescue Team!!! Honest, I did not do this on purpose!:rotfl I was going to say group but team sounded better. :rotfl

03-05-2009, 08:45 PM
Awesome job! I've been following along closely!

FS, that's too funny!

Yay, FART!
:multi :multi :multi :multi

03-05-2009, 09:35 PM
OK!! :wott Jackie and Leigh just met up in Bonita Springs (just north of Naples). I talked to Leigh and heard Jackie in the background. They are both doing OK and replenishing drinks and snacks. (gotta say, I was getting really worried about Jackie as I have only gotten her voicemail for about 2 hours -- turns out she lost cell service and called Leigh from a pay phone -- thank goodness they still have those around :D )

I asked both of them to post when they get back home. For Leigh that will probably be a couple of hours. Longer for Jackie -- It's unclear to me whether she is just going home (maybe 2.5 hours) or had arranged to take the squirrels straight to Loopy (maybe 3.25 hours). Either way, it will be a long time til she gets to her computer.

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

03-05-2009, 09:37 PM
:wahoo :wahoo

I'm waiting with you, BsMom!! :jump

:thumbsup Great job, everyone!!! :thumbsup

Jackie in Tampa
03-06-2009, 12:34 AM
Safe at home for a potty stop and to see if i can reach Loopy....when I had no signal, I ran my phone outta battery:soapbox It's 12:30 and I am scared to call Loopy!:tilt Sqs are with me. Going to give them some water! I will Pm Loopy first!:D so far so good!If I can't reach her...I will start on meds!:thumbsup
Great Job All!:bowdown

03-06-2009, 12:34 AM
Just got home. What a drive.

We got 2 squirrels in 2 hours--the 2 worst ones.

Rocky is in the worst shape of the ones still alive--totally blind and debilitated. He was so sick he was just lying limp on a low branch. I was worried he might not even come down to feed, so Sharon's hubby scruffed him. He fought hard and got stressed during the capture. I really didn't want that to happen, but I wasn't leaving without him. I thought we were going to lose him on the drive up. But he was still alive when I handed him over. Prayers for this one.

The other squirrel, second-worst-off, ambled into the trap with no problem, and with quiet, gentle handling, we were able to avoid stress during the capture. I also think he's a more laid-back squirrel. Seems very sweet. While I was driving, I could hear him walking around the cage, eating his apple and peanuts. Seemed unfazed by the whole procedure. He's got pox real bad, but isn't quite as debilitated as the other one, and also isn't completely blind. Prayers for both of them.

I'm so tired I'm hallucinating, just trying to wind down.

03-06-2009, 12:37 AM
Jackie, so glad you made it home safely. Do you know if 4skwerlz has made it home? You guys are amazing! You are an awesome bunch of people. :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown

03-06-2009, 12:38 AM
Well I guess I was still typing while 4 skwerlz posted!

Jackie in Tampa
03-06-2009, 12:41 AM
Jackie, so glad you made it home safely. Do you know if 4skwerlz has made it home? You guys are amazing! You are an awesome bunch of people. :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown
I still need to get up to Loopys...an hour plus each way, waiting to see if shes awake...:poke I ain't calling!:D I pmed and emailed!
4S,Glad your home sweetie....go to bed, thanks for the two sweeties!
:wave123 Hello Henry!

03-06-2009, 12:42 AM
Yes, the F.A.R.T.s are both home.

Jackie and I are totally in sync. We pulled into our meeting place like 2 minutes apart....and just got home at the same time...:D

03-06-2009, 12:44 AM
Jackie, Maybe those two babies will be fine at your place tonight.....

It was SOOO great to see you...wish we could of hung around longer and just chilled....

Jackie in Tampa
03-06-2009, 02:28 AM
They've had their meds!
The better of the two had a shelled hazelnut and some water gladly. However had to force the meds, gave him some fleece blankies and tucked him in...he/she has some wrestle left in him!:thumbsup This is a really sweet squirrel btw.
Rocky however is very still and no sight at all! He had meds and I held him also, not as strong. Offered water,seed, nuts and avacodo to both!
Saying my prayers and off to bed!:wave123
Thanks Leigh, thanks Steve and Sharon:grouphug
F.A.R.T.s! we aren't farts! anything but that...I even hate the word!

Nancy in New York
03-06-2009, 02:46 AM

03-06-2009, 02:58 AM
Thank you both ................. so glad everyone made it back safely. :grouphug

03-06-2009, 03:47 AM
THank you so much again!!! I am so glad to hear Jackie and Leigh made the trip safely and are home. I am praying for my two babies, I am glad they are in the hands of people that truly care if the live and not die from this virus. You all are a great group of people, and Steve and I are willing to do whatever we can do to help. Please keep us posted on their conditions, Rocky is the weakest and totally blind, and the other one is Chip. My little boy named him. There were two squirrels, almost sure they were siblings, that were always running and playing with each other, so he named them Chip and Dale, he said they were brothers. Well Dale is completly healthy, Chip had a pox on his little chin, almost like a chip on his lip, so he was named chip. I am hoping he does well. My whole family hope they survive and get to come home. Also have one that may have a broken leg, but no pox. Leigh told me, no worries, he can heal on his own. I still have 3 with pox, no too severe, but it will probably get that way. Will try me best to catch them, next time a train can be set up. Steve said we could help drive them up also. I can't say how happy I am for a job well done. It was a wonderful learning experense for me. I learn something new everyday about those little guys. Prayers are with them,Leigh,Jackie ,Loopy and all of you out there that love and care for the squirrels. Sharon

Jackie in Tampa
03-06-2009, 07:49 AM
If I'm a FART, and Leighs a FART, then Jeff and Loopy are FARTS too!:thumbsup\...but I'm not a fart...no!

island rehabber
03-06-2009, 07:51 AM
It's all been said but I'll say it this way: you are intrepid angels of mercy. :bowdown

For the benefit of those coming to this thread for the first time, it is very important to note here that Jackie, Loopy, 4skwerlz and everyone else involved in this heroic effort employs the most stringent hygiene to prevent cross-contamination or spreading of this horrible virus. Not only are they trying to save these poor squirrels, but through care and good rehab methods they are preventing others from suffering this horror. :bowdown

Jackie in Tampa
03-06-2009, 07:53 AM
It's all been said but I'll say it this way: you are intrepid angels of mercy. :bowdown

For the benefit of those coming to this thread for the first time, it is very important to note here that Jackie, Loopy, 4skwerlz and everyone else involved in this heroic effort employs the most stringent hygiene to prevent cross-contamination or spreading of this horrible virus. Not only are they trying to save these poor squirrels, but through care and good rehab methods they are preventing others from suffering this horror. :bowdown
My car keys and eyeglaasses are in lysol now!:D :thumbsup

island rehabber
03-06-2009, 07:56 AM
My car keys and eyeglaasses are in lysol now!:D :thumbsup

wow..I wouldn't have even thought of that......:thumbsup

Jackie in Tampa
03-06-2009, 08:11 AM
FS, :poke trouble maker...I'm getting pms calling me the 'F' word!

03-06-2009, 08:25 AM
It's all been said but I'll say it this way: you are intrepid angels of mercy. :bowdown

For the benefit of those coming to this thread for the first time, it is very important to note here that Jackie, Loopy, 4skwerlz and everyone else involved in this heroic effort employs the most stringent hygiene to prevent cross-contamination or spreading of this horrible virus. Not only are they trying to save these poor squirrels, but through care and good rehab methods they are preventing others from suffering this horror. :bowdown

True. I never touched the squirrels, and the carrier and traps were new. Once a squirrel was caught, a T-shirt or towel was placed over the traps immediately and I carried them to the truck through the cloth. I also put down a big towel under the trap so it didn't touch the carpeting in my truck. The cat carrier had solid plastic bottom and sides. I washed my hands carefully at Sharon's just before leaving her house. Once I handed over the squirrels, I carefully folded up the towel, handling only the edges that were outside the trap, and chucked it in the trash right there in the parking lot. I wore old tennis shoes and they went in the trash too once I got home. Dropped my clothes into the hamper and took a careful shower, even before I posted on TSB last night. Unless the virus is airborne, and we know it's not, it's hard to see how I could have picked up anything....

F.A.R.T. indeed. I prefer to think of ourselves as the Association to Save Squirrels.:D

island rehabber
03-06-2009, 08:28 AM

Jackie in Tampa
03-06-2009, 08:34 AM
F.A.R.T. indeed. I prefer to think of ourselves as the Association to Save Squirrels.:D

03-06-2009, 08:59 AM
Yeah, now the Association for Saving Squirrels I've been in for a long while. I'd sure be proud to be a FART if I lived in Florida, I wish I did. Great job Sharon, Steve, Jackie, Leigh and Lynne.

Nancy in New York
03-06-2009, 09:15 AM
:thankyou :grouphug :thankyou :grouphug :thankyou :grouphug :thankyou :grouphug
Yeah, now the Association for Saving Squirrels I've been in for a long while. I'd sure be proud to be a FART if I lived in Florida, I wish I did. Great job Sharon, Steve, Jackie, Leigh and Lynne.

I would also be PROUD to be a FART in Florida...You are the most awesome people!!!!:thankyou :grouphug :thankyou :grouphug :thankyou :grouphug :thankyou :grouphug :thankyou :grouphug :thankyou :grouphug:thankyou :grouphug :thankyou :grouphug :thankyou :grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
03-06-2009, 09:15 AM
:thumbsup Good news, Got the meds Loopy!:thumbsup $35.00 and I'm bringing them with me!:wahoo :wahoo Let's hope it is THE bomb!:D
I have two heating pads and fleece,guaze Qtips etc., what else ?
I want to leave soon, one stop at Walgreens, do you need something?

03-06-2009, 09:22 AM
Hi Jackie,
Saw that you are online, how's my two babies this morning? I can't thank you, Leigh and Loopy for all you have done. There is a special place in heaven for angels like you'll. Sharon

Jackie in Tampa
03-06-2009, 09:28 AM
Hello Sharon, they both said 'thanks mom'...yep both are still with us!
Prayers answered!
Actually just caught Rocky drinking, this made my heart smile.
Chip is sleeping. We are ready to roll!...thanks all:wave123
Thanks Sharon, your kids are gonna be just fine!:thumbsup

Nancy in New York
03-06-2009, 09:39 AM
Thank you both ................. so glad everyone made it back safely. :grouphug

And a BIG THANK YOU to you also Buddy's Mom for all of your time consuming posting, thoughts, and typing so the rest of us knows what is going on.:thumbsup :grouphug

Mookie's Mom
03-06-2009, 09:45 AM
I am so proud to be a member of TSB!! I am in awe of you people!!! For all you do :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou

03-06-2009, 09:51 AM
Hi Sharon,

It was wonderful to meet you too, though I wish it were under better circumstances.... You're a lovely person and a true squirrel lover. How do I know? Your squirrels trust you, and squirrels are smart!

Have you figured out the smaller trap I left with you yet? It's a little more complicated than the one I used yesterday. I'm curious if they'll go inside, since even though it's supposed to be a "squirrel trap" IMO it's a little small. I like the bigger size. Just my luck that everyone was out of the model I wanted--at least I found ONE, though it was overpriced.

As we discussed, you can set it up as a "feeder" for a day to get them used to it. I'm not as familiar with that type of trap, but maybe you can use some twisty ties to keep the trap from springing. Or prop up the door with a stick.

It would be good if you could trap the squirrel that has pox all over his genitals as soon as possible. I know he still seems pretty lively, but if his urethra and penis get eaten up with pox, he won't be able to pee and might have to be euthanized.

Now that you've seen how easy it is, I'm sure you'll have no problem.:thumbsup

03-06-2009, 10:59 AM
And a BIG THANK YOU to you also Buddy's Mom for all of your time consuming posting, thoughts, and typing so the rest of us knows what is going on.:thumbsup :grouphug
Thanks .... I was very glad to provide cell phone contact and my Typing Fingers :)

03-06-2009, 11:18 AM
And a BIG THANK YOU to you also Buddy's Mom for all of your time consuming posting, thoughts, and typing so the rest of us knows what is going on.:thumbsup :grouphug

Amen to that! I don't know what any of us would do without her.:bowdown I can't tell you how many times she's saved the day...often working behind the scenes, providing support and good advice, and sometimes just a calming voice and a much-needed reality check. I was dreading that drive across I75 ("Alligator Alley") by myself--it's a monotonous, dark, and desolate drive through the swamps with only one exit along a 60-mile stretch. Jill told me the exit was there, and just knowing that was such a relief. With Jill just a phone call away, I knew I wasn't alone. Thank you Jill. You're a true friend.

03-06-2009, 11:30 AM
Just left my vet's office with BOTH prescriptions:thumbsup :
Each is marked for three refills:wahoo :Now someone tell me what to do with them! Fill them? Mail them out? :dono:
No answer on the phone from either Jackie or Loopy-----HELLO, need advice here. Am calling around to pharmacies checking prices.

Loopy Squirrel
03-06-2009, 08:43 PM
Hi all, Chip & Rocky are resting comfortably. They just had their second dose of medicine and were tubed a food slurry. Meds in, bellies full, couldn't ask for an easier life. Unfortunately they don't seem to appreciate all the extra fuss at the hotel pox.

03-06-2009, 09:01 PM
Thanks for the pic of sweet Chip. I'm sure he does appreciate it in his own squirrelly way.

I just spoke with Jackie and pumped her for details, so I'll fill in with some of what she told me. Chip and Rocky both still have good appetites, which is a good sign. Rocky of course has the worst pox (though not as bad as Taz) but although very weak he's hanging in there and has settled down comfortably. Chip is in better shape outwardly, but has some nasal discharge and heavy breathing, which is very concerning. The pics don't show the huge pox he has on the side of his face. He's such a sweet boy--he looks you right in the eye...quite a personality. The prognosis on both of them is uncertain at this point.

Prayers for both of these babies.:grouphug And so many thanks to Loopy and Jackie, our squirrel saviors. No matter what happens, they're getting the best care possible!

03-06-2009, 09:06 PM
I'm amazed these guys are being so cooperative. I know they're very sick but wild is wild. Sending them healing energy.

03-06-2009, 09:08 PM
I'm really pulling for these little guys. :grouphug

Loopy Squirrel
03-06-2009, 09:55 PM
The two picks on the top are of Chip and the bottom two are of Rocky.

03-06-2009, 10:30 PM
:grouphug :grouphug Chip:grouphug :grouphug

:grouphug :grouphug Rocky:grouphug :grouphug

03-06-2009, 10:58 PM
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

TSB at its best!!!! rootin for these Fuzzers!

Jackie in Tampa
03-07-2009, 09:13 AM
Prayinf for a full recovery for both. :grouphug Taz was alot worse than these two but I am sure we are not seeing the whole story either....Loopy and Jackie Thanks so very much for what you are doing.:thankyou And Thanks to you Sharon and 4S.:thumbsup
Hello Jeff, Louise and Pickle!

Yeah, these are some very sick sqs...they are not in great shape for sure. I am thinking they are all about the same condition, just some are at different stages with pox afflictions in different areas. Chips butt is very bad!
Tazs head and butt are affected...Rocky has no...NO vision and his penis is horrible. chip and rocky are people oriented, yard buddies, taz is a bit more solitary.
I feel so bad for Rocky, as he cannot see anything and everything frightens him. Try to imagine. When I gave him meds he screamed, not sure what we are and what we are doing to him....He bit the syringe trying to defend himself....so damn sad. Makes my heart hurt...tears and more tears when I think of him, all of them. Dear Lord this is a monster that is eating our sweet sqs.
Thank you Leigh for helping trap and helping drive...what a sight we were on the road...and stink! whew they are stinky sq friends! P U
Jeff, by the time all sqs were caught, bam {Leigh didn't mess around}, I just got in car and drove..no time for planning, however, thank you and I KNOW that you will help with anything...I love a DOer! Thanks guy...I now feel like Tampa Bay area has a Squirrel team! :thumbsup
Loopy is a natural, I have seen her in action...they are in the BEST place possible. And besides that, she is fun and compassionate...just a CHOICE person...I love her and her family!:grouphug Thank you all in NPR!
How were the Vanilla Coke Floats?????
I was able to get the Nystop Powder, very pricey stuff btw, hoping that it gives relief to the lesions. Thank you Pam and Dr.John.
I see in the pictures Loopy is using it! It looks like talc, hoping this works better than our other gooey options! they slide off the wounds and everything sticks to them.
If we lose these sqs, it will be sad, but not knowing anymore than we do, all IS being done. These three are the lucky, to have meds and safety. I love you Taz, Chip and Rocky. Rest sweet babies.

TSB, Thank you for all the donations and the support,
But mostly for the prayers!

Hoping someday to make a difference.

to the person who was worried about transporting sick sqs....thank you for being in sync, we are being very careful and all volunteers are educated and/or experienced, to the best degree that we know. we are always looking for input and experience, :poke also volunteers and donations! we are individuals and work independantly with no formal organizations....just the real sq lovers helping sqs! with that...we will return all sqs to their original homes...that is how we will spell success....thank you for your concern and compassion. Sharon and Steve want their sqs back..so does Kimberly.

so many hugs and thank yous:wave123

PS, a north florida member has recieved all needed meds and will be ready if pox appears in her area.She worked very hard to establish vet contact, and is prepared. nice job!:bowdown hope you never see this...ever!

Loopy Squirrel
03-07-2009, 11:27 AM
All are alive and as well as can be. Rocky was a little more responsive this morning. He was not happy about his treatment at the spa but after awhile he decided that the rub down of ointment felt good and he sat there for it. Chip wasn't having it either but later gave in. Taz was just completely irritable this morning and did not cooperate. As if things couldn't get any worse poor Oliver has a seizure right in the middle of pox treatments. Everybody had to wait, even Oliver, until I could get cleaned up. The good news is that Chip and Rocky's lesions are not as infected as Taz. Most of them are dry. The ones around their genitals are bad but as long as we keep them clean and use the medicine on them they should be o.k.. Their eyes look good, even Rocky's bad one. I don't see any corneal abrasions but I put tripple antibiotic eye ointment in there just to help the goopiness. Taz's eyes are not in as good of shape. He has a bad abrasion in his right eye and the left eye has so much scar tissue that it almost covers the entire opening of his eye. I am worried that he may not have the ability to close and open the eye lids w/ such damage. He is still a fighter though. He hears me coming and growls from under the covers. No one is really eating on there own very well so everyone is getting a supplimental slurry a few times a day. Here are some pics of Rocky & Chip's spa treatment. The first are of Rocky and the others are of Chip. Chip was almost asleep from the rub down.

03-07-2009, 11:41 AM
Thanks for the update. That's so sweet that Chip fell asleep during his treatment. I fell in love with that little guy from the start. And you're even winning over little Rocky. Excellent job as always.:thumbsup

I feel soooo much better knowing these guys are finally getting the care they so desperately needed.
:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou

03-07-2009, 02:04 PM
I can't say in words how wonderful a person you are , as well as Jackie and Leigh. I saw the pictures of Chip and Rocky, shared them with my boys and I was in tears. The are getting the best care possible and I know no matter what happens, you all did everything you could. If there is anything you need let us know. I am still going to try and get my other sick ones trapped. I don't want to overwhelm you with sick squirrels. Don't know how many you can care for at once. Is there an address where money can be sent to for the funds for pox> I will be glad to keep contributing, I know meds can be expensive. I love you for caring for my babies. Sharon

03-07-2009, 02:08 PM
TSB is AWESOME! You are now one of us Sharon & family! :grouphug
Good luck with your other yard buddies. :thumbsup

Here's the thread about helping out with the 'pox fund'.

:thankyou everyone!! Great job! :thumbsup


03-07-2009, 09:01 PM
Does anyone know, if Rocky and Chip get well and come home, what are the chances of them getting reinfected with this virus? Does anyone have information on that, or will they be ok? Also, thanks for the advice on peanut pills, Leigh! They gobble them up, been using the trap as their feeder everyday. They love it, in and out all day, and no fears. Only saw the really sick one once today. Will try to call you and see when would be a good time to catch and bring him up for a transport. Hope Henry is doing well, as well as Jackie's baby. I think it would be wonderful if I had my own pet one in the house, but keeping up with all of them in the yard is a challenge, but worth it. I love them all. THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE FOR THE HELP,SUPPORT AND PRAYERShttp://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/images/smilies/bty.gif I love seeing the pics of my babies and their condition. Loopy you are a true angelhttp://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/images/smilies/2thumbs.gif Sharon

Jackie in Tampa
03-08-2009, 03:35 AM
:thumbsup Thanks Loopy for update!
Come on kids, your momma already wants you back home!
They look great Lynn! Yeah! Big hugs to you!
thanks for pics, I think those three sq are gorgeous! Just sick!
Great job!

03-08-2009, 07:13 AM
Does anyone know, if Rocky and Chip get well and come home, what are the chances of them getting reinfected with this virus? Does anyone have information on that, or will they be ok? Also, thanks for the advice on peanut pills, Leigh! They gobble them up, been using the trap as their feeder everyday. They love it, in and out all day, and no fears. Only saw the really sick one once today. Will try to call you and see when would be a good time to catch and bring him up for a transport. Hope Henry is doing well, as well as Jackie's baby. I think it would be wonderful if I had my own pet one in the house, but keeping up with all of them in the yard is a challenge, but worth it. I love them all. THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE FOR THE HELP,SUPPORT AND PRAYERShttp://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/images/smilies/bty.gif I love seeing the pics of my babies and their condition. Loopy you are a true angelhttp://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/images/smilies/2thumbs.gif Sharon

I'm not sure we "know" much about this virus yet. But the belief is that if they survive they should have some immunity. I'm not personally aware of any confirmed cases of a squirrel getting it twice.

03-09-2009, 10:01 AM
:bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown YOU ARE ALL FANTASTIC!!!!:bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown
If the World had more people like those I have "met" on TSB there would be lesss unhappiness out there...
:jump :jump :jump :jump

03-09-2009, 10:47 AM
Great news on the capture!Prayers going out and up for these and all Squirrels with this horrible disease:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

Loopy Squirrel
03-09-2009, 12:08 PM
All are still hanging in there. I was worried about Rocky yesterday but he seems better today. Chip & Taz are trying to eat on their own but all three are still getting supplimental slurries. The lesions haven't gotten any worse and Taz's lesions are healing great since I started using the Nystatin powder. His eyes are still yucky but his ears are doing much better. Chip & Rocky are getting the powder on their genitals and they look a lot better. Things are looking good so far.

03-09-2009, 12:09 PM
Excellent!:thumbsup Thanks for the update.

03-09-2009, 01:51 PM
Thanks so much Loopy for the update on Rocky and Chip. When you get a chance, my sons and I would love to see some more pictures. I know you are very busy, so don't go out of your way for that, their health is more important, we just miss them and pray they survive this, sounds like they are getting a little better each day. Let me know if you need anything. I am still trying to figure out when to get the other one caught and sent up. I saw him this morning. He reminds me of Chip, he just lays out on my son's swingset, or on a back tree in the sun, doesn't like to come around the others, his legs,genitals,stomach, and going up his side now, getting bad, nothing on the face. I saw a new one in the yard with a lesion around the left eye, but none anywhere else. I HATE THIS HORRIBLE VIRUS!! I had chickenpox, and then got shingles, and still have shingles, so I know it's painful, I want to be able to help them all, you are an angel from God, and everyone on this board truly loves you. THANK YOU AGAIN FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. Sharon

Jackie in Tampa
03-09-2009, 02:32 PM
Hey Sharon...AEMJ , Jeff, wants to help with this next trip. If you can capture and drive northward, he wants to know how far you can go north on I-75? and when. I think to trap in the am/morning would be best, then call and roll!
I hope this can be done smoothly and to Loopy or me with Godspeed! Bless you both! I have all phone numbers or can make the trip also! Let me know.

Thanks Loopy for the update, I love you, you rock! I am so glad the powder is doing better than the sauves...Hey Pam:thumbsup
:thankyou Dr.J! good find!:wahoo

I love good news and happy healthy sqs!
Back to the salt mines!:wave123

03-09-2009, 03:01 PM
If you want to try to catch both of your poxy squirrels, you can buy a cat carrier for $20.00 and transfer one squirrel to the carrier and then the other squirrel can maybe travel in the trap. Be sure to throw some grapes in there for traveling. Helps with rehydration--I was surprised that Rocky actually ate all 5 of the grapes I put in his carrier.

03-09-2009, 03:07 PM
Thanks Loopy for the update, I love you, you rock! I am so glad the powder is doing better than the sauves...Hey Pam:thumbsup
:thankyou Dr.J! good find!:wahoo

I love good news and happy healthy sqs!
Back to the salt mines!:wave123

I'm so glad to hear that the Nystop is helping! Gotta call John and tell him the good news! :wahoo

03-09-2009, 03:07 PM
Glad to see the babies on the road to recovery. Also i wanted to clarify that the chicken wire traps are not meant for transporting the squirrels. (Scirius, you are absolutely right) It is meant only to catch them ( I have no luck using life traps)and squirrels shd be immediately transferred into a cage.

God bless to you all.

ps: Foxsquirrel, how are you. Hope you are keeping well, take care :)

03-09-2009, 03:37 PM
Where is Jeff driving from? I am not very good with directions and driving very far from home, I have only driven up to Kendell and back for doctor appointments. My husband is the driver. He is working at the power plant and they are in the middle of an outage, so his schedule is 6 days aweek, 12 hour shifts. He only has one day off. I am sure he could help me with directions. I will have to pick up a cat carrier, like Leigh said. My sick one is pretty bad, don't know which one of the others I would get to take on the trip. Will have to see who looks the worse. The new one with the lesion around his eye might be a good one. I am going to try and get some photos. Will keep in touch. Sharon

Jackie in Tampa
03-09-2009, 03:56 PM
Also you can try looking at thrift store for small carrier or cage. I will have Jeff bring other trap and carrier if you think you will try to trap more after this next endeavor.
Jeff is coming from St.Pete/Tampa Bay area. He will travel I-75 south and you would travel I-75 north. When leaving the islands on A1A you run into the Interstate {Alligator Alley}...hoping you could shoot across that and meet up in Naples! It is about half way ...I will let you two work out details,however I can help if needed. And would love to!:thumbsup
Praying for your fuzzers!:grouphug
Pam I was so excited!:thumbsup

Nancy in New York
03-09-2009, 06:16 PM
Do you guys need anything from New YorK?:thumbsup

03-09-2009, 08:20 PM
Here are some pictures of Patches. The other one that is really sick in our yard. We are working on him getting close enough to go in trap and eat. Sharon

03-09-2009, 08:25 PM
Poor baby. I hope you can get him some help soon.:grouphug

03-09-2009, 10:08 PM
AEMJ and squirrelcharmer, if you want help figuring out directions or where to meet, let me know.

I took a quick look at MapQuest and was surprised to find that Rt 75 is not the shortest/quickest route if going directly between Key Largo and Naples (4skwerlz did not go directly, but needed to go back to Miami first).

Taking Rt 41 (Tamiami Trail) through Big Cypress Nat'l Preserve, Everglades City would be about 2 hours 45 min (142 miles). I've never been on that road, but it does not look to be as "big" of a highway (vs. 75). Anybody that's been to Big Cypress that can let us know what that highway is like to drive? (vs. 75/Alligator Alley)

The other route (to Kendall, then north (Rt 826) to pick up 75 (approx. at Miami Lakes) and then across 75N (Alligator Alley) -- this is a total of 3.5 hours (193 miles). Pretty big difference in time and distance.

sqcharmer, you mentioned not being much of a distance driver. Are you willing/able, if provided with directions? Do you perhaps have a friend that would like to go along with you? Or even do some driving? :dono

On the other end -- AEMJ, how far are you willing or able to go? :dono

:thinking Does ANYBODY remember if TSB has ever had any members in the Naples/Ft. Myers area that could perhaps take a "middle leg"???? :dono

Jackie in Tampa
03-09-2009, 10:15 PM
The back road you spoke of BsMom is a two lane old road. With pines closely lining the hwy. If you get behind someone pulling a boat on this bumpy road, it is hard to pass, Also Bad A prison out there. And really heavy skitters and gators. I like the back way, to poke around and track. Not to travel!
I have been this way many times.:nono jmo

03-09-2009, 10:41 PM
The back road you spoke of BsMom is a two lane old road. With pines closely lining the hwy. If you get behind someone pulling a boat on this bumpy road, it is hard to pass, Also Bad A prison out there. And really heavy skitters and gators. I like the back way, to poke around and track. Not to travel!
I have been this way many times.:nono jmo
:thankyou -- MapQuest is wonderful, but local knowledge needed, too :D

03-10-2009, 06:12 AM
I've driven Tamiami Trail too. Two-lane road. Gators everywhere. During the day it might not be too bad but I wouldn't want to drive it at night.

On Sunday the truck broke down, overheated. And then of course the hood release latch broke. So we're in quite a pickle here..... otherwise of course I'd take a leg.

Prayers needed that Jay makes it to the mechanic this morning.

Jackie in Tampa
03-10-2009, 07:23 AM
good morning!

jeff i have the trap...pm ing with my address. if you need , i can drive them to you!

Jackie in Tampa
03-10-2009, 09:04 AM

03-10-2009, 08:29 PM
ANyone know how Rocky and Chip are doing? Please let me know if you have heard from Loopy on them, just thinking of them and missing them. Sharon

Nancy in New York
03-10-2009, 08:33 PM
Hi Sharon...Yes, I just "talked" to Loopy. All three ate today, the first time in 3 days...:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

Jackie in Tampa
03-10-2009, 09:01 PM

Loopy Squirrel
03-10-2009, 09:07 PM
All three of the boys were out today and all ate. Rocky has learned from Taz and is looking for a way out of the cage. He was up and moving about, growling at me at every chance. Chip is very respectful and doesn't growl. All are doing good today. I think my children have been giving them lessons in how to talk back! Teenagers???

03-10-2009, 09:30 PM
Thanks so much for the update! You're so busy, but we all appreciate it.

That's so fantastic they were eating. Chip and Rocky are probably feeling more well-fed, hydrated, warm, safe, and comfortable than they have in a long time. Bless their little hearts...and yours.:grouphug

03-10-2009, 09:33 PM
Loopy if I ever win the lottery your getting a rehab center. God love you and those babies.

03-10-2009, 09:38 PM
Loopy, you take such good care of all of your babies!! :thumbsup

Can I be one of your babies, too?? :rotfl :rotfl

:grouphug to you & your whole family!! :grouphug

03-10-2009, 09:44 PM
I sure hope we never see this dreadful disease in Gainesville. Keep up the good healing Loopy!

03-11-2009, 05:28 AM
What great news to wake up and read the babies are doing good. Sorry for the ugliest Rocky is displaying, I know he is happy inside his heart that you are taking care of him. I am glad they are eating and moving around. You are amazing Loopy. A heart of gold, like another member wrote in, if we win a lottery you could have a whole rehab center built for you and the squirrels. You are a fantastic person. Thanks again for all your help. You may be getting "Patches" very soon, another sick one of mine. Jeff and I are working on a plan to get him up there ASAP. I have to teach today and Thursday, but will definitly try to trap him Friday, and with my husband being off work Sat. maybe we can meet up with Jeff and get him up there. Thank you for all you do! Sharon

03-11-2009, 07:52 AM
Way to go guys!:thumbsup Does anyone need anything?

03-11-2009, 08:25 AM
I don't think we do. I am going to get another trap from Jackie today to exchange with Sharon. I have rescue remedy and grapes, apples, & nuts.
I have a sheet to cover the cage with for transport, gloves. Anything I am missing?

Sharon knows the trapping routine pretty well now. If you transport them in cages, I'd put down plastic in the truck and set the cages on that to protect it from any possible pox contamination. Then throw it away.

Jackie in Tampa
03-11-2009, 08:33 AM
I will pre load two syringes of Metacam...in case you can give it!
Traps are disenfected and ready to go! I have extra carriers also!
Poor little fuzzies!:grouphug

Good Luck! I'll be here!:Love_Icon
Thanks Jeff, Sharon and Steve!:bowdown

03-11-2009, 06:06 PM
Hi everyone,
Just got home from teaching today and running some errands. I put food out this morning for squirrels,though I didn't see any this morning. Came home this afternoon, around 4:30, here it is 6:00 and I have only seen 2, have not seen my sick one and have looked everywhere. I will keep looking and hopefully he will come out, I have to teach tomorrow as well, so I won't know if he is out in the day or not. Sure hope nothing has happened. I will keep you posted. Sharon

03-12-2009, 09:34 PM
Another day teaching, fed the squirrels at dinner had about 4 or 5, no signs of my sick one, Hopper was there with his bad leg( either broke or injured), still looking for Patches( my real sick pox baby.) I have to teach again tomorrow,Steve will be home Sat. We may have luck that day catching him if he is out and around the yard. Will keep Jeff and Jackie posted. Sharon

Loopy Squirrel
03-12-2009, 10:01 PM
All of the boys are doing pretty good today. I am having a dilema though about this antiviral. I am cutting it way back because it is causing loss of appetite with the squirrels. When I give it, they don't eat or even come out. Then I have to tube feed which is very distressing to these guys. If I don't give it they are active and they do eat. It is a catch 22. I don't want to cause more stress by constantly handling them. It's bad enough I have to treat lumps and eyes, but then to stick a tube down their throats 2-3 times a day. It is very stressful and I have many animals die from stress alone. I am not sure what to do at this point. They are still on the antibiotic and that is helping their skin infections. At this point we really don't know if the acyclovir is actually working or is the squirrel's immune system kicking in and creating antibodies against the virus. It would be too hard to try and test squirrels using it on one and not another because each squirrel is different. One may be able to handle it like Lilyth, but another may not. Taz was eating but the more antiviral he had in his system, the worse he got. I don't know!

03-12-2009, 10:06 PM
My thoughts are with you.:grouphug :grouphug

03-13-2009, 12:38 AM
If your not sure it's effective and it's causing loss of appetite then maybe you should take them off it. Mind you I know zilch about pox, it's just my logical mind at work.

03-13-2009, 12:39 AM
Continued prayer for these poor babies,and for the rehabbers:grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
03-13-2009, 05:41 AM
Thanks for update Sharon, I am hoping your sqs were getting some healing energy from the sun and will show up soon. Good Luck on saturday! If Hopper is caught, he can be treated as well. But caution as he has been exposed to pox even if not showing symtoms...can your friend help with his meds if caught? Good Luck!

I'm with loopy, in previous studies the acyclovir was dosed for a time period and stopped. With results showing, again with Loopy, not really sure if antiviral is working or pox is running it's course. However, I am glad we did not treat the mange. What are your vibes with the powder? I hope it is working...it isn't cheap, but we have another script for it...so let me know when to fill! Great job Loopy!:bowdown Hows my bun bun?:wave123 :grouphug

03-13-2009, 05:47 AM
Is there an anti-nausea drug you could try?

Loopy, I think you should follow your instincts as to how to treat them.:grouphug

island rehabber
03-13-2009, 07:27 AM
Loopy, I think you should follow your instincts as to how to treat them.:grouphug
I'm with 4S...Loopy your intuition has been so accurate that I would continue to listen to what it's telling you. Maybe allowing these kids to take in more nutrients and build their natural strength back up (also with the help of the Vetri-DMG) is more important than the anti-viral. Love & good energies coming down to you from here :bowdown:bowdown

03-13-2009, 10:07 AM
Loopy, you have very good instincts -- AND have the advantage of closely monitoring how the squirrels are doing and progressing. With this disease (and, in general with treating wild animals), the rehabber/vet/caregiver needs to constantly balance between risk and benefit, and judge what is best for the animal. Which you are doing. :bowdown :bowdown

Here are my thoughts, based on the few "facts" that we have, plus a little logic:

The label dosing for chickenpox in children is 4x per day for 5-7 days. So the actual clinical trials and FDA approval are based on a short course to treat a (somewhat related) pox disease. I believe that for many of the squirrels that have been treated, the acyclovir has been continued longer. In many cases, it is not feasible to dose 4x per day and that may have been the basis for continuing a longer course. :dono

Based on the nature of the med, it shouldn't be necessary to continue dosing until the disease appears to be "gone." Acyclovir inhibits replication/reproduction of the virus, allowing the immune system to get the upper hand. Hopefully stopping it from getting worse. But, it is not directly treating the pox sores themselves, or killing the existing virus in the sq -- as an antibiotic would kill bacteria. So the "end point" of dosing acyclovir would not necessarily be what you would do in the case of antibiotics for a bacterial infection (where you need to continue until all bacteria are wiped out).

:thinking The "acyclovir end point" might instead be the point at which the sq does not appear to be getting worse or developing new pox sores. :dono Maybe as they get strong enough to fight back more significantly, that is an indication of the disease starting to run its course (and an indication of the acyclovir end point)???

If acyclovir was the only med used, the visible pox would then have to run their course of drying up. Hopefully the antibiotics (by treating secondary infextion) and the Nystatin are hastening that process.

So, it seems to make logical sense to stop the acyclovir after a short course to inhibit further viral production. Especially in sqs that need tube feeding. While continuing the other meds that more directly affect the pox sores. And immune boosting supplements/nutrition. And noting how each squirrel does, to build what knowledge base we can.

I hope this is helpful.
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

Nancy in New York
03-13-2009, 12:36 PM
Loopy, I couldn't agree more with everyone. You are doing wonderful. You are right there with them and see them daily. I know that everyone trusts your judgement and we know that you will do the right thing for these guys. It must be hard to make the final decision on anything that you do pertaining to them, especially with all eyes on you...that is a burden I don't envy. There are no definitive answers to this pox thing and so much trial and error. There are times when you can only do your best, and for absolute sure, this is one of them because you are going down uncharted territory. You are an angel for giving up so much of your time and life for these little ones. Your deeds are not going unnoticed.:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

03-13-2009, 12:53 PM
Just to back up what Buddy's Mom said (excellent post), from what I've read about sq pox--and all of this is anecdotal at this point--when no more new lesions are appearing on the squirrel, the virus is no longer replicating and the squirrel has reached a turning point. After that, the main issues seem to be:

1. Controlling secondary infections: bacterial, fungal, mange, etc.

2. How much damage was done to external structures and internal organs.

3. Nutritional support, as the squirrels are usually quite debilitated.

So if you're not seeing any new lesions on these guys, I think you can make a good case for stopping, or at least weaning off, the acyclovir.

We're all wandering in the dark here. Whatever you decide, we trust you and we're behind you 100%.:grouphug

03-13-2009, 01:17 PM
We're all wandering in the dark here. Whatever you decide, we trust you and we're behind you 100%.:grouphug

Couldn't have said it better, 4S!! :thumbsup
You're doing great, Loopy! Trust your instincts. :grouphug

03-13-2009, 07:52 PM
I know I am new to the board, but I feel what ever Loopy decides to do will be in the best interest for the squirrels. I sent an email to Jackie, saw my sick one today, he is looking somewhat better, no really red ,open sores, seems more to be drying up. Also Hopper with his bad leg, I don't know if I catch him or not, if the lady friend of mine done here would help. She might come and help the one with the broken or dislocated leg, but any of the others with pox, no way. She is a strong believer that none of them should be trapped and medicated. She says its a virus and it has to run its course. That the squirrels are only getting more stressed out being trapped and caged and handled all the time. She will not help me trap them, or help with any meds, even though she has all of the ones you all mention for calming and pain, mange meds, etc. She is with arkangelsrescue.com and she does rescue squirrels and raccoons, babies or injured, but the pox thing she says she has researched it and knows a virus has to run its course and it takes out the weak and the strong survive, plus she says or squirrels on the island she not be taken anywhere but here, they are different from your squirrels and raccoons. I was really upset and confused, tried talking with her for 3 days while I was teaching, but no way does she want to be part of that. I am sorry , I will keep a look out for the sick and still if Loopy is still treating them, I would like them to get care and treatment. I don't know how to administer the meds or dose meds, so I would leave that in Loopy's hands. I even ask my friend to call Jackie or Leigh and see if either of them could change her mind and pass on the information you all know to her, but she says she has talked to vets and universities and researched it all. I am just wondering if Loopy can send a few new photos of Chip and Rocky. I miss them so much. Let me know what you think is best for Hopper, Leigh said she felt he would heal on his own. Thanks, Sharon

03-13-2009, 08:25 PM
I agree, there's no point in talking to your friend. I understand her point of view, but it's just different when it's your special little friends that are sick and miserable. I don't think it can be wrong to try to help as long as precautions are taken. I wouldn't second-guess myself about Chip and Rocky. I'm 100% sure they're better off where they are right now--getting care, food, and meds. Just think how happy Dale will be to see Chip return! Let's hope we can make that happen.

As far as Hoppy's hurt leg, if it's a simple break, it will heal on its own. Maybe not perfectly, but the only other option is surgery, and that is difficult in a wild squirrel because of the stress and difficulty of post-surgical care. I did think I saw a slight deformation--a bump right above the hip--which could suggest a dislocation. This is more serious, but you said it had been that way for at least a week, and again, the option would be surgery. Which becomes even trickier for a dislocation that isn't treated right away. Sooooo, long story short, there doesn't appear to be much that can reasonably be done for Hoppy. Like I said, if it's a simple break, he should be healed within 4 weeks of the initial injury.

If anyone has a different perspective, please chime in. If anything can be done for Hoppy with a reasonable chance of success, I'm of course all for it.

03-13-2009, 09:05 PM
Have you seen how well Hopper gets around with his bad leg?Just wondering how impaired he is? I agree with 4Skwerlz as far as giving it time to heal on it's own. Even if it's a permanent disability he may be able to adapt and live a normal life.

03-13-2009, 09:19 PM
Hopper gets around just fine. He is a very good climber and jumper, gets his food, buries his peanuts, seems very happy, lounges in the trees with his leg hanging over a branch, very cute. I think it will heal, hopefully. I am very glad my others are getting care, I know they would have probably died in my arms, like the others, I am glad they are with Loopy. By no means was I trying to say what you all are doing is wrong, just stating the other lady's view on the whole thing. I will try and get some pictures tomorrow of patches and hopper if they are out and let you see them, to see what you all think. Thanks, Sharon

03-13-2009, 10:41 PM
Hopper sounds like he's not in such bad shape. Fingers crossed:-)

03-14-2009, 08:16 PM
I did not see the bab poxy squirrel today, though I had 4 healthy ones and hopper, with his bad leg. They are all eating good and very active. Any word on Rocky and Chip? Sharon

03-15-2009, 01:03 PM
Saw my sick one this morning, early. Patches is his name. I sent several photos of him to Jackie this morning, asked her to pass them on to Loopy,Leigh and Jeff to see what they think. I know he could use some help. He is still eating really good and drinking, but he is very shy and scares easily. Hopper was down also eating, but he seems fine, except for his leg, acts like it doesn't bother him. Any word on Chip and Rocky? Sharon

Jackie in Tampa
03-15-2009, 01:37 PM

Jackie in Tampa
03-15-2009, 01:48 PM
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------the pics are so sad:grouphug
and I can't figure how to get them small enough to move here from email...:soapbox

Jackie in Tampa
03-15-2009, 01:53 PM
:bowdown Thanks Shanon...you are so fast! whew...
thanks Jeff, she beat us all ...speedy fingers wow!

03-15-2009, 01:58 PM
Ok, here you go. This poor sweetheart. :Love_Icon

03-15-2009, 02:21 PM
Thanks for posting the pictures. I agree Jeff, I really think they are starting to dry up, there still is some redness, where I think he scratches, but he is eating and drinking well, feeds twice aday, when I see him, and lays out in the sun alot. Guess the heat helps dry them up. I have been giving them peanut pills that Leigh suggested, grapes, and apples. I am not sure what to do about trapping him ,until you let me know what Jackie and Loopy think, I will hold off. Thanks again, Sharon

03-15-2009, 04:27 PM
You all are amazing :grouphug

Lot of emotions ran through me while going through this thread!

Loopy Squirrel
03-15-2009, 04:48 PM
I think the squirrel looks pretty good. The eyes look bright w/ out any goopy, gunk. If the squirrel is eating and getting around well, I leave it be too. I am beginning to think that the stress of being captured is worse for them.

03-16-2009, 06:42 AM
Thanks for the input Loopy, I will just keep feeding and monitoring this one's condition. I read Jeff's post, am interested in knowing some of the answers to his questions. I know you are busy and doing the best you can for the little guys, you are great. Thanks for everything you have done so far and the continuing care for Rocky and Chip. Sharon

Loopy Squirrel
03-17-2009, 09:40 AM
Hey all, sorry I haven't been on much. Just wanted to give a Rocky & Chip update. Both are doing good. Chip is obviuosly much better than Rocky. He is up and about, but still runs the minute he hears me coming. He is eating well. Rocky is still very poxy. He is scabing over and the some of the scabs need to periodically come off. They are hard & itchy. If I can get the top layer off the powder works wonders at drying them out. He still has some that are infected under the scab so those are the main ones I m trying to clean and dry out. He is eating but isn't out as much as Chip. His one eye has a corneal abrasion on it so I am still applying eye ointment to it so it will heal. They are stable so far and I want to keep it that way. Thanks Nancy for the salts & the vetri-DMG. I started the DMG last night and I will give the bio salts today.

03-17-2009, 11:36 AM
Heroic effort Loopy.

Jackie in Tampa
03-17-2009, 11:51 AM
Hugs and Kisses to Loopy and the boys!:grouphug

03-17-2009, 04:18 PM
Hurray, hurray, my babies are feeling better, soon they will be well enough to come home. Loopy is such a great doctor, I am glad they are eating and taking their meds well. I hope to see a few news photos soon of them. I had 5 healthy ones out in the yard this morning, and my sick one is back every day, morning and afternoon. Like you said, he is drying up good. Each day I see him I will try to get some pics so you'll can see his progress. Thanks so much Loopy. Sharon

03-17-2009, 04:27 PM
Hurray, hurray, my babies are feeling better, soon they will be well enough to come home. Loopy is such a great doctor, I am glad they are eating and taking their meds well. I hope to see a few news photos soon of them. I had 5 healthy ones out in the yard this morning, and my sick one is back every day, morning and afternoon. Like you said, he is drying up good. Each day I see him I will try to get some pics so you'll can see his progress. Thanks so much Loopy. Sharon

That's great. We want to monitor him closely in case he gets worse...

03-17-2009, 04:33 PM
I just sent an email to Jackie with new photos of Patches. She will have to send them to you or Jeff ,someone who can download size to post them on the board. Any things you notice , let me know, so in case we have to catch him. Hopper is still very happy and active, just doesn't use that back right leg, but seems not to bother him. Hope all is well with you. How is Henry? Sharon

03-19-2009, 05:50 AM
Hi Everyone,
Talked to Jackie last night, seems my sick poxy squirrel Patches isn't doing to well. I noticed yesterday he is having alot of trouble walking . Some of his scabs look like they are falling off, but he is hopping sort of side ways and acting like his back or front leg on the left side of hurt or something tried to attack him. I took pictures of him last night and also video taped him. Jackie is going to send some meds so I can get them in him. He is not trapped yet, but I am thinking of doing that maybe so he can get his meds and rest for awhile, get good meals and water , and stay warm, but then again I don't want to stress him out, because he is looking weak. Any suggestions? Thanks, Sharon

Jackie in Tampa
03-19-2009, 06:49 AM
In the mail today!:grouphug
Hang in there little one!:grouphug

03-19-2009, 07:41 AM
Doesn't sound good. I would definitely trap him, like today. Then send him to Jackie/Loopy if they will take him. I wouldn't wait.

03-19-2009, 11:19 AM
:wave123 Posting for JackieInTampa

Nancy in New York
03-19-2009, 02:46 PM
This just breaks my heart...:Love_Icon

03-19-2009, 07:35 PM
Tried my hardest to trap Patches today. He came down at around 5-6 to eat. Ate a few peanuts, some sunflower seeds on the ground, and a piece of apple. He wouldn't go in the cage. It was really hard for him to just get a drink, due to his legs and all the sore on the underside of him. When I see him up in the tree he looks like he is shaking and his teeth chatters. He can hardly walk normal, hops side ways. If I had got him tonight, I would have been able to have a warm bed for him,water and food. I just keep hoping he gets thru each day. I will start he meds when I get them right away, I am not working tomorrow , so I will be able to watch for him in the morning. It rained a little here today, cool and damp. Hope for sun tomorrow. Keep Patches in your prayers. Sharon

03-19-2009, 08:06 PM
Poor thing really looks like it feels awful.

03-20-2009, 03:26 PM
Jackie says the squirrels like avacado's. Does anyone know how to feed it to them, raw or do you cook it. I have never bought an avacado before so I want to make sure I am feeding the correctly. Thanks, Sharon

03-20-2009, 04:15 PM
Do you just peel off the leaves till you get to the center, is that where the avacodo part is? Sharon

03-20-2009, 04:19 PM
Do you just peel off the leaves till you get to the center, is that where the avacodo part is? Sharon

Are you sure you didn't buy an artichoke instead of an avocado?
:D :D :D

03-20-2009, 04:38 PM
4S is right, sounds like you got an artichoke. An avacado looks a little like a dark green pear, and peels like one.

03-20-2009, 05:10 PM
Jeff ,
Sorry for the confusion, it's an artichoke that I have, not an avacado, bought the wrong thing, Silly Me. Sharon

Loopy Squirrel
03-20-2009, 06:12 PM
Hi everyone, wanted to give an up date on Chip & Rocky. Chip is doing well. He is still active an eating on his own. Rocky unfortunately is very critical right now. He has developed pneumonia. He is back on the antibiotic and is being nebulized as we speak. He was acting fine this morning w/ no breathing issues. When I checked him this afternoon I could hear the wheezing and he was obviously very uncomfortable. It's going to be a long night so please pray for the little guy.

03-20-2009, 06:53 PM
Many prayers and hugs coming to you and Rocky! :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

Nancy in New York
03-20-2009, 06:57 PM
Hi Sweetie, I am always praying for all of you there. Poor baby. Putting up such a good fight, I just hope that he still has the strength to do so. And if the Lord knows that he can't fight anymore, please dear God take him into your loving embrace and put him out of his misery. If he is meant to be God and Loopy will pull him through...Little Rocky you put up such a valiant fight, if you are too tired to keep going...know that you died with so many people praying for your recovery and feel our prayers and know that you are loved...:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

03-20-2009, 07:33 PM
Mom and Dad are praying for you Rocky! You are a fighter, but if you are tired and ready ti give up, it's ok. You won't need to suffer anymore. Loopy you are amazing, you have done everything you could for him, you have gone above and beyond. I don't know how you get you strength. I will pray for you and all your squirrels you care for. I am glad Chip is doing better. I saw Patches today, he is doing a little better, moving a little better, and alot of his scabs are off him. He ate well this morning and this evening. Did'nt get the meds yet from Jackie, but if they come tomorrow, will start him on them right away. Sharon

03-20-2009, 08:06 PM
Poor little Rocky. I fear this means he has lesions in his lungs.

:grouphug I'm praying for you, sweet, fiesty little Rocky. And God Bless you too, Loopy.:thumbsup

03-20-2009, 08:18 PM
Im thinking of you and praying for your strength, and praying for these precious couragous ones fighting for their life. :Love_Icon

Loopy Squirrel
03-20-2009, 08:18 PM
I am sorry to have to report that Rocky has lost his battle with this damn virus. He just passed a few minutes ago. He was so tired that his body just couldn't fight any more. I just don't understand how these guys can go on for so long and just when you think they are almost out of the woods the virus sneaks back and takes them. It is becoming difficult for me to sit and watch and to not be able to stop it. I have all these contacts and all these meds and it doesn't make a damn bit of difference.

03-20-2009, 08:21 PM
RIP sweet little man, he is out of misery and pain now. Im so sorry Loopy...but never give up...never.

03-20-2009, 08:21 PM
RIP Rocky:sad

Minnie's Mom
03-20-2009, 08:23 PM
I am so :sorry sorry to hear that Rocky passed away. Poor little soul is now in squirrel heaven. :grouphug

RIP Rocky :sad

03-20-2009, 08:31 PM
Poor Rocky. Poor Loopy. Poor poxy squirrels everywhere.:grouphug

Don't ever stop trying, Loopy. At least Rocky never had to run around in circles blindly in panic and then get taken by a hawk. Instead he died warm, safe, fed, and cared for. And loved. You gave him that.:grouphug

Rest in Peace Little Man. We tried.

03-20-2009, 08:45 PM
:grouphug I am so sorry. God Bless You and Rocky:grouphug ....Pam