View Full Version : broken finger???? HELP!!

02-15-2009, 10:39 PM
My baby has a finger(is that what they are called?) on his right paw that is bruised and looks dislocated or broken. It is very swollen and bruised, although they have been in thier cage all day, so I am not sure how it could have happened... My husband thinks it looks abcessed, but I am not sure. He can not walk on that leg AT ALL and I am very worried. What do I do? Pics are on the way, I am trying to upload them now!

02-15-2009, 10:40 PM
Waiting for pics....an abscess doesn't happen in one day.

02-15-2009, 10:44 PM
There arent any pictures???
It read's Photo's have been deleted...from Photobucket?:dono

02-15-2009, 10:49 PM
Here are the first round of pics...I am trying to take more and download them...please answer quick...WHAT DO I DO????

02-15-2009, 10:51 PM

02-15-2009, 10:53 PM
is anyone here...any answers???

02-15-2009, 10:56 PM
The pic is blurry but looks like the finger is just swollen. The fact that he's using it to eat is good. I'm thinking he just wrenched it, "boo boo hand." Even if it's broken I doubt the vet can do anything. I would wait and see how it is in the morning.

If it were an infection, you would have seen some kind of wound before now. Infections take time to set in.

02-15-2009, 10:59 PM
what makes the finger swell like that? it is too times the size of the other ones and it looks like it is bruised and really red around the nail. He will not walk on it at all and he keeps licking it... I am REALLY WORRIED, there is nothing I can do?????

02-15-2009, 11:00 PM
Was the finger okay this morning? How sudden was this? Is there a wound or broken skin? Redness? Need more info.

Don't panic, mom.

02-15-2009, 11:04 PM
As 4skwerlz said, the fact that he is using that paw to hold food, and is wanting to eat, is a good sign -- the paw is functional and he is not in pain enough to interfere with eating. He will instinctively avoid using is and may not put that paw down for a day or two so it can heal. Squirrels heal very quickly and a couple of days of "rest" may be all he needs.

But .... watch him and see if it seems to be improving or is getting worse or more swollen or more red. If it gets worse, or doesn't get better fairly quickly, please do come back and tell us that.

In the meantime -- :Welcome :Welcome -- we would love to hear, and see, more about them! :) [EDIT: Or maybe not -- I see that you aren't a new member, so maybe I have just missed out on hearing about them :) ]

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

02-15-2009, 11:06 PM
the finger SEEMED ok this morning...I will admit I didn't pay too much attention to his finger...he was playing just fine! There is no wound, but a lot of redness around the nail and right where the joing in the mid finger is there is a bruise and it is SOOO SWOLLEN. It looks like it is broken or dislocted or something, but I have no idea how or when this could have happened...When they came out tonight, we noticed he wasn't walking on it and then we say how swollen and red it is...it DOESN"T LOOK GOOD AT ALL, and I need to know how to make him more comfortable or how to fix it...please help!!!

02-15-2009, 11:08 PM
sorry I haven't kept in touch lately, my life has been HECTIC!! My husband got laid off, so I have been working long hours and I am just BEAT by the time I get home. I will try harder to keep you guys up to speed, I appreciate you all SOOOOO MUCH!!

02-15-2009, 11:12 PM
the finger SEEMED ok this morning...I will admit I didn't pay too much attention to his finger...he was playing just fine! There is no wound, but a lot of redness around the nail and right where the joing in the mid finger is there is a bruise and it is SOOO SWOLLEN. It looks like it is broken or dislocted or something, but I have no idea how or when this could have happened...When they came out tonight, we noticed he wasn't walking on it and then we say how swollen and red it is...it DOESN"T LOOK GOOD AT ALL, and I need to know how to make him more comfortable or how to fix it...please help!!!

Sounds like he wrenched it. He might have pulled the nail badly, or wrenched the finger, maybe even dislocated it. If you have a vet, it would be worth a visit in case it's dislocated; perhaps the vet could put it back.

Can he bend and move that finger? If so, it probably isn't dislocated.

Unless he's in severe pain (and it doesn't look like it from the pic), I doubt there's anything you can or should do tonight.

I'm just not seeing any "alarm bells" here yet. Anyone else have a different opinion?

Any chance of a clearer pic?

02-15-2009, 11:13 PM
Is the picture any better small? he won't let me catch him to try to take better pics!

02-15-2009, 11:16 PM
He might have caught it on his cage or a toy, during the day, or maybe they tumbled or played too roughly. It's not unusual for a squirrel to come up lame for one reason or another, and mostly they heal up pretty quickly on their own. Don't be alarmed if he holds it up to his chest -- it's his way of resting it so it heals, even if it's a dagger to your heart to look at. Give him some extra lovins and see if it is better in the morning. :grouphug :grouphug

[EDIT: I didn't mean that as dismissive as it maybe sounds. It's just that I don't think there is anything you can really do for him except keep him from jumping around on it, which it sounds like he isn't doing anyway. If it seems just as bad or worse tomorrow and you have a vet, you can get it checked out. But if it is bruised or broken, the vet won't be able to do anything anyway, it would heal on its own. I think if it was dislocated he would be in way too much pain to hold food like he did. We know and understand that you want to fix it and make it better, but there just isn't much that you can do for it. :grouphug]

02-15-2009, 11:19 PM
I don't know of a vet that handles squirrels in my state, and even if I did, I cannot afford to take him there..if it is dislocated is there anything I can do to fix it or will it heal on it's own...I will try again to take a clearer pic, he is not feeling so well...he doesn't want to play or anything!!

02-15-2009, 11:20 PM
Any chance it could have been bitten? They play rough sometimes and maybe it wouldn't break the skin but bruise it pretty bad. A bad hematoma could account for the swelling, and if that's it, there isn't much anyone can do.

02-15-2009, 11:23 PM
got him, I got good pics on the way....

02-15-2009, 11:24 PM
That's no better.

Slow down and let's take it step by step.... I think there are 4 possibilities:

1. Boo-boo arm. He looks young. They often will wrench an arm or paw at that age while playing too hard. They limp for a day and then get better.

2. Broken finger. It's swollen enough to be a break, but even if it's broken, there's nothing that can be done. It will heal on its own.

3. Dislocation. If it's dislocated, that could be more serious, and possibly a vet could put it back.

4. Infection. An infection would require an initial wound that would have happened at least a couple days ago. Only you can judge whether you could have missed this. With an infection, you should still be able to see the wound, and there would be warmth, redness, and probably drainage.

02-15-2009, 11:26 PM
here is one, I have to resize the others...

02-15-2009, 11:28 PM
this pic is from the top angle, the other one was from the side..it shows how swollen it is!

02-15-2009, 11:30 PM
this shows how he sits, walks, EVERYTHING!! he will not touch it, except to eat!

02-15-2009, 11:33 PM
Okay, one of those pics does show a red area that could be a wound. So it could be an infection. Is there pus or fluid coming out?

02-15-2009, 11:39 PM
we noticed the red area when we noticed he was limping tonight and he won't let me hold him long enough to examine it...he usually is lovey, but he doesn't want to be touched or held. Him and his brother play pretty rough, so that is the only thing I can think of. As I took the picture it looks like the skin is broken, it is on the side so it is not visable looking directly at him. This could have gone un-noticed for some time...if there is an infection, what do I do? How can I ease his pain, he is not himself and I am very scared!

02-15-2009, 11:41 PM
The first new picture does look a bit awkward, but the others look like it is aligned right -- i.e., not dislocated. Certainly it looks sore and I'm sure it does hurt him, but it really and truly will probably be better in the morning.

A little funny story -- not because it is the same thing, but to offer a little perspective. When our Buddy was in the release cage, we accidentally pinched his hand in closing the door - he yelped and sprang away, hand clutched to his chest. We felt HORRIBLE and kept watch all afternoon to se how it was doing. Every time we looked in, little hand clutched to his chest. OMG! Then it finally dawned on me that it wasn't always the same hand - sometimes left, sometimes right. Yes, his paw was hurt at first, but then it got better. Sometimes they just sit like that. :tilt

Your baby has a worse booboo, but it also should get better. He might not feel like playing, but might rather rest or go to sleep early tonight -- totally normal.

Please let us know how he is doing in the morning -- whether better, worse or the same.

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

02-15-2009, 11:44 PM
what is the worse case scenerio if it is infected? It can't kill him, can it? Doesn't he need antiobiotics, or will the infection heal on it's own?

02-15-2009, 11:44 PM
There's not much you can do tonight unless there's a rehabber or emergency vet clinic you can contact.

If he was still running around tonight and ate normally today, I honestly think he'll be okay until morning. With infections, it's important to figure out if it's staying the same, getting worse, or getting better, so take a really good look at it tonight, then compare that with how it looks in the morning. If it looks worse in the morning, then it's time to find antibiotics or a vet.

02-15-2009, 11:48 PM
Where would I find a vet that deals with squirrels?

Also, I have no way to pay for it, soo is there any other way to handle an infection...will it go away on it's own??

02-15-2009, 11:51 PM
Where would I find a vet that deals with squirrels?

Also, I have no way to pay for it, soo is there any other way to handle an infection...will it go away on it's own??

It might get better on its own. Like I said, take a good look at it tonight, and compare that with how it looks in the morning. Then let us know, and we can figure it out from there. Believe me, if medical care is needed, it can and will be found.

I know the feeling of panic when your baby has an injury, but my gut feeling is that this injury is not very serious at the moment.

02-16-2009, 12:07 AM
Gotta log off -- east coast, past bedtime :D

I hope you are able to get some sleep too, and see how things are tomorrow. If meds or vet are needed, we will help you figure that out. But no need to get to that if it's better by morning.

:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

02-16-2009, 12:22 AM
Heidi I will say a prayer for you and your little one. Hope it is better in the morning.:wave123

Thank you so so so much, I would really love that! I'll let you guys know in the morning!

02-16-2009, 12:58 AM
Heidi, sit down, take a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Repeat twice. Now look back over this thread and pay attention to the fact that everyone on here has told you not to worry. I am not making light of your baby's injury, but we have all been in your shoes before - we have all had our first squirrel and have all blown everything all out of proportion worrying. That's just normal. Right now I think you are in a lot more pain than he is. Believe me, if anyone thought it was anything life-threatening, you'd have information coming at you from all sides. Squirrels know what to do when they are hurt. They rest, take things easy for a few days, and let it heal. He is still eating, and coming out of his nest, so chances are he is going to be just fine. If you want to do something to comfort him, make him a rice buddy. (Sock half filled with dry rice or beans, tie off the top, heat in the microwave for 10 or 20 seconds - just til it is nice and cosy warm, and put it in his nest box.) When they don't feel well, they sometimes like the extra warmth. Keep an eye on it. If it gets infected it will have a discharge of blood or pus, just like a person would. Just be guided by his actions - if he feels worse, you will be able to tell. Just like you would favor your foot if you had sprained it, he will continue to favor his paw until it is well. (Maybe even a little longer, if he is getting enough attention from you because of it! :D )

I know it is easy to say and hard to do, but try not to worry too much. Like I said, this is probably bothering you a lot more than it is him. Get a good night's sleep, just like he will, and let us know how things are tomorrow.

We are all here for you, and will help you through everything you need to do.

He'll be fine!!


Jackie in Tampa
02-16-2009, 05:55 AM
Like Muffin suggested, deep breaths!
:grouphug Poor mommy, so worried. These sqs are tough and I swear to you, my hands and fingers hurt and look worse than your babies! I think she'll be fine...a hang nail or something!
Just keep an eye on it! :Love_Icon

02-16-2009, 11:47 AM
I agree that it doesn't look serious but something to keep an eye on:)

02-16-2009, 12:28 PM
:thinking I think everyone was waiting for Heidi to come back on with a "morning report."

Heidi?? How's your little one's paw doing this morning? I hope much better!!

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

02-16-2009, 09:41 PM
Heidi?? How's your baby's paw today? :dono

02-16-2009, 11:13 PM
my baby is having the same problem...when I got her they said she was bitten and it would get better but it never has. It looks exactly like that, very swollen and red. She holds it up to her chest every once in awhile but I think it bothers us more than them. Look at my pictures (i think its under swollen toe help!!!) So if you figure out whats wrong let me know because it sounds like the same thing. THanks and good luck!!

02-16-2009, 11:34 PM
:thinking I think everyone was waiting for Heidi to come back on with a "morning report."

Heidi?? How's your little one's paw doing this morning? I hope much better!!

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

Sorry guys for the delay...I had to go to work this morning and just got home. I PM'd gamma's baby before I went to work with an update, but I guess everyone cannot read that(oops). Anyways, it is no better today, actually a little more swollen. He seems lethargic today, like he is not feeling well. My husband kept him out of his cage all day and he didn't even want to play. I am getting very worried...should I start antibiotics or do I need to give it more time??? He still will not walk on it and it's the "wound" that concerns me the most. What should I do at this point..please help!

02-17-2009, 06:37 AM
Sorry guys for the delay...I had to go to work this morning and just got home. I PM'd gamma's baby before I went to work with an update, but I guess everyone cannot read that(oops). Anyways, it is no better today, actually a little more swollen. He seems lethargic today, like he is not feeling well. My husband kept him out of his cage all day and he didn't even want to play. I am getting very worried...should I start antibiotics or do I need to give it more time??? He still will not walk on it and it's the "wound" that concerns me the most. What should I do at this point..please help!

If the hand seems worse and he's acting lethargic, you need to start antibiotics right away!

02-18-2009, 05:54 PM
I am getting antibiotics..I will keep you guys posted as I am able.
Thanks for all of your help.
Keep us in your prayers!

02-18-2009, 08:45 PM
I'm sorry everyone. I knew heidi had to leave for work this morning, so I was going to post an update. Then our phone rang.... Many of you know that NRBF's 53 year old brother has been battling Cancer, and that's why I've only been on in the mornings. We got a call right after I was PMing with heidi that things weren't good, and we flew out the door. His brother passed at 6:30 this evening, and I just now got home and on the board. Not getting an update was my fault. :sorry

My condolences Gamma & Family :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

02-18-2009, 08:56 PM
I'll be praying for your sweet fur baby and hope the meds work. Best wishes to you and the baby.

02-18-2009, 11:29 PM
Thanks guys....All of your love and love and support is so appreciated. You guys are great!