View Full Version : Whey Protein Isolate
02-11-2009, 08:40 PM
This is probably a really stupid question...
I wanted to give making homemade rodent block a try. I was researching the ingredients and I noticed the board mentioned 'Pure Whey Protein Isolate'. When I went to some vitamin sites, most of the whey proteins they offered were flavored. Does it matter if I buy a flavor (not chocolate of course)? Are there too much added sugars in those mixes? If it's a problem, can someone point me to a site that sells unflavored? That's so much!!
02-11-2009, 08:58 PM
This is probably a really stupid question...
I wanted to give making homemade rodent block a try. I was researching the ingredients and I noticed the board mentioned 'Pure Whey Protein Isolate'. When I went to some vitamin sites, most of the whey proteins they offered were flavored. Does it matter if I buy a flavor (not chocolate of course)? Are there too much added sugars in those mixes? If it's a problem, can someone point me to a site that sells unflavored? That's so much!!
I don't want to beat $skwelz to her punch, but sells it unflavored ( a NOW product) and is a good price if you buy in bulk (which I do).
Al's mom
02-19-2009, 02:34 PM sells it anyway you want it. my son or daughter buys it for me there when they order custom protein shake mixes, good prices too!:thumbsup
02-19-2009, 02:43 PM sells it anyway you want it. my son or daughter buys it for me there when they order custom protein shake mixes, good prices too!:thumbsup
The microfiltered whey isolate from trueprotein doesn't look too bad, although it's not as pure as the Now brand. The Now is cheaper too, if you buy it at Allstar Health: from 6.50 to 10.00 per pound depending on the quantity you buy.
I called the Now company, and Allstar is one of Now's biggest distributers, enabling them to offer the cheapest price. I couldn't even buy it directly from Now any cheaper unless I bought huge 500 lb pallets! I also spoke with a supplement manufacturer, and they said the price I was getting was cheaper than the cost of their raw I'm pretty confident the price is good.
02-20-2009, 05:52 AM
This is probably a really stupid question...
I wanted to give making homemade rodent block a try. I was researching the ingredients and I noticed the board mentioned 'Pure Whey Protein Isolate'. When I went to some vitamin sites, most of the whey proteins they offered were flavored. Does it matter if I buy a flavor (not chocolate of course)? Are there too much added sugars in those mixes? If it's a problem, can someone point me to a site that sells unflavored? That's so much!!
hi, this is a query to 4s......i have the same problem, and since im in india, its impossible for me to buy those things online, cos shipping, and then customs would become a problem.....i have, after a prolonged search, managed to locate a brand of whey protein thats flavoured, and being sold in 2 pound tins.......its optimum nutrition 100% whey protein banana cream flavour.......please tell me its alright to use squirrel is happy and active, but refusing most foods that i give her (except for nuts of course!!) for the other ingredients, im all set to make the the meantime i've been giving her a protein drink called ENSURE - it was recommended by a rehabber i know and chickoo seems to like it.......
one more small doubt - the potassium gluconate is not available here.....we have potassium that alright?........also, is it 4 tabs of 595 mg each?......sorry to be asking so many questions.
02-20-2009, 07:00 AM
hi, this is a query to 4s......i have the same problem, and since im in india, its impossible for me to buy those things online, cos shipping, and then customs would become a problem.....i have, after a prolonged search, managed to locate a brand of whey protein thats flavoured, and being sold in 2 pound tins.......its optimum nutrition 100% whey protein banana cream flavour.......please tell me its alright to use squirrel is happy and active, but refusing most foods that i give her (except for nuts of course!!) for the other ingredients, im all set to make the the meantime i've been giving her a protein drink called ENSURE - it was recommended by a rehabber i know and chickoo seems to like it.......
one more small doubt - the potassium gluconate is not available here.....we have potassium that alright?........also, is it 4 tabs of 595 mg each?......sorry to be asking so many questions.
Potassium chloride is fine. Yes, 4 tabs.
I checked out the Optimum Nutrition whey. It is not as pure as the Now, and so it contains a little more fat and carbs, and less pure protein. But my real concern is that it contains an artificial sweetener, acesulfame potassium. Generally, we try to avoid artificial sweeteners in rodents. A little probably wouldn't hurt, but in this case you'd be feeding it to Chickoo every day. There have been concerns raised about this particular sweetener, including some evidence that it could be carcinogenic.
They don't have an unflavored option, which might not have included the sweetener.
Let me check around and see what I can find that might be available in India.
02-20-2009, 07:46 AM
Every time I think it will be easy to find a different brand of whey protein isolate that's "just as good" or "almost as good" as the Now, I find out it's not the case. I can't find anything available in India that isn't full of the usual junk: sweeteners, flavorings, and not nearly as pure as the Now.
I did find a sports nutrition "superstore" in New Dehli called "Supplement City." Why don't you call them and ask if they have Now brand 100% pure whey protein isolate.
Also, as soon as they are open, I'm going to call the Now company and ask where their distributors are located in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, since this question keeps coming up.
I'll let you know what I find out.
02-20-2009, 08:06 AM
oh dear, my husband seems to have gone ahead and bought it just a few minutes ago.......he lives in a different city, and is coming to meet me tomorrow......had asked him to buy it a long time ago, and he just went ahead :( but thats alright - i will hold on to it for the time being, in case you are able to find an unflavoured unsweetened brand in india......i did call the CEO of supplement city, and they have the same brands (optimum, ultimate etc), but not NOW......also checked the NOW site - there is no option for even shipping to india.......they have japan and taiwan, but not india.
02-20-2009, 08:09 AM
oh dear, my husband seems to have gone ahead and bought it just a few minutes ago.......he lives in a different city, and is coming to meet me tomorrow......had asked him to buy it a long time ago, and he just went ahead :( but thats alright - i will hold on to it for the time being, in case you are able to find an unflavoured unsweetened brand in india......i did call the CEO of supplement city, and they have the same brands (optimum, ultimate etc), but not NOW......also checked the NOW site - there is no option for even shipping to india.......they have japan and taiwan, but not india.
I'm waiting for a call back from Now. Let's see what they say. They should have a complete list of stores that sell the Now internationally. I will let you know as soon as I hear....
02-20-2009, 08:22 AM
i just spoke to a distributor of whey protein in delhi, and he told me the same thing.....the irony is that india is one of the largest exporters of raw whey protein in the world (since the dairy industry is huge here), but this stuff goes to the US, gets flavoured and packaged, and then imported back here to be sold as the finished product......also, this gentleman (CEO of nutrition world) told me that its very difficult to get one without artificial sweeteners cos most companies dont want their protein concentration to go down due to high sugar content.....they keep the protein % up by using artificial sweeteners to keep the sugar % down.......he said he can arrange a 25 kilogram bag of raw unflavoured whey protein from the indian exporter for me, but that would be awfully expensive, and what would i do with 25 kgs?!?!
02-20-2009, 08:37 AM
I'm waiting for a call back from Now. Let's see what they say. They should have a complete list of stores that sell the Now internationally. I will let you know as soon as I hear....
alright. thank you so much. will wait for your reply.
02-21-2009, 10:55 AM
did you hear from NOW? husband arrived this morning with a 2 lb jar of flavoured whey contains both acesulfame potassium and that chickoo cant have it, she's allowed to play with the jar, and the whole family is pitching in to help finish it......i guess our nutrition is well taken care of, but not chickoo's :(.......i am planning to make a batch of blocks anyway to see if she likes the taste of squirrel blocks in general......i figured the carcinogenicity of aspartame etc is long term, so its worth a shot in the meantime........while she figures out if she likes it, i will try to find a supplier for the nonflavoured unsweetened protein.....will that be alright?
02-23-2009, 03:31 AM
any luck with the NOW people?......sorry to be such a nag, but im sitting on a big jar of flavoured artificially sweetened whey protein (on which i spent a small fortune), and feeling terribly depressed.....meanwhile chickoo plays, gnaws, and runs around the room like there's no tomorrow, but doesnt touch her food :(
02-23-2009, 07:29 AM
They never called me back, and I kept trying and getting the "your call will be answered in turn" message.
Will try again this morning.
02-23-2009, 10:21 AM
ok, i hope they have a distributor here......apart from that, there's no plain calcium available here.....can you believe it???.......i only just found out......the calcium aspartate tabs contain so little calcium, that i'll have to use a hundred tabs to get the required amount......they smell terrible too.....any alternative ideas?
02-23-2009, 12:19 PM
ok, i hope they have a distributor here......apart from that, there's no plain calcium available here.....can you believe it???.......i only just found out......the calcium aspartate tabs contain so little calcium, that i'll have to use a hundred tabs to get the required amount......they smell terrible too.....any alternative ideas?
Did you try calling "Supplement City" in India? I posted the link to their website, with phone number, a few posts back.
02-23-2009, 07:14 PM
yes, i called supplement city.......they dont have the NOW brand or any other brand of unflavoured calcium either......the only company that used to manufacture plain calcium does not do it any more......
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