View Full Version : How do I keep a squirrel?

01-30-2009, 12:13 PM
I have noticed that many people have squirrels as pets!! I have some questions!

What is there favorite food?

What is there favorite thing to do?

01-30-2009, 12:39 PM
Hey, Littleapple. Welcome. I'll let others tell you why you should reconsider a squirrel as a pet (I'm sure it's coming), but please listen to them.

01-30-2009, 12:42 PM
Best thing to do is: get a glass of something to drink and then start reading all the threads. You will find the right info about keeping a squirrel, but the thing is a squirrel will keep you!! You have to live with one to understand that, I learned that the first week we had Rocky. So READ READ READ

01-30-2009, 12:57 PM
:Welcome littleapple101 to TSB!

What type of squirrel are you seeing being kept as "pets"? A flying squirrel or a tree squirrel?

Most of the people on here that have tree squirrels either found them when they were a pinky and were abandoned by their mother, fell out of the nest, etc during a natural disaster, etc... They weren't bought, sold or stolen from the nest. Many of the squirrels on here are kept by their "humans" because they are waiting for release BACK into the wild after being rehabilitated or are considered non-releasable due to health problems.

Squirrels are EXPENSIVE and they take ALL of your time. You have to adjust your life around theirs, not theirs around yours. They can't be crammed in a cage their whole life. They chew on EVERYTHING and pee and poop where ever they please.

01-30-2009, 02:45 PM
I have noticed that many people have squirrels as pets!! I have some questions!

What is there favorite food?

What is there favorite thing to do?

I think Gamma laid it on the line, but you ask what is their favorite thing to do? How about bite your fingers right down to the bone when you're trying to stop them from doing something harmful to them. Or, pee and poop in your hair, down the back of your shirt, in your dinner, all over anyone you may have come to visit. They read minds, so anything you don't want them to be doing or touching, well, that's where they'll be!

Hope this helps!! :)

01-30-2009, 04:43 PM
:wave123 :Welcome Glad to have you with us! :D

I'm going to be VERY honest with you, and you may not like what I say, but it's the truth. I'm not trying to be "nasty" in any way. I'm just giving you the cold, hard facts. :D A squirrel is DEFINITELY NOT a pet for a 17 year old. :shakehead You have too much life ahead of you. Many new experiences and situations that you will be going through, such as maybe college, getting your own place, marriage, children, etc. A squirrel can't handle that. They do not like change of any kind, or new people around them. They can become VERY nasty, because everything is their turf and they don't like "strangers" on it. They are VERY territorial. I'm telling you this because I'm not only looking out for you having a squirrel, but looking out for the squirrel, too. If things don't work out with having a squirrel, you just can't open the door and let it go, nor can you give it to someone else. MOST of the squirrels on this board are being raised for release, or they have "medical" problems and can't live in the wild. These squirrels even require more care and expense than the average squirrel, as most need to be seen by vets often, and require a lot of extra care, and living arrangements, due to their "special" needs. To try and make you understand a little bit clearer of what I'm trying to say, I'll put the post on here that I give to people thinking about getting a squirrel...

Speaking as an "owner" of a squirrel, I am going to be very honest with you. THINK TWICE ABOUT IT! :D You must be aware of what all is involved in owning a squirrel...They can live in captivity for up to 20 years. It is very time consuming, expensive, and life altering. First you have to start with getting it a big cage, and placing it in your home somewhere, with all its nest, bedding, tree branches, food, and toys in it. The squirrel will require Full Spectrum Lighting every day, after it is off formula, so you must buy these expensive lights. It's diet consist of fresh fruits, veggies, and nuts, regardless, of whether they are in season, or not, which gets very expensive. Next, a squirrel usually only bonds with one person. It will attack and bite ANYONE else. Therefore, don't plan on any vacations, or weekend outings. No one else will be able to care for your "baby" while you are gone, and you can't take them with you, because in the states, it's illegal to cross any borders with them. They also are "chewers", which means, all electrical cords, stereo systems, computers, televisions, lamps, kitchen cupboards, window frames, etc., must be squirrel-proofed, as they must be left out of their cage several times a day to run. Another important factor is, are they legal where you live? If not, what will you do if your "baby" becomes ill? Very few vets will have anything to do with them.

02-16-2009, 11:41 PM
I just read this thread. It is a couple of weeks old now but the poster had a good question to ask, and there were some good answers given.

We were very fortunate to had been blessed by having our dear departed Zipper come into our lives for the two years that she was with us. She was a partially paralyzed due to a car injury and some bad children beating on her. We rehabbed her and gave her a quality of life a squirrel could only hope for, but it was hard work. My wife was actually the caretaker and only she was allowed to be held by Zipper. I recall the weekly bath tub swim sessions she would enjoy, and then my wife would hold her, cuddle her dry and put her in the clean large converted terranium we had made for her. It was hard work though. I will never forget the time the postman was at the door and the dogs barked. Zipper was startled and bit my wife on the thumb...blood was squirting out:shakehead but she calmly reasurred Zipper that it was alright before worrying about her injured thumb. After she calmly placed her in her home, she attended to her bite!

Zipper has been gone fow two years now, but I still enjoy my" pet squirrels" in my back yard. I have 4 that I enjoy watching. One of them is a beautiful black squirrel named "LI'L CRITTER" She is a beauty too. She is trained to eat from my hand and comes to me when I call her.

I would like to suggest that you too enjoy your squirrels from your back yard if you can.