View Full Version : How to keep babies clean

01-06-2009, 11:58 PM
Sadie & Sage are about 1 1/2 months old, after milk feedings they get so messy. if I dont clean them with paper towels they would be worse, but there has to be a better way, they some times look greasy and stink from milk, I want them to look clean and fluffy, any suggestions, I cleaned them in a bowl with about a tablespoon of warm water and my husband didnt like that idea. :dono


01-07-2009, 10:07 AM
You definitely want to clean the formula from them after a feeding. If you don't, the fur will fall out. Don't know why, but something in the Esbilac. :dono After I'd feed Teddy, I would just take a very wet paper towel or washcloth & wipe his face off. Then dry. (Even if they do lose a bit of fur, it will grow back. I've had this happen.)

Since they are babies, they will have an overall 'greasy' look for about another month or so. If you look through Teddy's thread, you will see how he went from a 'greasy' baby to a sleek young flyer.

If you feel you really need to give them a bath....get two washcloths. Soak one in warm water (johnson's baby soap, if you think it's necessary...tiny bit). Wrap the baby within & gently rub their body. (If you've used soap, you'll need to do this again with a washcloth that has no soap.) After that, wrap him/her in a dry washcloth & rub gently again. Make sure they are as dry as you can possibly get them. They get cold very easily.

:grouphug to you & your babies!!

01-07-2009, 11:08 AM
I was told by the person who I got Demetri from to wipe him down with a baby wipe as GB said and after he is COMPLETLY dry I sprinkel a tiny bit of baby powder on him and "fluff him up". It works and it makes him smell really good!

01-08-2009, 10:38 AM

its so nice to have squirrel friends, I love my babies:Love_Icon

01-08-2009, 11:51 AM
Be careful with baby powder. It can cause respiratory problems when inhaled.
But it does smell nice.:thumbsup

01-08-2009, 12:07 PM
yeah with the baby powder just put a little bit on your finger not direclty on the baby!!!