View Full Version : Squirrel Help
08-31-2006, 05:02 PM
I took 4 babies whose nest was cut down. There were a few days old.
One passed fairly early (under 2 weeks or so). The other 3 were looking thin but eating and doing ok for a while. (fed Ebsilac and whipping cream)
One seemed noticably larger than the other 2.
Well at the 4 week stage one developed a bad swollen ankle joint and lost use of hind leg. He passed a day or so after i noticed.
Of the remaining 2, one was significantly larger than the other. Now the smaller one has developed a similar swollen joint and lost the use of that hind foot. Symptoms almost identical to the previous that passed away.
In desperation, i switched to a scalded milk and vitamin E formula ( i read it would help calcium absorbtion) Now the little guy is still goin 4 days later, but not getting noticably better. Meanwhile his sibling is eating like a horse and over twice the size.
First, from reading here I am planning putting them back on Ebsilac with cream and adding calcium. Does this sound ok?
Also, if there was something wrong with the diet, why is one so much larger. The big one is an ox with eyes open and the little look just looks miserable.
Any advice???
island rehabber
08-31-2006, 05:53 PM
Hello...first let me say I am sorry for the little ones you lost. I honestly don't know what would have caused that joint swelling and subsequent death....a wildlife vet is the only way to get the answer to that question. The babies should be switched back to Esbilac slowly -- by gradually adding it to their current formula and increasing the ratio until they are taking all Esbilac. Don't worry about the difference in sizes -- that happens often. As long as one is not emaciated and/or dehydrated.
09-01-2006, 10:15 AM
I'm rehabilating a squirrel since 8/10. she is 5 weeks old. feeding Espilac, 2 parts water and 1 part whipped cream.
she was doing great until this am feeding, would not eat, she pooed and peed and later took a cc of pedialite. she curls up like she has a tummy ache, she is not as curled up now.
do they get tummy aches and refuse to eat?
any info will help
09-01-2006, 10:52 AM
Bunky, listen to her breathe...can you hear it? Does she weez or "click" when breathing? Does she have discharge of any kind from her nose? How often are you feeding her? How much per feeding? How long are you keeping the opened container of whipping cream in the fridge?
Please answer these questions and I'll try to see if there's something obvious that could be making her feel icky.
There have been times when my squirrels will only take a fraction of a feeding...but seem normal otherwise...then go back to eating normally the next feeding... Maybe she just wants a nap. :)
09-01-2006, 11:06 AM
I'm rehabilating a squirrel since 8/10. she is 5 weeks old. feeding Espilac, 2 parts water and 1 part whipped cream.
she was doing great until this am feeding, would not eat, she pooed and peed and later took a cc of pedialite. she curls up like she has a tummy ache, she is not as curled up now.
do they get tummy aches and refuse to eat?
any info will help
okay so this is what my lil pne looks like I found yesterday.. i am unable to go to the store for esblic.. what is okay for now.. I need halp fast... I have been keepin him warm and trying whole milk.. anyone respond THANK YOU
09-01-2006, 11:16 AM
Hi Noelle,
Have you been stimulating him to urinate and deficate? He must have you do this for him or he can't go.
Please stop feeding him whole milk. It's bad for him. Cow's milk isn't really good for anything but baby cows. It can even leach calcium from human bones rather than supply it.
Here is a homemade hydrating solution you can use for a little while. I took it from a reference titled "Care Instructions for Infant Squirrels". You MUST get that baby some Esbilac or at the very least puppy milk replacer of any kind ASAP.
Choice #4: homemade rehydration solution - 1 qt water, 1 tsp salt, 3 tsp sugar. This is meant only for situations wherein, for some reason, you cannot get pedialyte. It is not a full rehydration solution.
Over several hours continue to give the hydration fluid until you see an improvement. (By improvement I mean that the baby will seem stronger; if it was cold then its body temperature will rise; it will look fuller; and if it was not interested in sucking before, it will now begin to show some interest). If the baby is unmoving or cannot drink don't try to hydrate orally, use choice #3 - take it to a vet and ask him or her to inject lactated ringers. Continue the hydration schedule at home until you see an improvement. Transport the baby with a hot water bag under a blanket - it will be cold when extremely dehydrated.
Give fluids even if you think the baby is not dehydrated. Do not start any baby on full strength formula. Always hydrate first and then gradually introduce the formula with extra water as described under formulas. Now, between times of offering the baby the rehydration fluid, read the rest of the instructions, then get the recommended formula and feeder.
How often are you feeding him? How much? With what? Are you providing a heat source for him?
Google the phrase Raising Infant Tree Squirrels, or Care Instructions for Infant Squirrels and you should get a couple of REALLY good references.
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