View Full Version : URGENT HELP NEEDED!!! Pet Adult Squirrel vomiting and not eating or drinking.....
08-30-2006, 10:56 AM
Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum and desperate!!!
We have a four year old female squirrel we have raised since she was 3 weeks old and love her dearly.
About 3 days ago, she began to refuse drinking. I had thought it was because her water bottle was messed up and started to put a bowl of water or deluted juice in her cage, but still no drinking. Then I began to give her fruits and vegetables with water content in it, to keep her hydrated. She's been eating some, but not a lot.
Last night, she vomited about 4 times. I got her out and she was very clingy with me. She played a little bit, but strained to urinate and started to cry. I called the vet and she came out and gave her an antibiotic in case of it being a bladder infection. Plus she hydrated her with fluids. Late last night she seemed to have more energy, and again this morning. She ate some tomatoe and drank a bit. But she's back to being lethargic.
I am awaiting a call from the vet, but last night she said, they weren't quite sure what it is.
I'm at a loss what to do and very scared. I really thought she was going to die last night and was hysterical.
Does anyone know what is going on with her, and what else it is I can do to help her!!!!???
I will appreciate and welcome any advice on this.
Thanks so much!!!
08-30-2006, 11:00 AM
try getting pedialite into her untill someone more experinced here can help!!
08-30-2006, 12:05 PM
Sounds like she does have a sever urinary infectin. Timber used to get them when stressed. He had to be put on antibotics for a week. Much of it I got to wear he wasn't pleased with it but if they have like cistitus it hurts to pee so they back of from anything liquid because they don't want to urinate. Timber was put on 2 and 1/2 cc of Clavamox every 12 hours for 7 days. It always cleared up. But afterwards you need to get cranberry capsules and open them up and mix with her water. The capsules are a much more concentrated form of cranberry than the juice and it helps to prevent urinary problems there after. Also if the clavamox doesn't clear the problem up she may need to be tested for kidney stones. Squirrels can develope them! But these usually have to be surgically removed.
08-30-2006, 01:40 PM
try getting pedialite into her untill someone more experinced here can help!!
I spoke to the vet earlier. He's leaving antibiotics at the clinic this afternoon for me to pick up in syringes. I'm thinking I'll use the empty syringe to get some fluids into her. She is not taking any fluids now and was vomiting earlier again.
She is however a bit more active, running around in her cage and cleaning herself. Some normal activity at least. But then she gets tired and goes back to sleep.
Thanks for your advice.
08-30-2006, 01:47 PM
Sounds like she does have a sever urinary infectin. Timber used to get them when stressed. He had to be put on antibotics for a week. Much of it I got to wear he wasn't pleased with it but if they have like cistitus it hurts to pee so they back of from anything liquid because they don't want to urinate. Timber was put on 2 and 1/2 cc of Clavamox every 12 hours for 7 days. It always cleared up. But afterwards you need to get cranberry capsules and open them up and mix with her water. The capsules are a much more concentrated form of cranberry than the juice and it helps to prevent urinary problems there after. Also if the clavamox doesn't clear the problem up she may need to be tested for kidney stones. Squirrels can develope them! But these usually have to be surgically removed.
The vet is leaving antibiotics in syringes at the clinic for me to pick up later. He told me to inject them into any food she might eat. She ate a bit of orange earlier...but then vomited. He told me that if this is urinary or stones, that the acid in citrus will help break them down. Since they are not too schooled in medical emergencies of squirrels, we are winging it so to speak.
So I can hope that her health will improve?? I'm so glad to read your post and see that someone else has experienced this. There is so little on the web about this subject.
Where would I find these cranberry capsules?
Jub was a bit more active a bit ago. I make her come out of her sleep to play somewhat ...I figure it might improve her odds. Do you think this is a good idea?
Also, what could be causing the vomiting? Did Timber vomit as well?
Thank you so much for your response!! I can't tell you how good it is to find someone who understands this.
I'm so glad I found this site. Took some looking, I might add :)
island rehabber
08-30-2006, 02:03 PM
I have never experienced this with a squirrel but the 'rule of thumb' is that if the animal refuses both food and liquid it is usually a blockage of some kind. Is there no real wildlife vet around that you can take her to? That would be my very best recommendation. If you PM me with your exact location i may be able to look one up for you.
08-30-2006, 02:35 PM
I have never experienced this with a squirrel but the 'rule of thumb' is that if the animal refuses both food and liquid it is usually a blockage of some kind. Is there no real wildlife vet around that you can take her to? That would be my very best recommendation. If you PM me with your exact location i may be able to look one up for you.
I've tried to look for wildlife vets out here, and even the vets out here are not sure. The one vet at the clinic here, the first one that came out a couple years ago, told me he has clients with pet squirrels.
When we initially found her, I tried to look for rehabilitators. The closest I found was a raccoon rehabber, and she looked for me, but had no information for me.
Tell me how to PM you and it might be beneficial for you to try. I'll try anything at this point.
island rehabber
08-30-2006, 02:50 PM
Tell me how to PM you and it might be beneficial for you to try. I'll try anything at this point.
I just emailed you directly with a list from the IWRC Directory -- it lists a number of Ontario, Canada wildlife rehabbers, vets and wildlife sanctuaries. Hope that helps!!! :peace
08-30-2006, 03:09 PM
No Timber never got to the vomiting stage because I caught him in time and took him to a vet. But if the infection had gone on long enough or if it had been stones he would have. And I am not sure but I think the acid in the citrisus fruit would only be more irritating. The cranberry capsules can usually be found in a Natural Foods, Hypothocary, or Herb store or section or some pharmacies. And even if you get the medication and get it administered she will still be kind of lithless far a few days until it gets better. And trying to get to many fluids in her when she may already be backed up because she is no peeing will only make her vomit more. If she is holding fluids she is not dehydrating and over loading her kidneys is making the problem worse.
08-30-2006, 06:12 PM
Not trying to cause a panic, but I agree with I.R. Not taking in any liquids and the vomiting is a sure sign of a blockage or in rare cases poisoning. But if she hasn't been around anything toxic, I would rule that out. It could be an intestinal blockage or a urinary blockage. I would get her to someone that can take X-rays to verify. If the doctor suspects an intestinal blockage, they will probably even offer to do an upper GI, as sometimes blockages are hard to determine. Keep us posted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08-31-2006, 06:41 AM
No Timber never got to the vomiting stage because I caught him in time and took him to a vet. But if the infection had gone on long enough or if it had been stones he would have. And I am not sure but I think the acid in the citrisus fruit would only be more irritating. The cranberry capsules can usually be found in a Natural Foods, Hypothocary, or Herb store or section or some pharmacies. And even if you get the medication and get it administered she will still be kind of lithless far a few days until it gets better. And trying to get to many fluids in her when she may already be backed up because she is no peeing will only make her vomit more. If she is holding fluids she is not dehydrating and over loading her kidneys is making the problem worse.
I think you may be right. So I'm only going to give her the fruit when she really wants it and not panic when she doesn't take it. She ate a bit of cantelope with her meds in it this morning. Last night she wouldn't eat all of what I gave was a bit of tomato. She ate a bit, but not all, so I'm hoping she got where her meds were. I managed to get a small amount of fluids into her...I'm just going to keep an eye on her and pray within the next couple days she improves. She is a bit more active, not as listless. She will wake up and come out of her bed to get petted and runs around her cage a bit. That's a lot better then before the vet came, so I think she is doing a bit better. :)
I can't tell you how much I appreciate everyone's advice and caring attitudes here. Thanks so much!!!
08-31-2006, 06:47 AM
Not trying to cause a panic, but I agree with I.R. Not taking in any liquids and the vomiting is a sure sign of a blockage or in rare cases poisoning. But if she hasn't been around anything toxic, I would rule that out. It could be an intestinal blockage or a urinary blockage. I would get her to someone that can take X-rays to verify. If the doctor suspects an intestinal blockage, they will probably even offer to do an upper GI, as sometimes blockages are hard to determine. Keep us posted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The night I called the vet, she had passed quite a bit of urine, but was straining. The first spring after we had her, we had something similar happen to her...straining and crying a bit. The vet had said it could be crystals in her urine and that's why we gave her the citrus. The vet yesterday said that it could be it's gone to the infection stage now, and the antibiotics should work.
I know there is a rehabber in my area...under an hour away, so I'm going to call her and get her take on it. Jubby did take the meds this morning, and shows a bit more spunk today, so I think the meds are starting to work. I'm monitoring her and sleeping in the living room with her cage.
Thanks for your advice and caring. I hope the rehabber I call can shed more light :)
Secret Squirrel
08-31-2006, 09:11 AM
I know there is a rehabber in my area...under an hour away, so I'm going to call her and get her take on it. Jubby did take the meds this morning, and shows a bit more spunk today, so I think the meds are starting to work. I'm monitoring her and sleeping in the living room with her cage.
Now that's what I call a real momma.........You go Momma!!!!!!!!:grouphug
I understand your worry about your little girl...I am praying for Jubby and you. God bless.
09-02-2006, 12:19 AM
So sorry to hear your little one is having trouble but I'm so glad she's doing better. I'll keep you both in my prayers.:grouphug
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