View Full Version : Few more questions....
08-29-2006, 12:59 PM
My 2 are about 5-6 weeks old, the male has had his eyes open for about a week now, the female about 2 days.
Neither of them want anything to do with grapes or apples. Is this normal? Should I just keep putting pieces in their cage and eventually they will eat it when they want to?
Also, I purchased plain, live culture, no artificial sweetners yogurt. They only have it in the regular size containers. How long does anyone think that it will last once I open it? I dont want to give them bad yogurt. It seems I am wasting ALOT if I only keep it for a couple days after opening. I am putting it into smaller containers with lids. They like it, they lick it and I am using a larger size syringe for them to use, they dont seem to know how to lick much yet, they would rather suck it up through the syringe like is their formula, lol.
Also, when do you stop stimulating them to go to the bathroom? Both seem to go by themselves after I take them out of their cage or at least after eating. But sometimes I dont actually SEE them doing it, so I worry. Is it ok to let them go on their own now and not worry about it?
Has anyone ever used those hammocks you hang from the top of the cage, for a ferret? I used to have a ferret and I have lots of things that used to be his that I could use over.
Do you have to keep using the heating pad under the cage? For how long? They both seem to be keeping themselves warm, when I get them out of the cage, they are both very warm feeling. I am using a fleecie material blanket for them, its softer and does seem to be warmer.
They are definitely more active now that their eyes are open, they dont like to be held all that much, especially to stimulate them to pee/poop. Their tails are getting bushy and they are getting thicker fur. They each raise their tail slightly when they go to the bathroom, cute! They are also starting to raise their tail into the normal squirrel position up their backs. I think they have tripled in size since I got them 2 weeks ago!
When do you stop getting up for a feeding in the middle of the night? Now, I am feeding about 7-8cc every 5 hours (3am, 8am, 1pm, 5pm, and 10pm).
THANK YOU !!:thumbsup
08-29-2006, 01:19 PM
Zeke and Weezel are the same way about the apples and grapes (and most other things most of the time). What I've been doing is when they are done eating I take them to the cage and grab a chunk of something and kinda sorta (but not really) force 'em to taste it. Once they do and they shake their heads, I let it go and try again the next feeding. BUT I've gotten Zeke to eat grapes, leaf lettuce and cherry tomato this way...and he ate them by himself once I made him taste it! :wahoo
I think you are ok going through the night without a feeding now. Mine have been for at least a week and they are now 7 and 5 weeks old and doing great. GET SOME SLEEP! :thumbsup
Not sure about the yogurt...but I'm wasting a TON of heavy whipping cream...
If they struggle (more than usual) when you try to stimulate them, then it's probably time to stop. Zeke kinda did an every-other-feeding thing for a week but then he struggled every time so I quit.
Hammocks are great! Use 'em.
Zeke and Weez are off supplemental heat now and seem fine. Weez's (5 wks old) feet get cold when he's out for a meal, but he's toasty when I snag him from the nestbox for every feeding.
How's the suckling thing going?
08-29-2006, 01:32 PM
Ahhh, thank you so much!
The suckling...
Well, he is still doing it, but I dont think as much. He is not as red. I have them back together now, they were trying so hard to get to each other when I had a divider in the cage. Sometimes I catch her trying to suckle on him also, but its usually right at feeding time, they wake up and start to make sucking noises, soon as I feed them, they seem fine.
Ok, this may sound strange but, how might I find out what the "normal" size of the males penis should be? I know that probably sounds odd, but since he has been suckling on it, it seems rather LONG! He walks and it drags on the ground. Its probably at least an inch long from tummy to tip. Is that normal? He still urinates fine and the hole at the tip seems a bit big, I just dont want to worry about it if I dont have to. Im a worry-wart as it is, lol.
I think the increase in formula and re-arranging the feeding times has helped. I also "make" them taste solid foods, lol, they shake their heads like YUCK! Then I put the pieces into a small ceramic bowl in the cage. They dont touch it, so I toss it out after the day is over.
They grind their teeth
08-29-2006, 01:36 PM
I'd say an inch long for five weeks is pretty long! LOL! Man! But, maybe he's just
I could take a picture of Zeke and Weezel for you so you could see what theirs look like at 5 and 7 weeks?? Neither of them has really suckled much on themselves or each other...thank God!
Sounds like you're a very diligent squirrel mommy to me... :bowdown
08-29-2006, 01:45 PM
HAHAHAH, I know what you mean...LONG is definitely the word! It just looks uncomfortable when hes walking and dragging himself!
If you could send me pics that would be great. I would figure that every squirrel is probably different and you really cant compare well, but maybe it would give me an idea. I could also take a pic of him and show you if you want.
08-29-2006, 02:27 PM
I think I have read and sponged everything off the next over the last 6 weeks trying to get as much info as I can on raising Tinkerbell. Here is what I have learned...
All squirrels are differant as well as their taste. Some people say have their temperature(in her cage) at this range and when I did Tinkerbell would let me know thats not what she likes by climbing to the top of the bedding in her cage when she would get to hot and then when she was cold she would crawl to the bottom of the cage to get close to the heating pad. I only used the heating pad after her eyes were open at night and let her generate her own tempurature during the day. As she matures and starts to get more fur this is probably easier to do.
Tinkerbell doesnt like peanuts or almonds but loves walnuts. She doesnt seem to care for corn but it doesnt keep me from giving it to her...she might need to aquire a taste for some of these things. She doesnt care for califlower but eats her carrots. Its funny when I feed her I come back to her cage with fruits and veggies and about 15 mins later when I check on her there are differant piles of her diet spread around the cage and I am not so sure she is eating any of it but she definately loves to make little piles of shavings. I have noticed she doesnt really eat her veggies till they are closer to room temperature....the cold always makes her snort her nose at it. I guess it is a sensory overload going from warm formula to cold veggies and fruits. I only feed Tinkerbell 4 times a day...7,1,7 and 11 anywhere from 6 to 9 ml depending on her tummy size. I am trying to get her away from the 11 oclock feeding and get them all during the day but my work schedule makes it this way.
As soon as she had her eyes open we stopped doing the middle of the night feeding. What a relief!! One of the biggest issues I have is that Tinkerbell only likes one of the nipples I use and not the others. The other issue is the syringes get harder and harder to push after using them for so long. :shakehead What I started to do was rub then plunger with olive oil to keep it lubricated which does make it easier.
I still stimulate Tinkerbell to pee so she doesnt just make a mess in her cage...I would rather fight her for a few minutes that have to constantly wash her little hammock. I know that eventually I will have to stop but its just so funny...when I do it she just kinda goes limp and is puddy in your hands for a few fleating minutes after she pee's. I love the look on her face! :D
Just use everything you read as a guideline because every squirrel is differant!!:thumbsup
08-29-2006, 02:52 PM
What a cute pic Nutnbutlove! Weezel does the SAME thing, only he falls asleep and his head goes back and his feet go out to the sides...I've GOT to get a picture of it and post it before he's going by himself all the time!
I'll take a pic for you tonight, Heather, and post it tomorrow on this thread.
08-29-2006, 02:54 PM
Thank you!!
To everyone!
Secret Squirrel
08-29-2006, 03:05 PM
Hey nutnbutlove,
Sounds like you got it down. Good news for us to hear...there is so much to learn and so much to do for the little guys.
As far as the food ....from the picture you posted Tinkerbell is 6/7 weeks old and she is really just chewing the food up and not really eating it. She maybe getting minute traces of it in her tummy. Squirrles love to explore all the new stuff so offer as much variety as you can. So continue with the Esbilac and she will ween herself when she is ready. I soak monkey biscuits cut in half with esbilac and the kidz love them. You can also use the rodent block with a few drops of esbilac on them...they usually get mushy fast if you use too much formula.
Your doing a great job :thumbsup !!!!
08-29-2006, 03:27 PM
Yeah....her human birthday is today...7 weeks and we have had the pleasure of having her for 5 of them. Yeah...she isnt really ingesting much you can tell by the piles but its funny to watch her go to town on something. I can sit and watch her for hours as she does her squirrel thing. We just recently bought a bigger cage and she really enjoys having the added room. Thanks all for the comments!
08-31-2006, 09:02 AM
Here are the pics I promised. Can't say they're very clear, but hopefully you can see well enough to judge size. :thumbsup
The first two are Zeke at 7.5 weeks old.
The last three are Weezel at 5.5 weeks old.
Hope this helps!
08-31-2006, 09:15 AM
Thank you!
Wow, yeah, my male is ALOT bigger than that!
I know I said that it seemed that they has stopped or at least slowed down on the suckling, it seems as soon as I said that, it went back to the way it was. Everytime I go to feed them, he is suckling on himself again! Before feeding, right after feeding.
I still have not recieved the Better Bitters in the mail and its been over a week now, guess I picked the wrong online site to order from....:shakehead
I am not sure what to do.
I have increased the feeding amounts to between 8-9cc every 5 hours, hoping his belly would stay full and he would not want to suckle, but it does not seem to be helping. I have put nipples in the cage with him to suckle on but as soon as he figures out there is nothing coming out, he goes back to himself!
He is starting to get really red marks at the base/tummy portion of his penis from his teeth I think, digging in. He still urinates normally. I have tried the sports tape and put it on as tight as I could without being too tight and he eventually gets right out of the wrap!!! Smart little guy! As soon as I wrap him up, he wiggles and bites and makes noises for up to an hour until he gets out of it! I have watched him to supervise to make sure nothing bad happens and everytime he gets out of it! I even tried to put a cotton ball inside the wrap to deter him..NOPE, didnt work! He looks sooo uncomfortable with it on.
My only other idea is the E-collar, which I really do not want to do. I have tried a make-shift one to see if it will stay on, and it doesnt too good. Its almost like his head and neck are built different than a cat or dog, there is not much to "grab" on to for the collar to go around.
I will take a pic for you to see.
Does ANYONE know how dangerous it is for him to be doing this or where I might find more information on it?:dono
08-31-2006, 11:02 AM
I jsut love those photos of Zeke and Weezel. I know that they are for medical info purposes but that second one of Zeke looks like " Aw Mom you're going to put my picture in this position where for the whole world to see! Gee Thanks Mom, now I can never go out side and face my friends again" Then the third one of Weezel looks like " O. K. I'm readys for my centerfold Cosmo".:thumbsup
08-31-2006, 11:12 AM
I jsut love those photos of Zeke and Weezel. I know that they are for medical info purposes but that second one of Zeke looks like " Aw Mom you're going to put my picture in this position where for the whole world to see! Gee Thanks Mom, now I can never go out side and face my friends again" Then the third one of Weezel looks like " O. K. I'm readys for my centerfold Cosmo".:thumbsup
Ha ha ahahhaha...soooo true!:D
08-31-2006, 11:16 AM
Thanks, Timber...Zeke is blind, so he won't notice the other squirrels staring and pointing at him...though he might hear the snickers and whispers behind his back. :)
My camera sucks focuses on stuff in the background instead of what I'm photographing! Ugh! Nice clear shot of the clutter that was on my dining room table last night! :shakehead
Momma Squirrel
08-31-2006, 12:25 PM
They are great pictures, but isn't kiddie porn illegal!!:dono
08-31-2006, 01:05 PM
Now, this was for reference of anatomical squirrel parts, nothing more. Not until Timber got into it was there any kinky talk! :tilt
It's strictly for medical purposes. :peace
Momma Squirrel
08-31-2006, 01:38 PM
It's strictly for medical purposes. :peace
yeah that's what I tell everyone about my drinking problem :Drink
08-31-2006, 01:52 PM
All I can add is I am glad we have a female!! :crazy
09-05-2006, 08:52 AM
Ok...heres the pics of my male squirrel....
And YES for medical purposes only, I almost felt embarressed posting these pics...
They are both still suckling on him, there seems to be more markings up near his belly portion of his penis from what I think is teeth marks, he makes more noises now when she latches on like it hurts him and he gets away most of the time but then starts suckling on himself!
I hope this stops soon. Im wondering how dangerous is it for this to be going on to the health of the squirrel?:dono
09-05-2006, 10:08 AM
OMG, I had no idea from your post discribtion. I can see why trying to cover him up wouldn't work. I would imagin that would be painful to him also. I can't imagin anything that could help. But hey, maybe he can become a huge porno star:jk and make you tons of money. And if you think that you are embarresed to post those photos just think how he is going to feel when he grows up and Mommy gets out his baby photos to show off. No really though I think I would get him to a doctor or better yet a Vet school and see what they think. I realize that it is not legal to keep squirrels as pets in N.Y. but I can't believe that there is not someone out there who would not find his case interesting enough to want to help out.
09-05-2006, 10:52 AM that looks wiered.You better get to a vet.The only thing I can guess is a genetic mutation.I dont think the suckling had anything to do with this.It doesnt look as an inflammation or an infection.Best thing is to go to a vet.
09-05-2006, 11:03 AM
Well the reason I say it is from suckling is that when I first got him, it was not like that, it was smaller like the pictures posted earlier. Once he started the suckling, it was like everytime he or she did the suckling, his penis seemed a little longer. It is not red or swollen anymore like it was, just very LONG! Like I said in my last post, there are slight teeth marks near the top, but that is all. He makes it known when he does not like it.
I dont have any vets in my area that will even see him. I called 4 different places, including a place for exotic animals. They either ask me for a certificate of some sort, or tell me to surrender him to an animal shelter.
He is urinating fine, I dont really think it is physically keeping him from doing anything or hurting him, but I really dont know.
:dono :dono
09-05-2006, 11:21 AM
If we could get on the computer or phone or something and find a vet in a neighboring state that might see him are you able to drive somewhere else to seek help? I just can't get the little fellow out of my mind. I know that this condition ( although many human males would be extatic to be suffering from it) is not probably very comfortable to him. Or maybe you need to seperat them again only this time putting his sister in a totally sperate cage away from him. I know this will not stop him from suckling on himself but at least it would cut down on the amount of suckling going on. The only thing that I can figure tht might help is if when he reaches around 5 or 6 months old having him nutered and maybe the hormonal changes that would follow might make him less interested in preforming this act on himself. This is just a really wierd case to me. Maybe medical prefessionals have seen more of it but I personally have just never heard or seen this particular condition before.
09-05-2006, 01:04 PM
I would consider having him neutered but we are going to release them both, not keep them as pets.
I have seperated them and it is helping.
He is getting much more sturdy on his legs now and when he walks now, it no longer drags on the ground or anything, he is up higher off the ground now. I am trying to watch and see if it is interfering with any of his activities during the day, it does not seem to be, it was earlier because he wasnt walking well, but it is not as bad now at all. When he sits up on his back legs, it does not touch the ground either like it did.
Can anyone tell me if there is a real danger in this? What damage if any can it do?
It does not seem like it is bothering him at all, he is not red at all anymore for the past week now. I have also put some nipples in the cage to suck on. Might he still just grow out of this? I am not trying to avoid medical help, I just dont want to go there and have them tell me that he is just larger than other squirrels, yet I dont want to assume that because I dont see any physical problems with the condition that it may not hurt him.
I suppose it is possible I could drive to another state, PA is about an hour from me as well as Ohio. I am in Western NY, between Buffalo and Niagara Falls.
I guess I am just looking for someone to tell me if it is really necessary to see a vet regarding this.
09-05-2006, 03:16 PM
Yes, but my concern is if he doesn't shrink back to a more normal size what might happen as he goes ripping through trees and branches. Might he not rip himself open or snag himself some how in a way that could be really bad. I know that some get very large testicles and manuver with them but that is normal. An enlagred penis like that is not natural and my cause problems in manuvering through the trees especially when he is trying to avoid danger and is concentraing on running for his life and not being caucious about his privates. And I would be willing to bet if he stays that way his life will be very frustrating because I don't think that he will be able to mate with a female. I don't believe that the females would be able to except something that large without causing tearing to them. So he may end up dieing to mate but getting his tail (so to speak) tron up by females turning on him out of fear and pain, therefore attacking him when he does try to mate with one. But what a sweet and hansome face he has!
09-05-2006, 03:41 PM
Ahhhh, I see your point, completely.
Hmm, ok. I can see how this may definitely be something I should look more into.
Thank you.:thumbsup
09-06-2006, 09:31 AM
Ok, WOW! That looks human...
Poor little dude. I would try to find a medical professional as well... but if you can't, I would keep them separated until they are older and nearly weaned. Keep them really close to each other so they stay familiar, but not in the same cage for now.
There really isn't much you can do if you can't find a vet or other wildlife guru to help you diagnose why it's grown like that and how to fix it. At this point, I have to wonder if one could fix it at all...
I agree with Timber that this could be an issue for him in the wild...but I guess if you can't keep him (and I understand not wanting to keep 'em, just rehab 'em) he'll have to learn to deal with it. Hopefully keeping them separated for now wil help it shrink some so that he's more normally sized by the time he's weaned.
Man, it's always SUMTHIN' with these little critters, ain't it?? :dono
09-07-2006, 01:44 PM
Ok - seriously that looks photoshopped!! Poor little guy - and he is sooooooo sweet and handsome. If he were human, he would be showin' it off to the world. I think that I agree with Timber - he might have some maneuvering/mating issues that could cause some trouble. And wondering from an anatomy point of view - I wonder if it brings any chances of heightened urinary infections or things of that sort.
I am hoping that you find someone that can at least check him out and give you a better idea of what to expect.
09-07-2006, 02:10 PM
I am still trying to find someone who will see him. :dono
But what if this were happening in the wild? There would be no vets then and he would have to adapt the best he can??
I am pretty sure the suckling is beginning to stop, the past 2 days when I have gone down to feed them there was no attachment and the color of his penis is normal now, not red at all, it looks skinnier a bit but still long like in the pic, well maybe a tiny bit shorter...wishful thinking?? Im keeping track like crazy...
My bf owns his own tree business so we have brought in a couple of big limbs into the downstairs apartment for them to crawl on and jump from, they love it and I have been watching him, he does not drag on the branches at all, since his legs have gotten longer.
I will continue to monitor and log everything I see.
Meanwhile, if anyone knows of anywhere that might see him in the Western NY area or nearby, let me know!:thumbsup
Ps. Maybe as he grows up, this part of him wont grow and he will even out!!!
09-07-2006, 03:05 PM
I beg to differ with you, I doubt very much if this situation happens in the wild. In the wild with their mum they can nurse and get full and the milk is satisfying and they dont feel the need to suckle either for comfort or hunger. As a matter of fact I have only had one that has ever done it and I got him in yesterday along with his three littermates. He was very emaciated from only getting to eat three times a day and eating KMR kitten formula. Once he had a belly full of good Fox Valley formula twice he has completely stopped suckling and is sleeping and content like his littermates. I hope your little guy is stopping the behavior and that he will go back to normal! I would still actively look for a vet that would see him however. Good luck! Stacey
But what if this were happening in the wild? There would be no vets then and he would have to adapt the best he can??
09-07-2006, 03:13 PM
I beg to differ with you, I doubt very much if this situation happens in the wild. In the wild with their mum they can nurse and get full and the milk is satisfying and they dont feel the need to suckle either for comfort or hunger. As a matter of fact I have only had one that has ever done it and I got him in yesterday along with his three littermates. He was very emaciated from only getting to eat three times a day and eating KMR kitten formula. Once he had a belly full of good Fox Valley formula twice he has completely stopped suckling and is sleeping and content like his littermates. I hope your little guy is stopping the behavior and that he will go back to normal! I would still actively look for a vet that would see him however. Good luck! Stacey
But what if this were happening in the wild? There would be no vets then and he would have to adapt the best he can??
I did not say the suckling was happening in the wild, I understand completely about being with the mother is significantly different. I was suggesting that the elongated penis might happen in the wild for whatever reason it is happening, I dont know.
09-07-2006, 04:08 PM
I think, in my unprofessional, non-scientific opinion :thumbsup that suckling does happen in the wild. I can't imagine that it is a captivity thing. And Heather has been feeding them properly, and adjusting it every which way to try to stop the this case I don't think frequency of feeding has a whole lot to do with it. A mother squirrel leaves the babies, so they aren't being fed constantly anyway. I do agree that what we feed them isn't mother's milk, but it's close.
To say, difinitively, that suckling like this doesn't happen in the wild (or elongated penises) would be quite the my unprofession, non-scientific opinion. :thumbsup
09-07-2006, 09:41 PM
Hi everyone:
The thing I didn’t see on the picture was the foreskin. I have seen something like this one time on a child. My dad is a doctor. Where the foreskin got pushed back so far that it caused the penis to swell. Can you see the foreskin?
But he really need to see a vet. Someone who can see if the foreskin is pushed back to far and making this happen.
Pamela, Hurricane and Mister
09-07-2006, 09:59 PM
Pamela can be right.But this is no normal swell.The length has been increased from about 10 times.
Also, Yes elongated penis might happen in the wild. But then he wont survive for much long.If he survive into adulthood, no female will mate with him and this trait will die with him.( If this is something genetic ).Thats the whole theory of evolution.Survival of the best traits.
09-08-2006, 12:25 AM
Well, if this was a genic abnormality in the wild the mother would kill him. She would either move the babies to another nest and leave him behind or push him out of the nest. Either way she would leave him to die of starvation or killed by a preditor. Sounds crule but animals ( particularly wild ones ) don't have a conscience like humans and don't live by the same rules and laws concerning infantcide as we do. I had a baby mocking bird last year that the mother actually pushed out of the nest because it had bird pox.
09-08-2006, 08:28 AM
First, the foreskin issue...
I dont personally know what the foreskin would look like on a squirrel but if its anything like a male human, then this is what I have seen. There is nothing "pushed back" on this squirrel, you can look at the tip of his penis and you can see what I would think is the foreskin around his penis. It just looks like a small covering over him, you can see edges all the way around. I have not tried to pull it back or anything like that! But you can tell that something more is inside what you can visibly see on the outside. You can see the edges of the foreskin, or at least what I would think is the foreskin.
Second, as far as the size itself goes. From the other pictures I have seen on this board and tons of research online and at my library. His penis is not 10 times what it should be. Based on the pics on here shown to me earlier, it is more like 3-4 times the size. The pics of Weezel on there, age of 5.5 weeks, the last 2 pictures are what my squirrel looks like except a bit longer, on those pictures Weezels penis looks to be more "inside" the skin, where as my squirrel seems to be more "outside" of th skin. Its almost like my squirrel penis starts right at his tummy, whereas the other pics the penis starts more inside more skin (almost like a dogs penis and covering). Its hard to explain exactly what I am seeing and thinking...sorry. The last 2 pictures she posted look like my squirrel only about double in length and my squirrle is 7.5 weeks old, the pic was of a 5.5 week old. Just taking a measurement off the screen from the last picture, length of a little less than 3/4 ", my squirrel is exactly 3/4" long from tummy to tip. ALSO, keeping in mind, those pictures I posted are from when he was suckling ALOT, he is not now, he is not red at all, the skin is a light color, no red at all, it is not swollen like in those pictures either. Maybe I should take new pics and post them. His penis has looked the same since the 3 or 4th day I have had him, I have not seen any foreskin being pulled back or looking abnormal, I check him several times a day documenting everything, I would think that I would have seen this foreskin process of being pulled back happening? If this was a major issue like previous said, and there was "strangulation" of the blood flow, wouldnt that be uncomfortable, wouldnt it hurt? Wouldnt it cause alot more redness and other symptoms, such as a back up of some sort?
I can easily touch him, such as to stimulate, there is no discomfort to be seen (unless he hides it very well), he is jumping around, climbing and continues occasionally to suckle on himself still!
I am wondering if like say a dog, does a squirrels penis come out when they mate? Is it possible to "pull" the foreskin back and check his actual penis?
I have been in the medical field for about 12 years, I took pre-pharmacy/med courses in college for 7 years, I know a little bit about some of these things, certainly NOT an expert by any means. I dont think a squirrel is the same as a human child, but I dont know. I had a friend whos son had the same problem that Pamela has spoken of.
I guess I just think that if this was a life threatening issue that there would be some sort of symptoms or a different way he was acting that would be seen. He is normal except for his oversized penis. Maybe I am just naive.
Others have told me they had the same problem and not to worry.
I dont know really what to do or believe. Some tell me dont worry, some say its life threatening....conflicting opinions.:dono
Thanks for everyones opinions and help.
09-08-2006, 08:52 AM
One more thing...
I just recieved another response to this.
A suggestion was that maybe the suckling caused him to have a permanent erection?
It is almost what it is like sometimes.
Does anyone know anything more about this possibility?
Secret Squirrel
09-09-2006, 03:33 PM
Hi Yamahagirl!!
I have read the entire thread and I am in awe of your situation and torrent of questions. I too have a boy with a similar situation.
I have given more cc's per feeding and I also have fed with shorter duration time...and all have done nothing for the suckling problem. I have placed him in another cage separate from the rest of the kidz who I thought were suckling on him...and have found out he is the one suckling himself.
What I know......
I can "feel" his actual penis under his foreskin and the penis seems normal's just his sheath or foreskin that is elongated (by the suckling process). How do I know may ask????
I gently used my index finger to press and used a circular motion...just checking for the firmness of the area. I can feel the difference in the sheath and actual penis.
I believe that once all the suckling stops the sheath will eventually go back to the correct size. I feel everyone has a story to tell and wants to help in some way....everyone means well....but you have to cypher though all the help and make a educated decision for yourself.
I hope this helps....and when all is over we can post pics of our happy normal squirrel boys!!
Here is Morocco getting his daily bath.....he is covered in urine at least I know he isn't ingesting it......I hope!!!!:shakehead
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