View Full Version : Many thanks to 4S!

12-15-2008, 09:47 PM
I received Scurry's magic blocks today and happy to report she loves them! :bowdown .Ate half of one and then buried the rest. Then begged for her milk full force!!! I figured they must make her very thirsty! I can't thank you enough for setting my mind at ease that she will be nutritionally balanced!!!!:jump :thankyou
If I can ever do anything for you let me know!!!

12-16-2008, 04:33 AM
:wave123 You're very welcome! So glad she liked them. I agree it IS a big relief not to worry about their nutrition.

12-16-2008, 08:26 PM
Andi won't have anything to do with them:hissyfit :shakehead :dono

I think it's because she is dentally challenged.Even moistening them didn't help.Oh well, I'm not surprised, that would have made life too easy and worry-free if she had liked them.Sigh.:shakehead

Kat, owned by picky Andi

12-16-2008, 10:20 PM
Oh gosh Kat!!! So sorry! I know how it is to worry about the correct amount and nutrients with a picky butt!!! Scurry was a very picky eater until recently. That leads me to a new question for 4S or anyone who might have some input....

Scurry eats very well, in my opinion, nibbles on this and that- veggies wise, and really really loves her magic blocks and formula. My concern is that I don't know that she finishes 2 a day as she eats half of a block or a little less, and then buries the rest. I leave to go back to work so do not ever know if it is finished. Her routine is to sleep til ten when my Husband will then uncover her cage , turn her light on. She doesn't let him open her cage so she nibbles leftovers, I guess, til 12:15 when I rush home to feed her a block and fresh veggis. I return home between 5-6 pm and she will inhale 18cc's of formula and then spend the evening playing. I fix her new fresh veggie s and give her another block which she does the same thing with as earlier in the day.I am afraid that she doesn't even eat a whole one a day:dono . It sounds like soo little when other squirrely kids are eating 2-4 and some 6!!! She likes her veggies and will spend a lot of time in the pm at her dish after eating some block and she isn't under-weight or fat for that matter. My gosh, I don't think I even worried about our first human child this much:crazy ! Sorry to be soooo long winded and any input is greatly appreciated!:)

12-17-2008, 07:14 AM
Andi won't have anything to do with them:hissyfit :shakehead :dono

I think it's because she is dentally challenged.Even moistening them didn't help.Oh well, I'm not surprised, that would have made life too easy and worry-free if she had liked them.Sigh.:shakehead

Kat, owned by picky Andi

Don't give up, Kat. Although most squirrels love them right off, a few sniffed at them for several days before deciding they were yummy. So keep trying. :thumbsup Let me know what happens....

I don't think we've had any squirrels yet that wouldn't eat them eventually.

12-17-2008, 07:16 AM
Oh gosh Kat!!! So sorry! I know how it is to worry about the correct amount and nutrients with a picky butt!!! Scurry was a very picky eater until recently. That leads me to a new question for 4S or anyone who might have some input....

Scurry eats very well, in my opinion, nibbles on this and that- veggies wise, and really really loves her magic blocks and formula. My concern is that I don't know that she finishes 2 a day as she eats half of a block or a little less, and then buries the rest. I leave to go back to work so do not ever know if it is finished. Her routine is to sleep til ten when my Husband will then uncover her cage , turn her light on. She doesn't let him open her cage so she nibbles leftovers, I guess, til 12:15 when I rush home to feed her a block and fresh veggis. I return home between 5-6 pm and she will inhale 18cc's of formula and then spend the evening playing. I fix her new fresh veggie s and give her another block which she does the same thing with as earlier in the day.I am afraid that she doesn't even eat a whole one a day:dono . It sounds like soo little when other squirrely kids are eating 2-4 and some 6!!! She likes her veggies and will spend a lot of time in the pm at her dish after eating some block and she isn't under-weight or fat for that matter. My gosh, I don't think I even worried about our first human child this much:crazy ! Sorry to be soooo long winded and any input is greatly appreciated!:)

As long as she's still on formula, I wouldn't worry at all. The formula provides a ton of nutrition. Once she's weaned and the blocks are her main food, she'll probably snarf them up just like your other kids.:thumbsup

12-17-2008, 08:01 AM
Oh gosh Kat!!! So sorry! I know how it is to worry about the correct amount and nutrients with a picky butt!!! Scurry was a very picky eater until recently. That leads me to a new question for 4S or anyone who might have some input....

Scurry eats very well, in my opinion, nibbles on this and that- veggies wise, and really really loves her magic blocks and formula. My concern is that I don't know that she finishes 2 a day as she eats half of a block or a little less, and then buries the rest. I leave to go back to work so do not ever know if it is finished. Her routine is to sleep til ten when my Husband will then uncover her cage , turn her light on. She doesn't let him open her cage so she nibbles leftovers, I guess, til 12:15 when I rush home to feed her a block and fresh veggis. I return home between 5-6 pm and she will inhale 18cc's of formula and then spend the evening playing. I fix her new fresh veggie s and give her another block which she does the same thing with as earlier in the day.I am afraid that she doesn't even eat a whole one a day:dono . It sounds like soo little when other squirrely kids are eating 2-4 and some 6!!! She likes her veggies and will spend a lot of time in the pm at her dish after eating some block and she isn't under-weight or fat for that matter. My gosh, I don't think I even worried about our first human child this much:crazy ! Sorry to be soooo long winded and any input is greatly appreciated!:)

As long as she's still on formula, I wouldn't worry at all. The formula provides a ton of nutrition. Once she's weaned and the blocks are her main food, she'll probably snarf them up just like your other kids.:thumbsup

12-17-2008, 10:04 AM
Don't give up, Kat. Although most squirrels love them right off, a few sniffed at them for several days before deciding they were yummy. So keep trying. :thumbsup Let me know what happens....

I don't think we've had any squirrels yet that wouldn't eat them eventually.

I'll keep trying, 4S, although one day I took out all other food and left her in her cage with just water and a couple blox.She STILL wouldn't eat them, and just frantically ran around the cage shaking the bars like a crazed zoo monkey,and giving me such evil looks it was like she was shooting poisoned darts out of her eyes at me.By dinnertime neither one of us could take it anymore,and I gave her her usual buffet . It made me nauseous to withold food from her all day, because she doesn't understand why, I don't think I can do that again.( I tried a bite of one, and personally I think they are yummy ! )

Kat, owned by Andi

12-17-2008, 10:07 AM
[Scurry is incredibly beautiful ! What a gorgeous coat of all grey !

12-17-2008, 11:48 AM
I'll keep trying, 4S, although one day I took out all other food and left her in her cage with just water and a couple blox.She STILL wouldn't eat them, and just frantically ran around the cage shaking the bars like a crazed zoo monkey,and giving me such evil looks it was like she was shooting poisoned darts out of her eyes at me.By dinnertime neither one of us could take it anymore,and I gave her her usual buffet . It made me nauseous to withold food from her all day, because she doesn't understand why, I don't think I can do that again.( I tried a bite of one, and personally I think they are yummy ! )

Kat, owned by Andi

No, you shouldn't have to withhold food all day. Not giving up.... If she won't eat them by the end of the week, send me a list of her favorite foods (including things she shouldn't have). We had one other difficult squirrel, but managed to "get" him in the end....

12-17-2008, 12:21 PM
No, you shouldn't have to withhold food all day. Not giving up.... If she won't eat them by the end of the week, send me a list of her favorite foods (including things she shouldn't have). We had one other difficult squirrel, but managed to "get" him in the end....

Okay 4S, in the meantime I'll keep trying.I've been putting in 1 whole, along with 1/2 dry ( incase broken is easier to gnaw on ) and 1/2 wet. Then the next day when I'm cleaning the cage,there they are, untouched.I put them outside then for the outdoors.( Funny, I have " front yard squirrels " and backyard squirrels, 2 different groups.The backyard squirrels take them rigght away and run off with them, the front yard squirrels leave them. )

Kat, owned by finickyAndi

12-17-2008, 03:23 PM
Oh thanks for the reply 4S.... just to clarify, I do not have other squirrely kids, she is our only one now. I meant everyone elses babies who have received the blocks and seem to eat a few a day, and the directions say 2-4 per day.
Scurry eats them ravenously when given, but only finishes half then buries and could eat it later?Just not sure, but do know that she just gobbles:D as soon as it's given to her!!! SOOOOOO CUTE! Thank you for letting me know that as long as she loves them and eats the amount she does with her daily intake of formaula she should be ok! Lotsa veggies only from your healthy diet list too!
I really appreciate the input and patience! :thankyou
And thank you Kat for the compliment about our baby, and good luck with your little picky butt!