View Full Version : Odontoma-No cure?

Thee Empress
08-26-2006, 09:21 AM

My squirrel who has graced me with her presents in my life has been diagnosed with Odontoma as of yestarday.

I live in Corpus Christi, TX and I would like to know if anyone knows of vets in the area who have been successful with the surgery? I need feedback on the whole senario. I am sorry I sound off-beat but, I am really distrot about the whole thing and have not slept well.

Someone please give me feedback I would deeply appreciate it.

Thank you,
Mary :(

08-26-2006, 10:17 AM
Hi Mary,
I am sorry that you are so upset. How long have you had your squirrel? Did she ever have a tooth or jaw injury? Odontoma, to the best on my knowledge normally grows after or due to an injury. The only cure, that I am aware of, is surgery, which is normally necessary, to prevent it from creating sinus/breathing problems.
I do not live in Texas, but do you have a Veterinary College in your area?? If you do, they may be very interested in your case.
Thank you for sharing with us...:grouphug
I am aware of the surgery being successful in a rat and a Prarie Dog(both pets)...both those are the only cases that I ever heard of having Odontoma. Wilbur, the rat..is alive and healthy!!! Pixie, the Prarie Dog, did die...BUT OF OLD AGE!!!:)

08-26-2006, 11:11 AM
Here is some info I found on Google. It seems to be very common in Prairie Dogs, so a lot of the info relates to them, but it should be of help to you, also. Even with surgery, the prognosis does not seem too great, so consider the 'quality of life' when making your decision.





Their is a vet in Southlake Texas, dr. moore, that has had years or experience and very knowledgable. You can contact him and just let the tech know the call is from Canada. His number is 817-481-2014/ usa.
The most important part is going to be the pain management. They can live for years.


Gena Seaberg 01-21-2005 02:58 PM


Re: Odontoma and other care tips

There was a note from the admin regarding permission for Jenn to post my information. I give Jenn my permission to use my name when needed to help prairie dogs. I work with 5 different prairie dog rescues throughout the United States and 1 in Japan. I consult on all aspects of captive prairie dog care for no fee and help steer people to the right resources when unable to address a problem first hand. I work with various vets throughout the country and abroad and some zoos and conservation groups. I have a masters degree in zoology specializing in rodents and am working on my doctorate degree in geriatric nutrition for captive prairie dogs as pets. I have chosen to keep my work solely on prairie dogs for the past 10 years and have worked with thousands of pds and their owners on helping prairie dogs achieve happy, and healthy long term care. Keeping my work geared to only one species of rodent has enabled me to be a good resource to many vets that may only see one or two. Odontoma is a tricky problem with prairie dogs and as Jenn said, doesn't necessarily mean a death sentence to your beloved family member. There are many variables to address when debating your treatment options. I give lectures to vets on this topic to help them help their clients address some of these issues. Here is the info Jenn was trying to pass on:

Gena Seaberg
Consultant for Prairie Dog Care Domestically and Abroad Since 1995
2023 Adams Ave
Everett, WA 98203
(425) 265-0818
(425) 870-1729 cell



Good luck with your squirrel - I know this is a hard decision to make.
