View Full Version : ideas/ suggestions needed

11-21-2008, 02:06 PM
How can I keep my girls from jumping on my face? When I don't pay attention to them and they are feeling playful, like RIGHT NOW, they pounce on my face and it HURTS!!!!

Also, has anyone ever litter box trained a squirrel and if you have how do you do that? :D

11-21-2008, 02:07 PM
Wear a ball cap and pull it low over your face. It's the only thing I could do to protect myself when going in the release cage.

11-21-2008, 02:12 PM
Doesn't help, they climb on the hat and then climb down onto my face, or worse climb on my boobs and then JUMP up claws and all. OMG, I'm so cut up and when it hurts that bad you want to grab her and smack her little booty but she doesn't understand of course. She's just getting my attention. AGONY!!!! My Dr. must think I'm nuts with all these cuts on me every visit. I go to the Dr. a LOT due to several illnesses, so she sees that I'm bloody all the time! Oh woe, maybe I just needed to vent? *sigh*

Loopy Squirrel
11-21-2008, 03:42 PM
The fox squirrels new thing is everytime I bend over to pick something up or to clean something one of them ends up landing on my back. Sometimes they use me as a bridge to something else. I end up walking around the house w/ Thing 1 & 2 hanging all over me while I try to work. Recently one of them skidded across my face to run across the couch and nailed me good under my eye. Try explaining how you got that scratch.

11-21-2008, 03:55 PM
What about wearing a baseball catchers mask or guard? Seriously it would work! As far as the rest of your body, wearing two layers of clothing, with the outer being a sweatshirt, or heavy fabric jacket, and gloves, along with jeans, should keep you from getting all scratched up.

11-21-2008, 04:00 PM
Timothy loves to use my head as a launch pad...:shakehead

11-21-2008, 04:12 PM
Yes I guess there is no training them, I'll just have to be sensible about it. Oh well, one can hope hehe!


11-21-2008, 05:23 PM
As for the litter box training:D Get a ferret litter box that fits in the cage corner. Put "All Pet"natural litter in the litter box-not to much-just about 1/4 inch to just cover the bottom. Cut up tiny pieces of pee wet paper and place around on the litter. All of this is easier if you start with babies, use the paper from stimulating them, then place them in the litter box after feeding and their eyes are opened. You will find wet litter in no time:thumbsup Fresh litter every day when they catch on:jump :jump :wahoo No stinkees:multi
Worked for me:D :D

11-21-2008, 05:53 PM
When the squirrel lands on your face let out a high pitched squeal. It not only scares them but they learn very quickly that faces are not ok. Once they realize they hurt you they will not do it again. Under 4 months old though they tend to forget and do it again so wear glasses when around them.
I also tried the corner litter pan and got mixed results. One squirrel takes out whatever litter or paper I put in and pee's right on the plastic. One squirrel took out the litter and put in her nuts and one squirrel chewed it to pieces.

11-21-2008, 06:16 PM
Sandy loved jumping on my husband so he made a loud shhhh noise when she acted like she was going to jump on him. It didnt take her long and now she waits for him to hold his hand out to her before she jumps on.

11-21-2008, 06:51 PM
As for the litter box training:D Get a ferret litter box that fits in the cage corner. Put "All Pet"natural litter in the litter box-not to much-just about 1/4 inch to just cover the bottom. Cut up tiny pieces of pee wet paper and place around on the litter. All of this is easier if you start with babies, use the paper from stimulating them, then place them in the litter box after feeding and their eyes are opened. You will find wet litter in no time:thumbsup Fresh litter every day when they catch on:jump :jump :wahoo No stinkees:multi
Worked for me:D :D

I trained my 6 YO squirrel the same way. I have had no luck with my 1 YO...she pees out the side of her cage half way across the room. :shakehead

11-23-2008, 08:30 AM
for litter box training find out where they like to pee most often and put the litter box there. Mine uses his though not 100% of the time. About 90%.