View Full Version : Injured Squirrel
11-20-2008, 04:04 PM
Hi everyone, I'm new here and I see everyone is passionate about squirrels so I should be in the right place! :thumbsup
This is sort of a long explanation so here it goes...
For about 2 years now we very occasionally (once or twice a month) saw an injured squirrel in our yard. I recently took up a bird feeding hobby and the little furry stinkers were constantly raiding the bird feeder so greased up the bird feeder pole and I built a squirrel feeder and filled it with 1/3 bird seed and 2/3 roasted peanuts. So now everyone is happy! :D
Since I put up the squirrel feeder I've been seeing alot more of Limpy and even installed a little ramp for her to go up more easily. Anyways I took a few pics the other day and she was there and I was better able to see her in action. From what I can see she seems almost paraplegic but with the use of one good back leg but hte other one just drags along and so does her tail. The open sore seems to be more bloody than usual these days. I've included a pic of her/him (I'm not sure but I think it might be a "she") below.
So here's my dilemma, it really breaks my heart to see her like this and I'd love to do something for her but I can't find anyone locally. Also I'm wondering if since she's an adult, wouldn't it be hard to keep her calm in a cage since she's always been wild?
11-20-2008, 04:07 PM
Oh, poor sweetie lost a leg!
You're in the right place. Expert help will be along very quickly. This board is fantastic!
11-20-2008, 04:15 PM
She didn't lose it, it's still all there, she has the whole knee area exposed and she drags the leg which is probably what causes the sore not to heal :(
11-20-2008, 04:34 PM
If it is snowing there like it probably is, her dragging her leg over the snow could cause it to get bloodier. Ice can be very sharp and snow can be very abrasive. Taking her in might help her. She really needs to heal that leg so that it doesn't get infected. I am not to close to you but I would be deffinitly willing to take her in. I live in Toronto Ontario.
11-20-2008, 04:35 PM
Oh, no, poor thing! Since this is the emergency thread someone should be one REALLY soon to help you!
You say she comes regularly - every day? If advised, would you be able to get access to a haveahart trap? And how long has she had the open sore?
11-20-2008, 05:02 PM
Are there any rehabbers in the Quebec area? I tried to look it up and nowhere!:dono
11-20-2008, 05:10 PM
She's been a regular now for about 2 weeks but I haven't seen her this morning :( I hope she's ok.
Here's a video to show how she's getting around:
I'll have to look in my attic, I think I might have a trap but I didn't bother looking because I didn't think it was possible to keep an adult squirrel.
Loopy Squirrel
11-20-2008, 05:25 PM
Oh, that baby needs help. She will never survive out there for much longer. That dragging will cause a major infection to develope. I wish I was closer. I'd start calling around to see who is available to take her in. I'd get a trap and trap her ASAP.
11-20-2008, 05:27 PM
She didn't lose it, it's still all there, she has the whole knee area exposed and she drags the leg which is probably what causes the sore not to heal :(
Oh! It looked gone.
Either way, poor baby. :(
11-20-2008, 05:34 PM
Poor sweet baby! I hope you can help her!!!
:thankyou So much for helping this little critter.:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
11-20-2008, 06:01 PM
I'm going to go rootin' through the attic tonight to see if I can find the trap, I remeber using it once to relocate a raccoon. They're pretty darn cute too!:D
Anyone have any tips to make it easier, What's the best enticer around. If I do catch her, do I bring her in? Or do I keep her in the heated garage? What's the best thing to feed her in a pinch? etc...
11-20-2008, 06:12 PM
Use unsalted sunflower seed, and leave a trail from the outside of the cage, leading in the cage and setting it on the trigger. A cage large enough for a raccoon might be tricky. A squirrel might not have enough weight to trip it.
Edit - just watched the video, and how sad. I'm surprised a predator has not caught that squirrel. Good luck, and I hope you get it soon.
11-20-2008, 06:50 PM
You have been seeing that squirrel that drags the one leg for 2 years? I can't believe he has survived 2 weeks out there like that. That must be very painful for the little tyke. Either that or it is numb and he isn't feeling anything, but still, I would think he would have a massive infection. I do not think that squirrel is going to be happy if you catch it and I am afraid it may hurt itself further in a cage. I think that little guy needs to see a vet and get that leg amputated. I think without the leg, he would actually do quite well in the wild if you have been seeing him around like that for 2 years.
11-20-2008, 09:22 PM
please please catch that sweetie and people can help you take it from poor thing....i'm so glad you came on here and i pray it's not too late to help!!
11-20-2008, 09:26 PM
Yes 2 years, it was rare that we saw her and quite often it would be over a month and we would think that she was finally out of her misery but since I put in the squirrel feeder we would see her almost everyday.
I also couldn't understand how she hasn't been killed by a predator because as you can see in the video, she's not very fast, poor little thing...
Just another question, most of the time there are 4-7 squirrels in the yard at the same time, won't I be catching lots of the wrong squirrels?
I did find the trap so I'll be setting it up tomorrow morning around 6 since they all start coming in for breakfast at around 7:30 or so...
Speaking of breakfast what else besides peanuts can I put that won't go bad quickly. Today I bought a bag of "Living World Extrusion" complete hamster food. I put a couple chunks on my window sill (they eat there too because the feeder gets too crowded so it's sort of the waiting line at the window!:) ) to see if they'll go for it tomorrow morning...
11-20-2008, 09:39 PM
I can't watch the video; the picture was bad enough.
Place the trap near an area where she goes regularly, like at the bottom of her favorite tree. A good bait is half an apple smeared with peanut butter and topped with nuts. Test it several times in your house before you set it outside to make sure it operates correctly. If it's old, it could need oiling. It sometimes helps to disguise the trap with some branches and spread some leaves inside, but be sure none of that interferes with the trap closing properly. Once you get the trap set in place, test it one more time. You often only get one chance.
If you trap her successfully, immediately cover the trap with a dark colored t-shirt or cloth. This will help her feel less threatened.
I wish you the best of luck.
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
11-20-2008, 09:54 PM
You may end up catching some of your other regulars, just immediately let them free and reset it until you catch her. She's going to come to an easy meal with her handicap.
The sunflower seed usually works for me, and doesn't spoil.
11-20-2008, 09:58 PM
Oh my. Good luck catching her. Give us an update asap. I hope you can get her and it's not too late. What a sweetheart. :grouphug
11-21-2008, 03:17 PM
Well I saw her again this morning and was watching, she looked at the trap and didn't even looked tempted:thinking Instead she gave me a funny look and went to the feeder instead, she even came to my window sill where I feed them also. I love when they look inside with thier paws on the glass as if to say "hey you want I should whack you! Hand over the peanuts!"
K, enough with the nonsense:jump
None of the others even went near it either, I checked every 1/2 hour so far and nothing. I'm going to bring it in soon since it will be dark in about an hour or so, and I'll try again tomorrow morning...
11-21-2008, 03:43 PM
Get rid of all the food in the feeders.....
11-21-2008, 05:38 PM
That wound does not look 2 years old. Are you sure you are seeing the same squirrel. The wound looks wet and an old wound would have granulated and would be dry and healed by now. Or very infected and not pink at all.
If she is caught I am assuming they will let the wound heal but she will never have her leg back so what happens then?
11-21-2008, 06:26 PM
I am thinking that the squirrel doesn't have the use of the hind leg, and that the wound is an ongoing thing caused by the dragging of the leg across concrete, rough bark, etc.
It just hurts my heart to see - I hope that she will allow herself to be caught and that something can be done for her, but I can't see any outcome other than her having the whole leg amputated (like Rocky) and becoming nonreleasable.
11-21-2008, 09:56 PM
yup, I'm sure it's 2 years. Same squirrel, same limp.
I just think she may just be dragging a little more every day and making things worse. Some days it looks dry and other days it's actually bleeding a bit. I emptied the feeders before it got dark so all I have to do tomorrow morning is to set up the trap.
11-22-2008, 02:05 PM
That leg will definately have to come off, do you think she is trying to chew it off? They do self mutilate, I have seen it happen with their tails.
11-24-2008, 12:09 AM
anyone know anything about this little angel yet?
11-24-2008, 06:33 AM
Yeah, I was wondering that too...any news?
11-24-2008, 07:03 AM
Hi everyone, sorry for not giving updates, I had a crazy weekend, the house was full of people and didn't have much time to sneek off to the computer. Not to mention, I'm still not getting my email notifications when someone replies to my posts.
I don't think this girl will be easy to catch :thinking although I did have to open it once with a big fatty inside. I took away all the food on my window sill and latched the feeder closed (all others were quite upset:nono ) she came by 2 mornings in a row and still wouldn't go near the trap. I did the trail of sunflower seeds, peanuts and dried fruit inside. She came up to my computer room window where I usually feed them and I felt so bad I had nothing for her. But I did get a close look at her knee, it seems to be scabbing over like it used to be the previous years so she isn't bleeding. My husband thinks I'm a bit nutty sitting by the window so much whacking the glass whenever another squirrels gets near the trap.
11-24-2008, 11:52 AM
if the squirrel comes looking for you....have you tried to feed her by hand and see if she'll take it?
11-27-2008, 02:58 PM
if the squirrel comes looking for you....have you tried to feed her by hand and see if she'll take it?
I tried this yesterday, sat out in the cold for almost 30 minutes before she showed up, I sat really still and I had a blanket on my lap incase she showed up so I could throw it over her if she came close enough....
It was a no go :( She saw me and did an about face:shakehead I don't know where her nest is either although I have a feeling if I did I wouldn't be able to do much about it.
I'm beginning to think there is no way to get her.....
11-27-2008, 03:18 PM
I keep forgetting to ask, are there any rehabbers in my area? If I do trap her one day, I need a place for her because I won't be able to take care of her here, Postal code is J3H1R5, for mapquest or whatever. I know someone from toronto offered but she's a 7 hour drive away:dono
11-27-2008, 03:19 PM
PLEASE don't give up....this baby needs help for sure!
11-27-2008, 03:23 PM
Don't worry, giving up on her is the farthest thing from my mind, although like I said, more important right now would be to find someone to take her.
I know of a vet but I already called and they don't do charity cases as they call it and I can't afford to do it myself....:shakehead
Tum Tum
11-27-2008, 04:13 PM
Good luck, keep us informed please! :thumbsup
11-27-2008, 06:48 PM
we WILL find someone for her once you've gotten her....i can't think of a squirrel yet that in a situation like this has not been transferred to someone timely! :) Thank you for continuing!
12-04-2008, 09:31 PM
Well I'm not sure she will ever be caught :( I've caught 3 squirrels so far but never the right one, and letting them out is kinda scary cuz they act kinda nutty! :wahoo
They are nothing like the skunk I caught a few years back while trying to relocate a raccoon. We slowly opened the door and it wouldn't leave so we tried to lure him out with a hot dog placed a few fet from the cage. He actually got out of the cage, got his wiener, walked back to the cage, ate it and then took a nap in the sun!!!
She seems to knows not to go near the cage. Also she's not coming around everyday like she used to. This morning I decided to start feeding them again so she comes back on a regular basis like she did. I saw her in the front yard this afternoon but she didn't come to eat. :( Maybe tomorrow..........
On a side note, the leg looked scabbed over this afternoon.
12-04-2008, 10:37 PM
Just thought to share, I had a squirrel with a injured back leg, and tried to trap it with a havaheart trap for three days, but it wouldn't go in, even so many others did. It was then suggested that I take the trap and disable the plate, and put a string on the set bar to spring it only when the right squirrel goes in. I used a larger trap, one for racoon size, and that seemed far less intimidating to the squirrel, roomier inside, as well as put foliage around the outside, but not in teh way of the string. My DH sat out for a few minutes unlike our vigil for two days prior for the entire morning, and part of the afternoon, and withing a few minutes the squirrel walked up to the trap ate the invites, that is walnut pieces and went on it, to eat more and then we had him. He is at the Vet now being evaluated. I suggest first removing all feeders, and gain it's trust so it see you as the source of it's favorite food, and then give the squirrel food only from you. After it is willing to come closer, then the next day put out the walnut pieces leading into the trap as well as in it, leaving the largeste pieces of nut and shell at the opposite end, and wait for the handicapped squirrel. Can't hurt to at least try it.
12-05-2008, 07:57 AM
What Sciurus said is exactly right. I spent several weeks trying to trap a wild squirrel with a terrible malocclusion. It was life or death for the squirrel, as he could barely eat, but he just wouldn't go near it. Kept catching the wrong squirrel and having to reset.... To reiterate what Sciurus posted, here is what finally worked:
1. Use the large size trap, covered with some branches.
2. Remove all other sources of food.
3. Disable the trap and place a bunch of food in the back, so your trap becomes a squirrel feeder.
4. Do this every day, until all the squirrels (including your target) are used to going in and out of the trap for food, then....
5. Go there at feeding time, prop the door open with a stick with a long string tied to it. When your target squirrel enters the trap, pull the string.
Make sure you immediately cover the trap with a dark t-shirt, and try not to peek at her or talk, to reduce the squirrel's stress.
12-05-2008, 08:04 AM
Thanks both of you, I will try that next but for now I will just feed them via the cage for a few days to get her to come back, I have a feeling this will work. I just contacted the rehabber given to me via PM and we'll see what she says :thumbsup
By the way, I do have the larger 36ish inch trap...
12-05-2008, 08:07 AM
I'm so glad the rehabber is nearby. I hope she's able to help.
12-05-2008, 08:09 AM
yes, me too!
12-05-2008, 01:27 PM
I still haven't heard back from the rehabber but I figures maybe by tonight.
I set up like you guys said, I used a plastic hair clip to hold the door open. Of course the "leading to food/cage" is already gone but they still went in, now to see if limpy goes in. I guess I should do this for a day or 2 more before trying to rig it for capture??
12-06-2008, 09:49 AM
so sign of her this morning but it's still early. I'm surprised that the rest of the little piggies go in and out considering I've caught 3 of them already!:thinking
12-06-2008, 10:31 AM
I still haven't heard back from the rehabber but I figures maybe by tonight.
Unfortunately the rehabber contact only works with birds. Sorry, I didn't know that until now. I will try to find someone else that works with squirrels.
12-06-2008, 10:40 AM
Unfortunately the rehabber contact only works with birds. Sorry, I didn't know that until now. I will try to find someone else that works with squirrels.
I forgot to mention that she did email me yesterday to tell me that there was someone in Montreal that does mammals but I haven't heard from her yet. She gave her my phone number so maybe today I'll hear something.
While we're on the subject of rehabbers, would it be rude of me to ask how she will be cared for or how far she is willing to go before she is put down?
I also know of a bird rehabber around here, she was known as "the bird lady". We asked her if she would take in a baby squirrel quite a few years ago and she said "sure! I can feed it to one of my owls!" I understood her point of view but needless to say, I didn't hand it over. :nono
12-06-2008, 10:49 AM
While we're on the subject of rehabbers, would it be rude of me to ask how she will be cared for or how far she is willing to go before she is put down?
Not rude at all. I would be more concerned if you didn't ask these questions.
12-06-2008, 10:55 AM
She went in and ate! Maybe the smell of the other squirrels built up her confidence. I think if I can get hold of someone today, I will rig the trap for tomorrow morning. She's looking at me right now, on my computer room window sill :jump
She looks pretty funny! She eats with only one paw. Other than her leg she looks very good! Her eyes are bright and clear and eats with gusto!
12-06-2008, 11:05 AM
She went in and ate! Maybe the smell of the other squirrels built up her confidence. I think if I can get hold of someone today, I will rig the trap for tomorrow morning. She's looking at me right now, on my computer room window sill :jump
She looks pretty funny! She eats with only one paw. Other than her leg she looks very good! Her eyes are bright and clear and eats with gusto!
Whew! Great! Big step - maybe tomorrow will be the day! Hope the rehabber contacts you - and DEFINITELY ask questions!!! :thumbsup
12-06-2008, 04:18 PM
Thats awesome but dont spring the trap until you have a rehabber set up. If you leave her in that trap for too long she will hurt herself trying to get out.
Also maybe put something like cardboard on the bottom so she doesnt drag her leg over the wires and rip it open. Maybe a small blanket to hide under too, if its possible without it getting in the way of the trigger plate.
Good luck and great photo
12-07-2008, 12:05 AM
it would be great to find a rehabber who would release her back to your yard if she's releasable....since that's her home and all. if she turns out to be a non releasable please ask for her back and someone will give her a good home on here!!! :) thanks for being so persistent with her!
12-07-2008, 08:28 AM
Peaches, I'm way ahead of you on that one! I put a cardboard in yesterday morning and the day that I rig for capture I'll roll up a small blanket that I'm sure she'll unroll once she is calm. :thumbsup
Frickster, I'm having alot of trouble finding a rehabber, let alone releasing in my yard :shakehead We're supposed to have snow accumulation on tuesday, I hope it doesn't cause problems.
By the way what's the smallest hole a squirrel will try to squeaze through.
I noticed this morning that there are two holes near the top of the cage on the wire flap side!:thinking
12-07-2008, 09:50 AM
By the way what's the smallest hole a squirrel will try to squeaze through.
I noticed this morning that there are two holes near the top of the cage on the wire flap side!:thinking
... Good question! I've wondered that myself and really hope someone knows!!!
12-07-2008, 11:53 AM
I was taking pictures today and got a pic of another guy who 2 days ago had an enormous lump on the side of his face, looked like a chipmunk with one full cheek! Today he looks like this:
12-07-2008, 02:52 PM
Looks like it might have been an abscess that he decided to drain on his own. Keep an eye on it to scap over and heal. Don't want an infection.
island rehabber
12-07-2008, 03:51 PM
Looks like it might have been an abscess that he decided to drain on his own. Keep an eye on it to scap over and heal. Don't want an infection.
I agree with atlantasquirrelgirl; looks like a burst abcess. These things can usually clear up by themselves...just keep an eye on him.
12-07-2008, 04:15 PM
That's what I thought too, he looked like he was smuggling a potato! Poor little man, I'm sure it feels a whole lot better right now!:)
12-07-2008, 04:33 PM
I have the trap rigged for capture because we're supposed to get a fair amount of snow on tuesday. How long could she survive in a havaheart trap?
island rehabber
12-07-2008, 05:01 PM
I have the trap rigged for capture because we're supposed to get a fair amount of snow on tuesday. How long could she survive in a havaheart trap?
She shouldn't be in there more than 12 hours....stress will cause her to become dehydrated, maybe even shocky, so as little time as possible would be best.
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