View Full Version : down in 30's tonite in central Florida!!

11-18-2008, 01:21 PM
My 17wk boys are in the 3rd day of a soft release, so they still have access to their cage, food, and nest box. Inside the nest box is quilt batting, but is that enough for a chiller of a night like tonight? We don't often have cold temps like this, at least not until Jan. or Feb. Is there something I should do to help, or is all their baby fat going to be enough? :thinking

11-18-2008, 01:58 PM
:sanp3 Hopefully someone on here will be on soon to help you!

Lady Squirrelly
11-18-2008, 02:04 PM
In Jacksonville with the same worries.

It will be in the low 30's and high 20's here tonight.

I am so worried about my 4. They can still get into the release pen and to the nest boxes. I only know of one that is still coming back. I will put extra fleece in that nest box this afternoon.

A mother's job is never done.:osnap

11-18-2008, 02:09 PM
I wouldn't worry about them. I have my little flyers in the outside cage now (they have been out for a couple weeks now) and the temp. here is only in the low 30s now with overnight lows in the 20s or maybe even the teens. They haven't had any trouble staying warm and they are just sleeping in a little sleepy sack (they refuse to go into the nestbox I put in for them :shakehead ). I think your squirrels will be just fine.

Lady Squirrelly
11-18-2008, 02:11 PM
Other (meaning wild) squirrels may be just fine,

but these are MY babies we're talking about here. :grouphug

Charles Chuckles
11-18-2008, 02:14 PM
I live right by mama squirrel in cental fl. when she has the new realeased out they have access to her screened in porch and keeps their nesting boxes with blankets etc. they use it...and now they are all different ages and when it gets cold they still come in for the night and the food. I don't know about a light bulb like you do for other animals (I always keep my dogs/cats inside)I am sure if you put extra binkies in their nesting box up off the ground they will be just fine...You can always put a heating pad underneath as long as it is one that stays on and the little darlings don't chew the cord:dono

11-18-2008, 02:15 PM
lol, your babies are all grown up now. Wait until it gets really cold out and then go out and put your hand in the nestbox with them. They will actually warm your hands up. I do that all the time in the winter :D . I have 6 fox squirrels in the outside cage and when I shovel a path to the cage, I always go in when my hands get really cold and put them in the box to warm them up.

11-18-2008, 02:23 PM
I wouldn't worry about them. I have my little flyers in the outside cage now (they have been out for a couple weeks now) and the temp. here is only in the low 30s now with overnight lows in the 20s or maybe even the teens. They haven't had any trouble staying warm and they are just sleeping in a little sleepy sack (they refuse to go into the nestbox I put in for them :shakehead ). I think your squirrels will be just fine.

Well, it's been in the 80's lately, though last night was mid 50's, so I'm just concerned about them not used to such temps. I think I'll try to add more quilt batting so they have some on top as well. I imagine your little guys are used to cold temps already. Thanks for your input!

11-18-2008, 02:26 PM
I live right by mama squirrel in cental fl. when she has the new realeased out they have access to her screened in porch and keeps their nesting boxes with blankets etc. they use it...and now they are all different ages and when it gets cold they still come in for the night and the food. I don't know about a light bulb like you do for other animals (I always keep my dogs/cats inside)I am sure if you put extra binkies in their nesting box up off the ground they will be just fine...You can always put a heating pad underneath as long as it is one that stays on and the little darlings don't chew the cord:dono

Yea, I think I'll add some batting, but I'm going to have to nix the heating pad. These guys chew on everything. Thanks!

11-18-2008, 02:38 PM
I understand your worry--the 30s may not seem that cold to some, but for Florida (and south Texas, where I live) the 30s IS REALLY COLD because it doesn't ever get colder than that!!!!!

I'd put extra fleece out so they can snuggle up and keep warm. Poor babies.

Loopy Squirrel
11-18-2008, 02:46 PM
I live in west central FL and I understand your worry. It almost sounds silly to the northerners, which I used to be, but I worry too about my little ones. When it got really cold I'd use rice socks but they don't last all night and then the funny thing was when they decided to chew into it and their whole hide box was filled w/ rice. I have used the hot hands warmies for gloves/socks that you can get at walmart or walgreens in the fall. Those last a little longer. I have also used my microwaveable heating pad that I got at Chris's squirrel store. They can last eight hours, possibly more. I'd heat it right before we went to bed and then put it out there so it would be warm during the coldest part of the night. I know, I know, my husband is always
telling me too that they are old enough and have to learn to be wild. "They'll be fine," he says.

11-18-2008, 02:54 PM
When my squirrels moved outside, they went from being inside the house at 72 degrees or whatever we have it set at :thinking to near freezing temps or below. As long as they have a box, they will be ok. I have even had a grey squirrel spend the night out of the box sleeping on the ledge while it was snowing and she was warm when I picked her up. When my black squirrels escaped a few years ago right before Christmas, I was soooooooooooooooo worried they would get pneumonia or freeze to death out there because it was raining when they escaped then it was sleeting, then snow :shakehead . When I finally caught Stretch though, I could feel her body heat coming through my glove, she was warm as warm can be after spening two rainy/snowy nights out with no nest box. Squirrels are tougher than they look!

Charles Chuckles
11-18-2008, 03:37 PM
lol, your babies are all grown up now. Wait until it gets really cold out and then go out and put your hand in the nestbox with them. They will actually warm your hands up. I do that all the time in the winter :D . I have 6 fox squirrels in the outside cage and when I shovel a path to the cage, I always go in when my hands get really cold and put them in the box to warm them up.
oh no you mean it will be getting colder:soapbox I don't do cold:shakehead anything under 50 and Charly and I start wearing our longjons:sanp3

11-18-2008, 03:39 PM
I don't know if it is getting colder in Florida. I know here in Ohio, winter is just getting started though and LOTS more cold weather and snow is on the way.

Charles Chuckles
11-18-2008, 04:35 PM
OHHHH I guess I better not bellyache:shakehead you poor thing I need to make you and your critters some warm binkies:squirrel1

11-18-2008, 06:47 PM
Well, I took some batting cut into strips and shoved it in the top of their box so they'll have extra. Since the hinged top has a 1/2" gap on one side, I also crammed some batting into the gap to block out the cold. But those little rascals -- I watched the batting that was sticking out of the gap being tugged inside! They're so wily! :multi But I think they have enough fluff. And I noticed yesterday that their body fat was way more than the average skinny Florida squirrel, so I'm not worried. Thanks soooo much to you all for coming to my rescue!!! You're the best!!! :grouphug

Lady Squirrelly
11-18-2008, 08:12 PM
I put lots of extra fleece pieces in the next boxes, filled up their water bottle, and left extra food and squirrel blocks out for them. Extra food will give them the energy to keep their little bodies heating up.

Wishing them the best.:grouphug

11-18-2008, 09:07 PM
Good for you, Lady Squirrelly! It's supposed to be in the 20s here in N. FL tonight - definitely not what any of us - including little squirrellies - are used to! Whatever you can do to offer them more comfort, you go for it!:thumbsup