View Full Version : Very Sharp nails

11-14-2008, 08:11 AM
After some Sq Board help on diet, our female grey is thriving! Definitley noticed the
behaviour changes mentioned in another thread....

With the increased speed in the last 2 weeks, lighting fast, we humans look like a cat attacked us. My kids backs and shoulders are a war zone! She really loves to hang out inside our clothing.

Being an inside girl, there is not much to wear her claws down. Is this just par for the course? I can't imagine there is much I can do, but figured I 'd run it by The Board.

11-14-2008, 08:16 AM
You can always clip their nails... but it's a task!

I usually wrap Ike in a small hand towel making a "squirrelito"... pulling out one little hand at a time and just take off the WHITE tips of his nails - DON'T go beyond the little white tips. Usually my bf will help in holding him that way I can get a better grip on his little hands...

Did I leave anything out, anyone else??

Charles Chuckles
11-14-2008, 08:52 AM
This is Charley Chuckles mommy,
I have been trimming my little guys nails from when he was very young....so I don't know how old your baby is. I use baby clippers I got from wall mart.. I only have to trim Charley's front nails. I only trim the very tip white, and each time I only take the itsy bit off. I take him away from all other distractions.no other people animals ect. I make sure it is quiet and I sing to him...if he moves too much I just play a little until I can start again. He does the best when I take him outside on the deck. However Charley is not able to run away. My clippers I have noticed are losing their sharpness so I need to by a new pair(it has been 4 years) and only use them on the squirrels nails so that they don't get dull too fast. You have to be careful not to take off the finger...you know how fast they are. But I could not imagine having to take Charley in the shower with me with those razor blades...for that matter just to play with him. I do his about every week or week and a half. Good luck with it.:thumbsup Everyone have a great day:wott Charley Chuckles mommy

11-14-2008, 09:14 AM
You can also get a wodent wheel and put FINE sand paper in it so as they run it keeps their nails trimmed. They is a wheel with the sand paper in it but this way is cheeper. that's just what I do good luck I know how it is with the scratches my flyer pup had taken to loving my face:osnap

11-14-2008, 09:31 AM
Also try placing his food bowl on a large flat rock, so that he will have to walk on it to get his food - this will keep them trimmed naturally. Make sure he has a log to run on, and chew. You can use a piece of oak that has been split for use in the fireplace if you don't have access to trees that you can cut large branches from. Another thing - I have a friend that plays 'catch the emory board' with her squirrels. They think it's great fun, and their nails get trimmed while they are playing. She just moves it around on a flat surface - tabletop or such - and they pounce on it.
