View Full Version : One more question......

11-10-2008, 12:05 PM
I have read a lot on this board and love the pics - how do you ever get one to just come to you and eat out of your hand?? I try not to get too close to my little friends and just kneel down and talk gently to them. But, their tails go back and forth and I think that is a sign that they are scared - so I just leave. They are the cutest little creatures!! I guess LOTS of patience helps....any suggestions??

11-10-2008, 12:43 PM
frick and frack were the first squirrels we ever had up close and personal on a regular basis. BUT both in michigan and when we first moved back to va we had wild squirrels that we could feed by hand. we kind of started by just throwing out peanuts. then we'd make a trail that got closer to the house. eventually they learned we were friends and would come and take it from our hands. once we missed "their" feed time and the managed to chew through the screen door to get their peanuts. funny little critters they are. i've always loved them but having frick and frack has just made me fascinated by them lol.

11-10-2008, 01:51 PM
Thanks, will have to try that. Your little ones are soooo cute!

Jackie in Tampa
11-10-2008, 02:09 PM
peanuts and patience:thumbsup