View Full Version : Cancer and Squirrels??

11-06-2008, 09:56 AM
Has anyone on here heard about Cancer sniffing dogs? How about the cat that lived in a retirement home and would sit with people only when that person had less than 24 hours to live?

Well my question is this: Can squirrels detect illness? Here is why I ask:

A week ago or so I noticed a VERY SMALL mole on my bottom eyelid. It didn't bother me the first day but began to itch a little after that first day. It was very tiny and I wasn't even sure it was a mole. Then Fay, my squirrel wouldn't leave my eye alone the last few days. She tried to get in there and bite that tiny little mole off. Then yesterday I noticed it had grown to three times it's size! I pulled it off myself, shame on me. My eye was bleeding good after yanking that thing off of it with my fingers. That night when I went to play with the squirrels Fay again wanted to check out my eye! Also, the last couple of days she's been licking my arms and hands gently and non-stop unless I distract her. Jazz has also been licking my hands and arms, but hasn't went after the eye yet.

Thank you for any input you might have,
Joanne in FL:tilt

11-06-2008, 10:18 AM
Love takes many forms. If I were you I'd make an appointment with a doctor to get checked out. Even if you have no health insurance, the cost is well worth it. You have people and SQUIRRELS that need and love you.Don't take a chance.

11-06-2008, 10:28 AM
Thank you, I have a routine appt on the 11th so I'll ask the Dr. what she thinks. I go for diabetes and they also thought it's possible I have Lymphoma so we are doing bloodwork right now to find out why my white blood count is so high. I guess it's been steadily rising for a year. They made me get a mammogram too - ugh.

Thank you for caring,
Joanne in FL

11-06-2008, 11:20 AM
The way cats and dogs can tell when people have cancer, is because cancer cells give of difrent chemicals than normal cells and cats and dogs can smell these chemicals.

Squirrels have even more sensative nosses than cats or dogs. so it is entirelly possible they would be able to detect cancer in humans by the difrent smell.

Go get your mole biopsied, and soon!:poke

You might have just saved your own life, because a mole growing that fast would have to be an extreamly agresive melinoma, had you wated for a doctors apointment it could have spread to your lymph and become fatal. You need to get it checked as soon as you can. If that means hanging around the hospital all day tomorrow then so be it.

As for your squirrel trying to bite your eye, she was probably trying to do exactly the same thing that you did yourself and remove it. Animals may not know about medicine, but they know that a skin growth needs to be removed quickly. she was probably trying to nurse you as she would any of her familly that was ill.