View Full Version : I want to know.....

11-02-2008, 11:09 AM
.... exactly WHO started the rumor that squirrels are only active a couple of hours after sunrise and a couple of hours before sunset??!!!!:soapbox

I have read that on several sites about grey squirrels. Twitchy is active ALL of the DAY!! I mean he'll take a nap occassionally but when I go into the bedroom he's ready to get O-U-T!!

I have been using a stuffed dog toy instead of my hand/arm for him to 'play with' but my arm still looks like a drug user's.... :jump

Do baby squirrels 'wean themselves'?? So far he's still drinking about 3 ounces of formula/day in 2 feedings. He's about 12 weeks old now.

11-02-2008, 11:23 AM
I know I have posted it before. We've all got that fell into the rose bushes look.:jump :jump Be glad that you have a happy, healthy and active baby.:) He will settle down and some of mine stayed on formula until they were released which has been up to six month old. The formula is really good for a growing baby. I would let him have it until he doesn't want it anymore, that day will come.
I hope you are enjoying your little bundle of fun!:rotfl

11-02-2008, 12:42 PM

One of the "fun" things about the internet is anyone can post anything, whether or not it's true. :sanp3

11-02-2008, 02:18 PM
We've all got that fell into the rose bushes look

true..I have a lot...I guess that the price you got to pay to have these wondeful little squirrels.. i love mine through all the red marks on my arms and shoulders.and all the hurt...lol....and I dont know..I think they busy all day not just mornings and evening....people think it a coolest part of the day...but they always running about lookin and storing food and playing around....:crazy

Al's mom
11-08-2008, 02:32 PM
From someone that has been observing outside squirrels for a whole month, so this is not gospel, I see the squirrels out every morning as they start their day, and definitely the hour before dusk, finishing up their day. Some days they are active ALL day, finding acorns and burying them, and other days they must be busy doing something else to prepare for winter, like their nests. They also have certain routines, like if its Saturday and kids are around they are stealthy, and lay low, but still get work done, they are industrious lil guys.:wahoo