View Full Version : Me, again, note from another list

10-31-2008, 12:14 PM
Hi, gang! I've mentioned before that I am on another squirrel list....anyway, I saw this post today & thought I'd copy it here to get some opinions. I will be sending this nice lady a message to let her know about our group.

Last night something happened to rocky. I had just put him back into his
> cage and a few min later I heard this strange noise in his cage. When I
> looked he was laying on his side just as stiff as can be all straight
> even his tail. And he was shaking real hard. I reached in and picked up
> he stayed stiff. I screamed for Gene I was so scared. By the time Gene
> got back to the room Rocky was coming out of it. He wasnąt so stiff any
> more but I could still feel his heart beating so very hard. He let me
> hold him and snuggle for almost an hour and then climbed down and went
> to his bed. This morning he is slower than normal but other-wise back to
> his playful self. He is still wanting to be held, petted and cuddled.
> Which I do so enjoy but he was past that stage so although I am totally
> enjoying the snuggles again I am also worried.
> I pray that this never ever happens again. But not knowing what it was
> am afraid it may just happen again.

:thankyou for being here for all of the fuzzers in the world.

10-31-2008, 12:28 PM
Stretched out or tail and limbs straight out followed by shaking is a seizure and the squirrel needs to be seen by a vet to figure out the cause.
Could be low sugar, could be herbicide or something toxic, a number of things.
Find out what the squirrel is eating generally and or what is recently consumed.
Poor baby

11-03-2008, 12:34 PM
Well, once again TSB Rocks! I emailed her the healthy diet, MBD emergency info & the light information along with the ideas that were mentioned here. I don't know whether she took him to a vet or not, but here is the message that was posted by Rocky's mom today: (apparently he also had a boo-boo on his foot, but I missed the mention of it.)

Rocky is doing great now. I took some of the food away that I was feeding him as they were on the no-no list. His foot has healed nicely and I have increased his time out in the sun. He is so much more active. Not that he wasn’t before it’s just like his battery never wears out now. LOL or maybe it is cause with the moving and packing I can’t give him hours upon hours of play time. But that will be back soon enough.

Thank you all for you wonderful help of my little guy. When spring time comes we will work harder on getting him introduced to the wilds.

:thankyou for always being here!