View Full Version : squirrels:cats:cats:squirrels

10-30-2008, 03:04 PM
Glaucomys is about 2 and a half months old now, and has a nice new cage. Also in our household are 3 curious cats. Just wondering if anyone else has cats too, if so are they aquainted with your squirrel(s)? At what age did you start introducing them? I want him to be able to travel outside of the room we keep him in, but with the cats i just dont know.I think I want to wait till he gets to his full adult size, but any info would be appreciated. For now the cats just sit and sniff his cage. :thumbsup

10-30-2008, 03:06 PM
If you are planning on releasing your squirrel come spring, its important that your squirrel not see or come into contact with your cats.
Your baby will view your cats as friends, nothing could be farther from the truth cats are predators their saliva carries a bacteria that kills squirrels.
So no cats and squirrels do not mix.:thumbsup Keep your guy in a seperate room.

10-30-2008, 03:40 PM
I lock my cats out of the house (two cat household) in the evening which is when Scribble comes and plays with us in the lounge.. After a few days of upset they have accepted this as The Way.. When Scrib is in his big outside cage the cats sometimes partake in a spot of Squirrel watching-Scribble has no fear of them so I have tried to make them afriad of him. When I catch them looking at him I spray them with water or use my blow gun and frozen peas (they dont hurt! I am not being cruel to my animals!!)- I generally miss on both counts-they _know_ it is a NO-NO so are quite quick on the uptake and make a run for it. I wouldnt let them mix, even if you end up keeping your Squirrel-accidents happen so quickly-even when you have your eye on them.

Mrs. Jack
10-30-2008, 03:53 PM
lol, I don't know about squirrels, but your cats will have a veggie phobia :D can just see them run the next time you have peas for dinner ;)

10-30-2008, 05:39 PM
I'd also be worried that the cat would hurt the squirrel. Better safe than sorry.