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10-24-2008, 01:03 PM
I bought a new cage for the little guy's ( they are around 10 weeks old now) It is much bigger and gives them much more room to play, but they HATE to go in it. They freak out, claw me and try to make the great escape every time I try to put them in there. I don't understand why they want to be in the little cage. Why are they so upset, and how can I make the transistion easier for them?:dono

10-24-2008, 01:10 PM
I have the same problem every baby season; transfer a litter to a new, larger cage, and they freak.

I tried the approach of gradually introducing them to it, by putting them in it for 2 hours oen day, 4 hours the next, then full time. They flipped out each time I introduced them to it, so not much success with that.

Now, I just make sure they have a nice box with fleecies to hide in, and a hammock, and I put them right in that, inside the cage. They will come out when they feel more comfortable. They are usually over their fear in a day or two.

10-24-2008, 07:01 PM
I am having the exact same problem. We just got Gus a new big cage:wahoo , I put him in it this morning and he totally freaked out (:crazy:soapbox:hissyfit ). He is tolerating it right now but he will not leave the top shelf where his bed is. He is out of his bed playing but refuses to go to the other levels. I guess he will get hungry and maybe go explore . I'm glad to hear that he will come around eventually.....:thankyou

10-24-2008, 07:11 PM
When my babies transitioned to bigger, I just put the entire small cage into the newer, big cage and opened the door so they could come out and explore it when they were ready...........is your new cage big enough to try this?

10-24-2008, 08:48 PM
Try this. Place 3 drops of Rescue Remedy in about a cup of water into a misting bottle. When you put your babies into the new cage then gently mist both the babies and the new cage. Cover the cage and give them a few minutes. Make sure they have a nest box with their old smelly blanket to hide in. This should make the transfer easier.

If the new cage has ever housed ferrets in it you may have to leave it outside and let mother nature clean it for you. This may take a while to get the scent out of any plastic parts. Or just replace the plastic parts if you can. Ferrets are from the weasel family and squirrels have a natural fear of them and their scent. This is a good thing. Squirrels to be released should not be taught otherwise.

Hope this helps