View Full Version : Help needed with grey squirrel

Nancy in New York
10-23-2008, 04:01 PM
I'm new here, but have found this site so helpful when having a problem with any of my squirels.
I released a grey squirrel last year on my property, and she has come back daily to eat and drink and visit. The only missing days were when she had her babies in our front tree in a squirrel box.
Three days ago, she was not around. Today I saw her trying to make her way up to the deck. She appears to not be seeing too great since she stepped in her water bowl, and seemed to be going more on sound than sight. When I hold a nut out to her, she just goes in a circle. I think she is hungry, however, when she took a nut, her little paw crossed over the other and she couldn't hold it. I was able to capture her and put her in a cage, however, my vet is on vacation until next week.
I have head trauma medicine (all natural), I was wondering if I should give it to her, and if anyone has other suggestions as to what to do.
Do you think she may have been poisoned or hit by something? She is not limping, and there are no marks on her body. Thank you to anyone who can help me with this problem...Nancy

10-23-2008, 04:32 PM
Hi Nancy,

I'm so sorry to hear about your squirrel - it sounds like she definitely has some problems. I'm glad you were able to get her in a cage. Keep her in a warm, dark and quiet place until a rehabber can come on to help you.

Meanwhile, does she seem hydrated? Would she be able to take some hydrating solution from a bowl? How long has it been since you were able to get her in the cage?

10-23-2008, 04:38 PM
Nancy, in response to the email you sent, another thread was created and one of our rehabbers posted this reply for you (I put a note in that other thread for people to come and reply to you here so you will see all the advice):

Sounds like a head tilt. Head tilts caused by trauma will cause a rodent to walk in circles. Where is she located?
Perhaps there is another rehabber in the area who can help.

Also can you make a rodent block mash and try to syringe it to him in a 10 or larger cc syringe and make sure he is hydrated?

Do you think you could feed her with a syringe? If so -- do you by chance HAVE any rodent block available? Or any leftever formula powder? Sometimes adult squirrels that are injured or sick will take formula even if they haven't had it for a long time. Or you can try Ensure vanilla (for people -- many grocery stores sell it in single serve bottles).

But at least she should have water available if you can put that in her cage.


Nancy in New York
10-23-2008, 04:42 PM
Thank you for answering so fast. I have had her in a cage for the past hour. She doesn't seem to be fighting it. I don't think she is dehydrated at all. I put a bowl of water and a water bottle in the cage for her too. Funny, I am a rehabber under someone else's license; only to do small mammals and birds, however, all of my friends are in Niagra Falls at a conference on wildlife! I am squirrel sitting all of their littles that they will have to winter.
So my vet is out of town and all of the senior rehabbers are in Niagra Falls, that is why I went to the next best thing. This board. Honestly, there is so much outstanding, helpful informaiton here, I am thrilled that I found it. Again, thank you so much for such a fast reply. Do you think that it could be head trauma? Nancy

Nancy in New York
10-23-2008, 04:48 PM
Thanks Buddy's Mom, Also thank you for directing people over here.
I do have goats milk esbilac and multimilk that I use with it. I will try to feed her right now with a syringe just to make sure she stays hydrated. I have no rodent chow though. She was one that I had from a pinkie last year, so hopefully she will take the baba. Thanks again for all of your help, this is so much appreciated.

10-23-2008, 04:48 PM
I have head trauma medicine (all natural), I was wondering if I should give it to her, and if anyone has other suggestions as to what to do.
Do you mean homeopathic remedies? One of our members (Mars) is quite knowledgeable in that area and might be able to help you. I'll send her a message to come look here and see if she can help you.

Since your vet is not available until next week, would you consider taking her to a rehabber or to another vet? It might mean leaving her with them. Although if she can be treated and released, it is usually preferred to release them to their original location.

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

10-23-2008, 04:56 PM
I'm wondering if she was possibly hit by a car, she doesnt have to have external injuries. It may have been just enough to cause head trauma.
Can you get dexamethosone? Its a steroid for trauma, is anyone in the vet office that they would give you the meds?
Reguardless keep her calm and quiet as I am sure you already know. I wouldnt be to worried about feeding her a lot today she needs to rest.

10-23-2008, 05:00 PM

What do you have on hand? Do you have Aconite? Arnica?? What potencies?

Let's see if we can help.


10-23-2008, 05:07 PM
... Funny, I am a rehabber under someone else's license; only to do small mammals and birds, however, all of my friends are in Niagra Falls at a conference on wildlife! I am squirrel sitting all of their littles that they will have to winter.
So my vet is out of town and all of the senior rehabbers are in Niagra Falls, that is why I went to the next best thing. This board. Honestly, there is so much outstanding, helpful informaiton here, I am thrilled that I found it. Again, thank you so much for such a fast reply. Do you think that it could be head trauma? Nancy

Well, it's good to know you have experience, and have the squirrel care basics at hand. :thumbsup BTW, :Welcome

Most of TSB's NY rehabbers are also attending the conference. :) But there are lots of others still available to give you advice.

:thumbsup I have just received an offer of help for you -- I'm going to send you a PM (Private Message) to relay some information. When you refresh this screen, you will get a pop-up to follow to the PM area. (FYI, you can also access PMs by clicking on Private Message in the upper right of each screen, under your name)

10-23-2008, 05:20 PM
Unfortunately I am about 3 hours away from you or I would offer to help take her in or get you some dex and all the NY rehabbers I know are down near the city. Do you have a vet around you can get some from or anything?

10-23-2008, 05:22 PM
SASG, someone just offered to send her some dex and I am trying to arrange that by PM. :thumbsup (She has a vet -- who is on vacation til next week.)

Nancy, if you can't figure out the PMs, let me know here and I will send you an email instead. :)

10-23-2008, 05:26 PM

What do you have on hand? Do you have Aconite? Arnica?? What potencies?

Let's see if we can help.

Didn't want this to get lost in the other posts --- Nancy, let Mars know what you have and she can help you. :)

10-23-2008, 05:26 PM
Great! I wish you luck!!

Nancy in New York
10-23-2008, 07:36 PM
Hi Mars, This is something that I got from Chris at the Squirrel store in Connecticut. It says Trauma Nerve Damage then under that it says The Natural Path Wild Life Remedies. For the life of me, I cannot read what else it says. The label is somewhat damaged. Thanks again.

10-23-2008, 09:10 PM
Hopefully, Mars will be familiar with this product. Chris' site does not list any information, just a picture of the front of the bottle, and I thought I could help by searching for the product -- but couldn't find anything. If Mars does not know, contact Chris' tomorrow to get more information on the ingredients.

I hope it's OK to share this that Nancy included in a PM --- this is a very special little squirrel to her, who could use some prayers and well wishes:

She came to me last year as a "failure to thrive" baby.... She had a respiratory problem and was on outdated antibiotics (I think Clavamox). I took her up to ... the vet and it was touch and go, but she pulled through. We put a huge squirrel box in our front pine and she made her home there, when she was released. This past spring she had her babies in the box and we also still feed them (3). Now my little baby is in trouble again. She means the world to me and I am so grateful for all of your help.

Nancy, that is so touching --- I had tears when I first read it and now again posting. I hope this little girl just needs some TLC and meds and a chance to heal so she can return to her wild life. :Love_Icon

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

10-23-2008, 09:55 PM
Hi; just checking to see if you and Mars were able to work out what to give your mama squirrel....I have been thinking about you guys all afternoon. Please, when you have time, let us know how it's going!:grouphug

10-23-2008, 10:09 PM
I do know a few local people who have used The Trauma Nerve stuff from Chris. Some said it helped great others didn't. I guess it really depends on the severity. I am not familiar with the actual ingredients. Maybe someone who has the actual bottle can list them.

10-26-2008, 12:48 PM
Nancy has been having computer issues and unable to post, but was able to send me a message, which I'm pasting here. Her vet returned and saw Babs yesterday -- inconclusive (details below). As of this morning, she is still not eating, maybe is drinking some water. I'm not sure about the dex, but I have asked about that and more about the eating and what she has tried, or could try. .............. Advice anyone?? :thankyou

Hi Buddy's Mom,
Sorry it has taken so long to write back, I am having some sort of problem with this computer. I wanted to update you on little Babs. My vet came back today and we made a trip up there. This was her findings: No sign of head trauma, eyes are normal, no neurological deficit noted, lungs good, no external parasites no fractures, rt, upper incisor; broken enamal, chipped, no points or fractures noted, good weight (650 grams) ears clean. Joy actually said that she was extremely clean and an excellent specimen of a squirrel. :jump .She did have to give her a little anesthesia before she looked her over. She said that when she went down she showed no sign of head trauma, and she didn't have head tilt. She wants her to be on Metacam? (I can't read her writing too well) 0.05 ml. 1 time daily for 7 to 10 days. She dewormed her too incase she had internal parasites. When she came home I sat with her for about a half an hour and she went right to sleep, just like my husband does.:) Poor baby, I think the trip stressed her, plus the anesthesia. I haven't seen her eat or drink anything, so I have to keep an eye out for that. I felt so good coming home, but now I'm back to wondering what is wrong with her. I will just say some prayers and hope for the best. I sometimes think that if she can feel my love, she will pull through, and be back to normal.

Every day that I came home from work, she would run into the garage, I used to think that she was just so happy to see me. Then one day my husband said give her a pecan that is what she is waiting for. It seems that when he was working out there one day he let her come in and help herself to all the pecans she wanted, she kept coming in and burying them for about 2 hours he said. We get them in 25 lb boxes just for her and keep them in the garage, that's why when I would open the garage door, she would come running down the tree and right in after my car. When I got out, she was right there waiting for me, I mean for the pecan!!!

I hope you know how much I appreciate all that you have done, you rallied the troops and I felt peoples thoughts and prayers with us. Please keep them coming, I don't know if she is out of the woods......
All my best,
Nancy and Babs

..... I was wondering what you thought of the fact that so far I don't see Babs eating. I did notice that the water bowl is down a little and I hung up a bottle, however, I don't think that she has touched that yet.....

10-26-2008, 02:01 PM
From email while TSB was, ummmm, unavailable .... The dex did not arrive yesterday. She has tried offering "formula and sweet potato (baby), banana, pecans, you name it, I think I have tried it. However, she is just in her little cube and not wanting to eat or drink or anything but sleep. .... She isn't even coming out, she is just in her cube. I don't know if the circling has stopped since I don't see her. She just looks out and sometimes gives that little shatter."

A rehabber Nancy is sq-sitting for is due to pick up her sqs soon and will also take a look at Babs, to the extent she can.

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

10-26-2008, 06:25 PM
Were X rays taken of the teeth or just examined? Fractures can be down past the gum line. Since there is enamel damage I would think some kind of trauma to that area? Which might make it too painful to eat . Metacam will help with both inflammation and pain. Many are nervous to use it but you do what you gotta do. I have used it many times with no ill affects. Millie is on it as well right now.

If X rays weren't taken though you want to get that done.

Nancy in New York
10-26-2008, 07:26 PM
Thanks to everyone that has been giving suggestions. I too think that x rays would be a great idea. I was also wondering if she may have gotten into some kind of poison? Just a thought.
My friend was detained in Niagra Falls and didn't notify me until about an hour ago that she will be picking up her little squirrels tomorrow so Babs will have to wait until then to be looked at by her.
I did notice her eating a pecan out of the shell about 4 hours ago, she seemed to be eating on the side though, and not holding it as they usually do. She tried to hold with one paw, then decided it could be done if she just left it on the floor of her cage. I put a rug on the floor of the cage for her so the food doesn't go through. She did start drinking a lot in fact which is also a good sign since I haven't seen her do either.
I don't like not knowing what I am dealing with, so I am going to call Joy (the vet) tomorrow and see if she will do x rays. There is definitely something wrong, we just need to stay on this and find out what.
Again, thank you all for your concern and suggestions. This board and the members are the best, and it is so appreciated.

10-27-2008, 08:30 AM
I remembered this posting from another thread and wanted to make sure to caution you, since your vet has given you metacam and you should be receiving the dexamethasone today ---- DO NOT give both meds to Babs!!

My book (Wild Baby Mammals:The First 28 Hours & Beyond) has a caution for Metacam. It says:
Caution: Do not use in conjunction with other NSAIDS. Do not give if the animal is on steroids such as prednisone, dexamethasone, cortisone or triamcinolone.

I hope she is better this morning. :)

10-27-2008, 11:36 AM
OK you definitely need x rays on those teeth. Give her soft foods to chew for now. Soaked rodent blocks, soft or baby food veggies. She will eat if she has to and it might be hurting her and causing her more pain to try.

And as BM said DO NOT GIVE BOTH MEDS!! I would personally leave the dex for now and use the metacam since it is a pain reliever as well.

10-27-2008, 08:59 PM
An update from Nancy ---

I did receive the dexamethasone today, and please let our friend know how much I appreciate this. She really stuck her neck out for me and like I have said a hundred time, and I mean this, I cannot thank you all enough. I got your message about not giving the two drugs, so I am just keeping her on the Metacam. I figured that you couldn't , but it is always good to remind people. To be honest, if I have any doubt, I always ask those who have been doing squirrels longer than myself. Fingers crossed, I think that I noticed some improvement today. She is actually eating a little baby sweet potato, avacado, pecans some pear and some apple. She is drinking a lot. I am going to [Dr. P -- I gave her the contact info in case she wanted another opinion]. My husband is very familiar with that area, and said he will drive down there with me, no problem. I am just thinking that if there is some problem that the Metacam isn't helping, I would want to know. It's funny because about 3 years ago, I had to bring a squirrel down to the Squirrel Sanctuary in Long Island. That is about a 3 1/2 hour drive and it was Labor day weekend that we brought her home. Talk about traffic!!! I know that this won't sound strange to you but I don't think there is anything that I wouldn't do for these little creatures. I find myself worrying all day about Babs like there is a black cloud hanging over my head. If you don't mind, I am going to send a couple of pictures of Babs, I probably have about 3000 of them. I will collect some, and send in another email. And here are some pictures of Babs :Love_Icon --- in her younger, pre-release days with Nancy (who got her as a tiny pinkie) ...... she's all grown up now :)

10-27-2008, 11:40 PM
I am really really praying for a good outcome for this little sweetie! It sounds like she knew where to come for help. Bless her furry little heart...she wanted her mama!!!

Nancy in New York
10-28-2008, 06:25 PM
Just a quick note to tell all that have been following and been so helpful with suggestions, phone numbers, prayers and everything that little Babs is doing so much better today, I had to make sure I had the right squirrel.:) When I put her bowl in this morning, her food was almost gone from the night before. Her water bowl was down a lot and even her water bottle had been touched. When I came home about 6 hours later, I brought the whole cage into the garage so I could see her in the open, and not just a cage. She was doing fantastic. She was running around in the garage up on the shelves, nosey as anything. Certainly a dffferent squirrel than last week. She stayed out for about an hour and a half and I finally coaxed her back into the cage. She was very reluctant. I might have to rethink letting her out in the garage again until it is time for her to go back to her normal life. It will be a week this Saturday that she has been on the the Metacam and I will call Joy (my vet) to ask if she wants a follow-up. I am thrilled, my baby is on the road to recovery.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you so much for reaching out, caring, trusting in me, giving me your private phone numbers and everything else. There truly are no words to express my gratitude. I felt that I wasn't in this alone, you were right there with me.
And to Buddy's Mom, how can I ever repay your kindness, your concern, your prayers. The way you came and took right over and guided me in every direction, including my username, which I still have to change.:) If I ever get in a jam, I want you on my side. As I have said before, anything I can do for any one of you will be my pleasure. Just ask. I am thrilled beyond words that I have "met" you and look forward to joining in on the squirrel board to see what everyone is up to. I'm glad you came into my life.

10-28-2008, 06:52 PM
SO glad to hear things have taken a turn for the better!:thumbsup You're a great squirrel friend - she knew just who to come to, didn't she :wahoo

10-28-2008, 09:45 PM
:wahoo :wahoo :wahoo :multi :multi :multi :multi :wahoo :wahoo :wahoo

Wow --- that is THE best news to come to!! Yay, Babs!! :crazy :crazy How wonderful that she is now so active that you had trouble getting her back in. :thumbsup :thumbsup All that running around -- I think you BOTH will sleep well tonight! :D
(Maybe if mommy lets you run around the garage again, she can lure you back into your cage with one of your beloved pecans? :thinking )

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

10-28-2008, 09:56 PM
Beautiful pictures! Glad to hear she is doing better.

10-28-2008, 10:11 PM
:thumbsup :thumbsup

10-29-2008, 06:32 AM
I'm sorry to hear about your little Gray momma. It sounds like she has suffered some head trauma! Are you able to look in her ears to see if there is any blood or clear fluid coming out? You need to keep her quiet and un-stimulated until your vet can examine her. Due to the "high-strung" nature of squirrels, physical trauma is tough for them to deal with and puts a greater demand on their nutritional needs. Clarissa Summers, a rehabber with 30 years experience, and over 2500 successful squirrel clients was a nutritionist before becoming a rehabber. She advocates a "Squirrel Elixer" for injured squirrels which gives them exactly what they need to help them cope with with the trauma. I used it on my pet, "Lucky" when he burnt his feet on hot asphault. He was majorly stressed over that and the squirrel elixer helped to keep him calm because of the Brewer's Yeast in it.

Here is the recipe: (I used the Karo Syrup instead of the Nutri Cal)

island rehabber
10-29-2008, 08:01 AM
LuckysDaddy, nothing against you personally, but please do NOT recommend anything Clarissa Summers has to say here on The Squirrel Board. She has been responsible for so much squirrel suffering and DEATH with her unhealthy, NON-nutritional "diets" that I cannot even cut her any slack anymore. So long as her horrible "theories" exist on the internet, this board will be a CLARISSA AND SCALDED MILK-FREE ZONE.

Just Google her name here, LD, and see how many desperately ill and hopelessly damaged squirrels we have tried to bring back from the horror of diarrhea and malnutrition which occurs WHEN SOMEONE FOLLOWS HER ADVICE. Then come back to me and tell me that anything she says is worth more than a pile of SH*T.

Oh yes, and in the interest of "free speech" I have tried to debate Clarissa on her horrible methods via her website. YOU CAN'T. While you were allowed to post this message about her freely here on The Squirrel Board, WE are NOT ALLOWED to post messages on HER site!! She reviews and "edits" every single thing that is sent to her, and will not post anything that contradicts her USELESS and dangerous theories. You do know she's had her rehabber's license taken away, don't you? The woman should be boiled in oil.....


Nancy in New York
10-29-2008, 07:24 PM
Just want all to know that little Babs seems to be getting better daily. There may be a slight problem with her left eye, I will keep watch on it. She was checked out by a vet and she didn't notice any problem with her eyes, however, she doesn't seem to be finding her food as well as she was before her injury. She is eating like a little piggy and drinking plenty of water. I plan on keeping her until I speak to the vet and see if she wants to see her again. I won't release her until I'm sure that her sight is back totally in her eye though. I fear she may not see predators, cars, or limbs if the eye is damaged somehow. It is not runny nor cloudy, so that may be a good sign. We will just take it one day at a time. She is doing a lot of sleeping, but I really think it is out of boredom. I will let her out into the garage tomorrow, not to worry, I would never leave her alone in there. I feel she is like a 2 year old, apt to get into anything if I don't keep an eye on her. I have "squirrel proofed" the garage but I will still be with her, it's good to observe her too.

10-29-2008, 09:40 PM
Glad she is still doing well. That's a little troublesome about her eyesight. It's good to watch and see how she functions in moving around, etc. Some eyesight issues would not necessarily mean she couldn't go back to her wild life, but it depends how she does. She may need some time to adjust to whatever has changed, so she can move comfortable ... and stay safe.

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

10-30-2008, 08:24 AM
HERE HERE IR!! Nicely put. Am so mad with my Vet, despite me giving him the web address for TSB and printing out a How To guide for them to give out, he googled Squirrel Care and got Clarrisas garbage advice instead. So is telling everyone to feed their orphans scalded milk!!! GRRRRRR!!!

10-30-2008, 09:11 AM
HERE HERE IR!! Nicely put. Am so mad with my Vet, despite me giving him the web address for TSB and printing out a How To guide for them to give out, he googled Squirrel Care and got Clarrisas garbage advice instead. So is telling everyone to feed their orphans scalded milk!!! GRRRRRR!!!

Agghhh!!! Clarissa is a NUTJOB!!! :skwredup Geez, I wish people would search for more information on this before they make the decision to take her word for the gospel of how to save a squirrel....:frustratedx