View Full Version : Not eating KayTee Forti-Diet for Rats and Mice

10-23-2008, 12:06 PM
I have 2 8 1/2 week old squirrels and I've been trying to wean them. They like eating fruits and veggies its just they never touch the KayTee Forti-Diet for Rats and Mice.? Any ideas on how to get them to eat it? They will also eat acorns I find outside if I crack them open for them..

10-23-2008, 03:23 PM
Stop giving the fruits and the nuts. Rodent block and Veggies are whats needed. Fruits adn nuts should only be offered at night AFTER the healthy things have been eaten. It might take a few days but they will elarn to eat the good stuff. Just don't give . NO fruit, No nuts. They will not starve themselves.

10-24-2008, 09:42 PM
Hi Dustin, I always let my squirrels wean themselves, your little guys are too young yet. Its best if they can take the formula up to 12 weeks (they may not want it that long).
As far as the rodent block, I crush it up into a power then add some formula to make like a cookie dough..you can add some crushed nuts..to get them interested. Roll into balls, See if that works?:thumbsup

10-24-2008, 10:24 PM
oohh thats a good idea ill try that sometime!