View Full Version : New photos of Num Num

Michigan Lady
10-22-2008, 07:32 PM
Here are photos taken today of our squirrel, that my kids rediculously named Num Num..LOL.

We got his light all rigged up, and he has seemed very curious of it.

There are photos of his entire cage. Sorry it looks dirty in spots, but he is a messy little critter, slopping his food all over in his cage, and pooping and peeing everywhere... including straight down the glass!

Not to mention there are scratches on the glass as I have one dog who can't help his overwhelming urge to try to "get" the squirrel, and has pawed scratches into the glass front.

Anyhow, you can see his cage set up, as well as his log stump he sleeps in.

Believe it or not, this "stump" is a planter made out of resin. I found it at a garage sale about 2 yrs ago for 10 cents... a good buy!!

The squirrel loves it. He will put his back half in the planter, then take his little hands & will grab handfuls of oak leaves. As he backs down into the planter, he pulls the leaves in over top of him, disgusing himself.

It seems he at least has this instinct, which he has probably developed because my dogs all sit at the front of his cage... peering in at him and drooling..LOL.

He got a treat today that he devoured like it was cavier. I gave him a fresh spearmint leaf & it was gone so fast.... he was a speed eater! LOL.

I am assuming mint is ok for squirrels??? He made no bones about taking it and devouring it lickety-splity, right before my eyes!



10-22-2008, 07:59 PM
aw nums is a cutie! i like how he hides in the stump with the leaves...sounds like a funny little dude...and yeah better keep those drooling doggies away! mine were prety interested in my last baby but they are scaredy cats too...when she moved they'd run :)

anyway lucky you to have little numnum...enjoy! :multi

10-22-2008, 08:22 PM
What a precious looking baby - thanks so much for the pics; they made my day! I hope your dog is not scaring him too much, though? Oh, and loved his little stump - glad he has a nice, private spot :)

Sorry, I don't know about the mint, but would love to - I have a huge clump going wild in the garden!

10-22-2008, 08:31 PM
What a cutie! Sounds like quite the little character!

Michigan Lady
10-22-2008, 09:02 PM
What a precious looking baby - thanks so much for the pics; they made my day! I hope your dog is not scaring him too much, though? Oh, and loved his little stump - glad he has a nice, private spot :)

Sorry, I don't know about the mint, but would love to - I have a huge clump going wild in the garden!

LOL. Here are some photos of my male dog, Amador, who is just on visual overload watching this squirrel in the cage. He is extremely prey driven, and just can't stop himself from watching, drooling and occassionally pawing at the squirrel cage..LOL.

He is 130 pounds, so I have to watch him very closely, as it probably wouldn't take much for him to punch a hole in the glass of that pen and eat the squirrel!

