View Full Version : I think mine are foxers

10-17-2008, 09:15 PM
I know i am in florida ans foxers are rare but these three I got last month are maturing to look like foxers, way bigger than grays I had at that age and have yellowish bellies and different heads. Is that possible they were found in polk county. Captain is definitely a gray but Wendy, Peter and Tink are not I do not think. Will try to post pics later

10-17-2008, 09:25 PM
nope they look like some in this thread some of the ones with lighter belleys but they are much more yellow than grays

10-17-2008, 11:18 PM
Maybe you do have foxers. I'd love to see and find out!:D

10-17-2008, 11:43 PM
For a quick reference, three subspecies of the Eastern Fox squirrel are known to inhabit Florida. The panhandle region of Florida is inhabitated by the Southern Fox Squirrel (S. n. niger). Central Florida is inhabited by the Sherman's Fox Squirrel ( S. n. shermani). Both of these subspecies are very large, and in fact these are two largest of all the ten subspecies of the Eastern Fox Squirrel species. The last subspecies of Fox Squirrel found in Florida, the Big Cypress Fox Squirrel (S. n. avicennia), is the smallest of the three, but the colorations are more varied than the other two put together. Since though it is the smallestr of the three, and resides only in the southern pennisular Florida, it is rather easy to distinguish in it's habitat, from the the larger Sherman's Fox Squirrel, that resides just north of it's known territory in Florida. The first one is a Southern Fox Squirrel. The second is a Sherman's Fox Squirrel and the last three are Big Cypress Fox Squirrels.

I hope to be reposting on them again, having done far more study of them, and personal research as well, as to be able to add to my previous address on these many colored squirrels.

10-18-2008, 01:59 AM
I believe this was a large fox squirrel baby a one member had. I wonder if yours appeared to be longer like this one, at this same age?

10-18-2008, 02:13 AM
Do any of yours look like some of mine?

10-18-2008, 07:48 AM
Foxers are bigger with shorter snouts, I think shorter ears, and they have shorter legs. Their personality can also be a clue. Foxers are very laid back and there never seems to be any fights over food like with greys. They don't seem to nurse off the syringe as well either. They are just laid back like they will eat in their own time and aren't too worried about how much they eat.

The best hint, if you have had them since they were eyes closed, is the color of their tail fur when it comes it. Foxers have orangish tan tail fur wheras greys have grey/white tail fur when it first comes in.

10-18-2008, 07:53 AM
Foxsquirrels they look very similar to yours but their belly fur is not quite as red/yellow. They are 10 or 11 weeks according to when their eyes opened and compared to a 9 week old gray (captain) they are huge! Their facial strcuture is different and the color of the fur on their backs is darker. As soon as hubby gets up I'll try to get pics....
They do not look like shermans.....

10-18-2008, 07:56 AM
Here are pics from when they had their eyes closed they are obviously much older now :)

10-18-2008, 08:05 AM
Those are greys. You can tell by the grey tail fur. I will go find a picture of my eyes closed foxers so you can see the difference. Their noses are too long for foxers too. Foxers have short noses and shorter ears.

10-18-2008, 08:11 AM





10-18-2008, 10:07 AM
I believe you but they are BIG grays and have yellowish belly fur I have read that hybrids are not likely but these looks like either big grays or unusual foxers. I brought this up because the vet I work for who does lots of wildlife said to me yesterday " I don't think those are gray squirrels" and after we all started looking we thougt the same thing. Will get pics as they mature.

10-18-2008, 10:21 AM
The first pic you posted looks like a florida grey to me, but I have to say that the other three pics looks to be a different kind of squirrel - can't wait to see if they do indeed turn out to be a hybrid.

Excited! :jump

10-18-2008, 11:39 AM
The male in the group looks more like a gray than the females and he is smaller too...they have more yellow he looks more gray like

10-18-2008, 01:31 PM
Just thought I would add a bit from research, not mine, but others, on the Eastern Gray Squirrel. The subspecies that is found in Central to Northern Florida, is Sciurus carolinnesis carolinensis. It is one of the smaller brown coated Eastern Gray squirrel subspecies, the size and coloration of Fallen and Bean. Two of the larger Eastern Gray squirrel subpecies inhabit the Northern latitudes, having coats with far more gray in them, than the southern species do, even so many are fully, or partially melanistic, appearing brown to black, or even salt mottled colorations of gray and/or brown. The NE subspecies is known as S. c. pennsyvanicus, and the NW subspecies as S.c. hypophaeus. There is one other subspecies found in Florida, S.c. extimus, which inhabits the Southern Pennisular area. To determine then which subspecies of Eastern Gray squrirels or Fox Squirrel, one needs to know what subspecies of each of these squirrel species inhabits the a specific area, as well as the size, and colorations each of the subspecies that species in the area it is found possess. I hope this helps with determining which species, and subspecies of squirrel you may have. Can't wait to see more recent photos of him, or her!

10-18-2008, 02:57 PM
FS, and SRBT, those are very cute pics of foxer babies! I call them "Rufies" for short, for their subspecies name is S. n, rufiventer, which means reddish undersides, even so many have golden undersides as these do. I just luv dem golden bellies! Their common name, Western Fox Squirrel, being the most Western of the ten subspecies of theh Eastern Fox Squirrel species. I really appreciate that you shared them with us, I sure enjoy seeking foxer babies on the board!

10-18-2008, 03:37 PM
They all look like The red Squirrel I thought mine was a fox also and he was a red, they are bigger then the gray .the fox will usally have diffrent markings like a black face and a red body or other combo of color

10-18-2008, 04:07 PM
I am trying to send a pic of my red squirrel but cant figer it out

10-18-2008, 04:55 PM
This was Rusty a red squirrel they are bigger then grays...

10-18-2008, 06:45 PM
Actually, your squirrel is a grey squirrel. Red squirrels are small squirrels about twice the size of a chipmunk. Here is a picture of one of my red squirrels from last year:


10-18-2008, 10:43 PM
Please keep the photos coming, for the coloration will become more defined as time goes on. I can't wait to see what it will turn out to be like!

10-18-2008, 10:47 PM
they are beautiful!!:thumbsup

island rehabber
10-19-2008, 07:40 AM
And to really confuse everyone, the "melanistic" or "black phase" variation can occur in Western and Eastern Grey Squirrels, Fox squirrels (all types) and Abert Squirrels. Moms can have mixed babies in the same litter, and mom doesn't have to be black phase to have a black phase baby or two. Three brothers I raised in 2006:

10-19-2008, 08:49 AM
Tori, perhaps this might help...

Read the section under pelage...It does say that the venter (abdomen) colors do vary and that the pelage is highly variable, locally and regionally.... Maybe they are foxers...:dono

10-19-2008, 09:02 AM
The vet tech that saw Rusty when i found him gave me miss info she told me he was a red squirrel...Now i know the diffrence :thankyou

10-19-2008, 09:40 AM
Scirius, I do NOT think the third picture Tori posted is a fox squirrel. It looks like a grey. Foxers have really short noses and they aren't that color. The toes are actually what made me think grey squirrel. Which reminds me... one thing I realized after seeing lots of grey squirrel pictures on the board is that the pads of their feet are different colored. Greys have pink pads and foxers have dark grey, almost black pads. Maybe you could check that Tori. You said these guys were all siblings right? That would mean they have to all be one or the other.

10-19-2008, 09:42 AM
The vet tech that saw Rusty when i found him gave me miss info she told me he was a red squirrel...Now i know the diffrence :thankyou

Glad you know the difference. Most people call all squirrels red squirrels and I don't think they know there is more than one kind. If they see a real red squirrel they usually think it is a chipmunk (I got a call for a chipmunk and later realized they were talking about red squirrels because the nest had fallen from the tree (chipmunks have nests underground).

10-19-2008, 01:11 PM
This is very fun and educational obviuosly all of the squirrels, foxers and grays have huge variety in their fur colors and types. I had noticed before that the different grays were easy to tell apart but this is even more interesting now. I have not been able to get me hubby to help as I want to hold them to get pics of their belly fur to show the difference. Also they were found in the same location but on different days so although we suspect they are the same litter we are not positive. The make is much smaller and lighter than the females. The females seem to have bigger ears, loger heads and longer legs plus the darker backside and yellow belly fur. The male looks pretty much like a typical gray. The other male who has the urinary problem is half of their size although he is only about a week younger and he is a typical gray. I have a couple of pics I am downloading now but they are not great the flash seems to wash out their yellow and they are too fast to take pics without the flash. Another thing is they ahve NO interest in being weaned at all even though they are about 11 weeks they are hugely dependent upon their formula.

10-19-2008, 01:48 PM
Here are pics:
http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r54/coyoteakitas/DSCN5091.jpg a female one of the larger of the litter has yellow belly fur and different head/ears
http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r54/coyoteakitas/DSCN5093.jpg the other female you can sorta see the yellow belly fur here
http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r54/coyoteakitas/DSCN0022.jpgthe first female eating
http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r54/coyoteakitas/DSCN0113.jpg and this is Captain the poor little gray who has pee problems
http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r54/coyoteakitas/DSCN0115.jpgCaptain again

10-19-2008, 03:23 PM
:dono Those look like grays to me...

10-19-2008, 03:27 PM
IR, I love the photo with the melanistic black with the other colorations of Eastern Gray, all in one litter!

The first photo in your new set of pics, shows the head shape now more developed, and not to be the head of the subspecies of the larger Fox squirrels found in Florida, having no white nose, or blaze, or black mask, or white eartips, or white feet, but moreover a melanistic Eastern Gray.

Sometimes melanisitic genes will produce darker colorations, not always fully black, or fully brown. Since melanism can to different degrees, the coloration this female has is within the range for melanism, even so not overall brown, or black.

I admit, I had assumed these babies were brought to you, not found as nest mates, or I would not even had considered the possibility that the darker one with gold fur on the underside could be a different species!

10-19-2008, 04:16 PM
I thought to share this photo of an E.Gray, that has what appears to be a bit different shape of head. Perhaps it is due in part to this one being a bit of a porker; not questions it is a porker mind you! I know that our Fox squirrels looked like their heads are shorter when their figures were filled out, along with their necks! :rotfl :rotfl

10-19-2008, 04:43 PM
This is the photo of the partially melanistic Eastern Gray Squirrel, which as you can see, is not as dark as Tomo's brown bears are, or black, as the one IR has shared, mimicing the plainer agouti and golden colored subspecies of the Eastern Fox Squirrel. This second photo of a northern subspecies of the E. Gray, shows what melanisim does to the coat color, for only part of the coat has this form of melanism. Ain't she a cutie!

10-19-2008, 05:54 PM
The vet tech that saw Rusty when i found him gave me miss info she told me he was a red squirrel...Now i know the diffrence

You know, moms2demons18, people have given me misinformation in the past too, and allot more serious than the matter of what species I had. :thinking Very glad you found the TSB, where what ones learns about squirrels, can literally mean the difference between life and death for the squirrels we seek to care for.:thumbsup

10-19-2008, 07:52 PM
Perhaps they are melanistic grays...they certainly look different and the two females bellies are yellow, the males is not. Will be interesting to see how they mature. Will try to get better pics especially comparing their size to captain although perhaps he is bad comparison since all his problems may have slowed his growth?

10-19-2008, 09:23 PM
Wow. This has been an educational experience. Sometimes when I'm in Georgia (near Thomasville), I'll see a HUGE black squirrel....that's a foxer then?? :dono

More pics as they grow please ! :D :jump

10-19-2008, 09:42 PM
Here's a special one from my Fox Squirrel Files, a partially melanistic coated juvenile Southern Fox Squirrel (Sciurus n. niger), from the Great State of Georgia, just for you Philomycus. Aint it sweet!

10-19-2008, 11:20 PM
This pictures, like the other Eastern gray squirrel photos of individuals with the lighter form of melanism, was shared by one of our members here sometime back. This squirrel looks as if it had been washed all over in carmel. It would be interesting to know whether this member was also located in central Florida. Yours squirrel seems to have more white on the neck and chin area. Whether or not the yellow on the belly will be molted in the summer will be interesting to see!

07-26-2014, 11:35 PM
I was looking over this thread while looking at pics of different squirrels and I couldnt
help but wonder if some of these different looking Florida Grey squirrels might be the
results of the breeding between the Mexican Gray that was introduced into Florida back
in 1938 with the Florida Grey Squirrel..... which give the illusion of a Fox squirrel.


Pics of the off springs of Mexican & Florida Grey squirrels

http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e116/Rhapsody_1/FloridaMexicanGrey_zps31a28969.jpg (http://s38.photobucket.com/user/Rhapsody_1/media/FloridaMexicanGrey_zps31a28969.jpg.html)

http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e116/Rhapsody_1/FloridaMexicanGrey2_zps73b655cd.jpg (http://s38.photobucket.com/user/Rhapsody_1/media/FloridaMexicanGrey2_zps73b655cd.jpg.html)

07-26-2014, 11:38 PM
They are beautiful!!! I LOVE that second picture!

island rehabber
07-27-2014, 04:55 AM
Wow.....grey squirrel on their top half, and Rama Rota orange on their bellies! Amazing coloration there.

07-27-2014, 07:14 AM
Wow! I would love to see one of those cross breeds! Beautiful squirrel.

07-28-2014, 03:21 AM
I love to see all the color variations in gray squirrels... Just this week, I have a new visitor at the feeder... a brownish colored gray, snow white belly, and a black and brown ringed raccoon tail :) Got the camera ready for the next appearance!