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10-16-2008, 10:21 PM
I've just attained two baby squirrels. from what i've read they are about 5-7 weeks old. A halk flew by and ripped they're nest out of a tree taking two with him, he dropped the nest and the others which i now have. i left them by the tree all warm just as i've been told but the mother never came. Now i'm stuck with them. i have a few questions.

what do i feed them aside from similac puppy formula?

how much formula do i feed them and how often?

i have their whole nest, do they need a blanket too?

are they old enough for water? and

will a ferret cage do?

please please answer asap i'm lost and i don't want to lose them.:thankyou

Jackie in Tampa
10-16-2008, 10:36 PM
:Welcome thanks for helping them!
A rehabber will be on soon to help you, can you post a picture of them?
How long ago did you find them?
We recomend ESBILAC PUPPY REPLACER MILK, it is closest to mothers milk. You can find it at a tractor supply store, a pet store, feed store and some vets. You will also need a 1cc or 1mm syringe for feeding.
Did you ever see their mother, or was she taken also?
I am asking alot of questions so that the rehabbers will have your info....
If they are 5-7 weeks, they will be fully furred and eyes open, will have both bottom and top teeth. Do you see any injuries?
Yes they need to be in a t shirt, not a towel.
Someone will be on shortly.:grouphug

10-16-2008, 10:40 PM
:Welcome So sorry to hear about the hawk situation - it may have gotten the mommy. That is what happened to my babies, too.

I think even at 5 wks, the babies need to be warm (especially after such an upsetting day). You must put them in a container that they can't get out of. If you don't have a cage or a large pet carrier, do you have a large plastic bin? Do you have a heating pad? If so, it should go UNDER the container, only on one side, so if the babies get too warm, they can crawl to a cool spot.

You should also check to see if they are dehydrated by pinching the skin between their shoulder blades; if it 'tents' they will need pediatlyte. You can't give similac, I don't think, only ESBILAC puppy milk replacer or JUST BORN. If you don't have a pet store near, WalMart sells the JUST BORN. You can feed with a syringe. You can also offer fresh veggies at this age. But you must check to see if they are dehydrated first and make sure they are warm.

Are they hurt at all?

10-16-2008, 10:41 PM
:thumbsup Jackie, you are faster than me!!! :thumbsup

Jackie in Tampa
10-16-2008, 10:43 PM
I am going to try to post a link to our forum ABCs of Baby sqs...
This should help you, alot of good info. Read all 3 purple articles.

Jackie in Tampa
10-16-2008, 10:47 PM
Yes a clean ferret cage will work nicely.:thumbsup
Yes as Digiandchipper suggested, warmth, do not feed a cold baby. Do the hydration test first....
Homemade pedialyte or store bought is what you can feed them until you can get ESBILAC in the morning.
I willbe back with the recipe for homemade.

10-16-2008, 10:49 PM
Belle's Pet Alley, Puppies & More, and Tractor Supply in Lake City all sell Esbilac. I do not know whether Ralph's in Live Oak carries it or not. I am on the Suwannee/Hamilton County line if you need help.

Jackie in Tampa
10-16-2008, 10:51 PM
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons sugar
1 qt water
mix and store in refridgerator

Store bought is also fine, any flavor. Store bought usually has a 3 dat shelf life. No gatoraide.

10-16-2008, 11:31 PM
thanks for all the help guys. i've only had them for maybe five hours i tried the pedialyte(sorry terrible speller) and they took alittle. i decided not to give them the puppy formula yet because it seems to have gone rancid. yes i am using a syringe (no needle). i try to hold their head up so it doesn't get in their lungs. you said i need a heating pad and a t shirt. i'll do that and they can't get out of the cage i made sure. one is barking is that okay?

10-16-2008, 11:39 PM
One of mine would bark at me while eating and even grumbled in his sleep. I can only imagine what it all meant in squirrel. :soapbox They are missing mom and still scared....it is completely normal. After you can get some fluids into them, put them in a dark, quiet place. They will settle down. This is as new to them as it is to you!:thumbsup

I am still new at this also. You have come to the right place for help.

10-16-2008, 11:42 PM
If you don't have a heating pad tonight, you can use a sock with some beans or rice - minute rice is fine, too - inside; you microwave this 'sock buddy' and put in with their bedding. This will stay warm for several hours. It may take several feedings for them to adjust to the syringe (instead of mom) and they should only have the pedialyte for 24 hrs or less. If they are not dehydrated you can start on formula in the morning.....do you have any fresh veggies you can put in the cage?

Oh yes, is the 'barking' accompanied by tail twitching? Could mean they see you as a danger right now.

Jackie in Tampa
10-16-2008, 11:43 PM
Were you able to figure out an age?
and if they are hydrated?
sounds like you are doing good.
Should we try to find a rehabber to take them for you?
We have members very close to you.
:thinking barking, they should be sleepy time...
If they are warm and have been fed...place a cover over them and keep them in a dark quiet place, safe from other animals/pets.

10-16-2008, 11:44 PM
Hello and :Welcome

10-16-2008, 11:44 PM
:Welcome knives17!

It is wonderful that you are taking the time to learn the proper care for your 2 babies :bowdown

Learn all that you can and please follow the advice from the wonderful people here and your babies should be alright (you too :) ) :jump

Please keep us posted with your progress :grouphug

10-17-2008, 12:21 AM
i have done all that has been said. i put some fresh veggies in their cage. yes one is injured. i'm hoping he's okay but the nest was dropped from somewhere around 30 ft. he's being active but he had a nosebleed and around his private area is turning purple. the other one is doing fine he had a nosebleed too back when i first found him but it quit after a minute or two. no i don't think i need a rehab center for them yet. me and my mom are pretty used to taking in orphan animals. though the smallest we ever had was a field mouse. will you please give me the name of a nearby center anyway, just in case? also, i have put pine shavings in the cage as bedding is that alright?:dono :thankyou

10-17-2008, 12:29 AM
oh yeah and thanks for the warm welcome.:D

Jackie in Tampa
10-17-2008, 12:32 AM
No Pine Shavings.:shakehead ..too dusty and a choking hazard. A tshirt will be best or fleece.:thumbsup
The bruising has me concerned. Ill ck back in the morning.
Sounds like you and your mom will be fine for now...thank you for taking them in.:)

10-17-2008, 12:34 AM
The one that is injured: have you seen him 'use the bathroom' and is it clear? Has his nose stopped bleeding - you can try to check the teeth, sometimes when they fall the teeth will cause some bleeding....does he seem to be moving fine? Is he the one that was barking? Did he seem in pain when you handled him? And have you tried to feed them again or are they sleeping?

As for bedding, I don't think pine is good. Be sure you've provided a large tshirt or something else soft they can snuggle in. Did you get a heating pad under everything or at least the 'rice buddy'? Covering the cage over the sleeping area might make them feel more protected, as well.

In the morning (often as early as 6am) more folks will be on the board, many of them rehabbers. Some of them will have the list of locals in your area that can help.

As I believe JackieinTampa said, if they are fed and warm, cover their cage and put them in a quiet area away from activity and they should be okay until morning.

10-17-2008, 12:39 AM
ooops, sorry, Jackie! I seem to be tripping over your replies! Glad you saw the last post and are checking back tomorrow. Will be glad to see updates in the morning. Good luck, knives17 and goodnight to the new little ones:thumbsup

10-17-2008, 12:56 AM
no Jasper (the injured one) wasn't the one barking that was Evanrude. Jasper is moving well,...great! he's everywhere and so is his brother. My heating pad is unavailable at his time as is my own personal rice buddy i made when i had oral surgery. But i have them wrapped up and well buddled in a T-shird and their nest. will that be okay until morning when i can steal my rice buddy back from my brother? also they are sleeping right now. I'll remove the pine chips first thing when they are fed again in the morning. how often do you feed them (i want to make sure i got this right) and how much. Sun for an hour a day or they get a vitamin D deficiancy? :thinking So much to learn!!!

Boy i ask alot of questions. but thanks for putting up with me. i'm taking notes. :bowdown thanks again and goodnight

Jackie in Tampa
10-17-2008, 10:29 AM
If they are on Esbilac no need to worry about calcium, once they wean, they must have proper diet to ensure their health. We have a good veggie list for when the time comes! Very littl fruit.
Yes they should have heat...
A rice buddy can be made with beans or any kind of rice in a sock and tie off, microwave for 20-30 seconds, depending on power. You will have to ck and reheat until you have a heating pad WITHOUT automatic shut off, these can be purchased at CVS or mort drug/department stores.
Can we get a picture today, that will help.
How are the babies today?

10-17-2008, 12:25 PM
i haven't removed the pine shavings, yet. i've fed them again and little Jasper (or Casper as my mom mistakes calling him. which is sad, she named him) still has the bruise but he's very active. they both seem to have already ajusted to the syringe well. i'm leaving after this post to go buy some formula.
my mom said "You can't feed them cow milk?" I told her no it messes with their systems. so formula we shall buy. tried the rice buddy but they don't like, they stay hidden under their nest a nd T-shirt. seem to be doing great.:D i'll keep you posted.

10-17-2008, 12:30 PM
sorry about the pictures but i can't i don't own a didgital camera or scanner. i'll try. the reason i can't use the heating pad is my mom had a friend whose house burnt down because of one. we keep them bundled and warm and we never feed them if they are cold. i'll try the rice buddy again.

Jackie in Tampa
10-17-2008, 12:34 PM
Thanks for update:grouphug
How's the pee?
Sometimes it takes a few days for adjustment in their little bodies, so you may not see poop. But let us know if and when and from who.
That way the rehabbers can monitor that bruise.
ONLY ESBILAC! thanks ..cows milk kills:nono
Casper/Jasper...she's thinking halloween thoughts!:thumbsup
ps...I love the names :) ...Evinrude...like the boat motor???too cute, they make a sound like that too! not so loud, thank goodness!

10-17-2008, 05:12 PM
Maybe you could take pics with someone's camera phone?:dono We :Love_Icon luv:Love_Icon the pics! Sounds like everyone is doing okay. Update us on how they like the esbilac and how the bruise is doing......... do try the rice buddy again, my babies ending up snuggling it a lot and I think it even helped them when they were having trouble pooing.

Happy parenting:D :D :D and :thankyou for helping the sweeties!

10-17-2008, 08:07 PM
i'll see if i can use mom's camera and up load them on her computer. Evanrude has peed twice on me and once on my brother, without stimulation. Jasper has pooped once that we know of, not sure about pee. so far ever peeing is clear.

10-17-2008, 09:10 PM
:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
Good job!
Both of you too Jackie and Dig!

Jackie in Tampa
10-17-2008, 10:26 PM
:thumbsup Hello Knives...how are the babies?
Is Jasper moving around like his brother?
Sounds like no more nose bleeds:) , are they eating good?
How much esbilac are they taking and how often?
Please heat the rice buddy as often as it cools. They need heat. It makes them feel safe too.
Sounds like you are doing an excellent job.:grouphug
Tell your brother sq pee is special:sanp3

We have poops!!!!! This is good!
:banana :banana :banana :banana :banana
:poop :poop :poop

10-17-2008, 11:13 PM
Hurray for poop :poop and pee :bdhorn ! Sounds great!

Don't want to be a nag :D but have you removed the pine shavings yet?
(I'm not a nag, I'm a motivational speaker!:crazy ) I'm sure your second night has gone smoother than the 1st:)

Keep up the good work!:grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
10-18-2008, 07:01 AM
Good morning...just was cking in on your babies:grouphug

10-18-2008, 01:42 PM
Jasper has peed and its clear he took a wiz on me this mornig. Joy they love the rice buddy. the pine shaving have been removes but what shood i put in there instead? the bruise we all were so worried about is fading, almost gone. they are both up and hyper. do they normaly climb everything in site?

I'm not sure how much to feed them. though they love the formula, took right to it. Please give me a definite answer as to how much they should be fed and i'll make sure thats what they get. and how often, PLEEEASE....

As for pic i'm working on it. i really am though you might have to wait just a bit longer because the camera is a little computer stupid.:thankyou

Jackie in Tampa
10-18-2008, 02:04 PM
:thumbsup Glad Jasper peed, so now you and your brother are offical sq parents...lol!
All sounds good, especially about the bruise fading...:)
You are doing a wonderful job Knives:bowdown
Newspaper and tsihrts...a small box for them to hide in is great, mine love a coke 12 pack box. I put a couple papertowels or tissue in and they start making a nest, they are so fun.:crazy
In order to know how much they should be drinking, we need a weight. Can you weigh them? A weightwatchers scale may work. With a weight we can calculate the amount using the 5% body weight rule.
Are you feeding them every 4 or 5 hours? Without seeing them, that is the best I can suggest. Probably 5-9 cc per feeding, depending on how big they are.
Glad you are using the 'joyous' rice buddy:thumbsup
I guess we will have to wait for pics:poke but wish we could see your monsters.
You are going to need a cage soon it sounds, so hit the second hand stores or yard sales. Maybe a friend will have one that you can borrow:peace
Some bird cages are ok to use as well!
Thanks for the update:alright.gif :alright.gif

10-18-2008, 04:42 PM
thanks Jackie i'll weigh them with granny's gram scale asap and then notify you but i just fed them. yes i am feeding them every 4 or so hours. i already have a cage that they are staying in now. Do you mean there needs to be more than one? Please explain. :thankyou

:jump weeeeeeeeee!

10-18-2008, 04:49 PM
:Welcome you will do fine you came to the right place 4 help....there are people here that are very good and will walk you through...dont worry everything will be fine..:thumbsup

10-18-2008, 05:17 PM
they wouldn't stay exactly still so it was hard to weigh them. but the 3 1/2 second reading we did manage to get said 6 ounces for Jasper we couln't get Evanrude to stay still long enough (cough cling-ons cough). they are relativly the same size. but as i said he was boucing aroung a bit so i'd give or take an ounce. if you manage to convert it would you mind converting it to cc's and teaspoons if possible.


:wave :wave weeeeeeeee

10-18-2008, 05:41 PM
sounds like your kids are doing well, good job. best wishes with them and hopefully yu can get the pics up soon :)

Jackie in Tampa
10-18-2008, 05:51 PM
I did the math and Gammas double cked my math...8.5 ccs each feeding.

10-18-2008, 06:25 PM
Hey Knives! Glad everything is going well and you're still getting pee:D . Sounds like they're eating great, too, and yes!!! it's perfectly normal that they are all over the place - GREAT SIGN!!!:thumbsup

If you already have a cage, no problem. I think you said a ferret cage? (or I may be confused:thinking ). That should be okay, as long as it's not too tall. They shouldn't be climbing too high yet until they have had a little while to get used to their new situation and are a little bigger. I put newspapers on the bottom of my cage, then a soft piece of material, then swirl a tshirt around and add some tissue and paper towel pieces for them to make a nest. If you don't have a 12-pk can box, maybe a large tissue box? Something with an opening but some darkish privacy...

Will be waiting patiently - sort of - for pics! Great job!:alright.gif

10-18-2008, 06:28 PM
Ooops, Knives, forgot you still had the nest....you can put that in a tshirt along with the rice buddy if they seem to feel comfortable in it. Glad they decided to like the rice buddy - hurray for rice buddies:crazy ...Still would put newspaper down to line the cage..........

10-19-2008, 11:21 PM
i love you guys/girls! :D :thankyou truely thankyou for all your help! my mom says i've gone squirrel crazy,like that's a bad thing. but i know what she means, when i like something i get slighty over obsesive. but they just so fun and she knows she's squirrel crazy too.<insert wink> still working on them pics. sorry for the wait. i keep forgeting. forgive me?

they sleep curled up in their nest constantly and they don't want to eat solid food even though they are plenty old enough. perhaps you could give me a few pointers on weaning and such? tell me what i may be doing wrong.

they seem to pee fine on their own but not so sure if they poop fine without stimulation. is that possible?

and no the ferret cage isn't very high.


10-19-2008, 11:24 PM
I did the math and Gammas double cked my math...8.5 ccs each feeding.

:thankyou :thumbsup

Jackie in Tampa
10-19-2008, 11:33 PM
:thumbsup Are you having fun yet?
:poke still waiting for pics.
Yes we are all obsessed and sq crazy.
So glad you got a cage.:thumbsup
They are old enough to poop on their own...it may take a couple of days since they've changed to formula.
Sounds like everything is working out:thumbsup Wonderful news..
Give them kisses for me:grouphug

10-19-2008, 11:41 PM
Good to hear from you!:) My babies took 5 days to poop after they began eating regularly!!! Talk about a worried mama - I burned up the message boards with poo questions:crazy We were all just about ready to suggest .. .. squirrelly enema:eek: :eek: :eek:

If they like their formula, great, it's got great nutrients for them...just keep putting some little nibbles of solids in the cage so they will get used to them. I think Dig and Chip first liked apple, (kale is one of the best, but it took them a while to like that, still don't love it:shakehead )and sweet potato (little pieces about the size of your fingernail).

PICTURES WOULD BE NICE (hint, hint):poke

10-20-2008, 12:45 AM

i will get the pics if i can but i really can't promise, because i need acsess to my parents computer first (that isn't just an excuse). Just please don't ban me or anything. I'll write a note as a reminder

they are starting to hold their tales up some.

PS, squirrels can get enemic?

10-20-2008, 04:42 AM

PS, squirrels can get enemic?

No, not enemic, ENEMA :D ! You are probably too young to know about them (it is an uncomfortable way to help mostly old people poo - not that I would know, or that I'm old:nono :rotfl.....

Have a good day with your babies - cool on the tails starting to 'curl'!!!:thumbsup
...and try not to feel guilty about the lack of pics...it's just that we love them so!

10-20-2008, 01:29 PM
the pics have been taken. Now all that is left to do is wait for my dad to get home because he is the only one who knows how to download them to the computer. since i have only the slightest idea, but still a good one, one how to tranfer them to this site.... if things don't work out I'll email them if posible to one of the senior members and they can spread them around.:D

Jackie said they should be getting 8.5 cc's per feeding but the only want to eat around 5 cc's and after that it 'comes near impossible to force them to eat. should i try harder?

they still say wrapped up all day insted of eating the veggies. i was thinking maybe before i feed them i should try to make them eat those first.??????

ps. kisses were given as were hugs.

Jackie in Tampa
10-20-2008, 02:12 PM
Knives, how often are you feeding them? How many times a day?
Oh, so happy to hear we are getting pics, fingers are crossed! They are cute when they find their tails!
Right now esbilac is the most important, but they do need their veggies to nibble...

10-22-2008, 09:40 PM
one word...poop. poop everywhere. we let them run around today and they ran and pooped. my dad isn't back yet sorry for the pic delay. they won't eat the veggies but we tried a cliche favorite, achorns. they seemed mildly interested.

10-22-2008, 10:17 PM
Yay!!!! We got POOP!!!!!:poop :poop :poop :poop :poop :poop :poop :poop :poop :poop
Im very glad everyone is doing well. Great job, keep up the good work!!!!!! :multi :multi :multi :multi :multi

10-22-2008, 10:20 PM
Forgot to ask..... have you introduced Rodent Block to them yet? They need it in their diet.
Always put it in their cage, sooner or later they will nibble on it!

10-23-2008, 09:16 PM
To happy to hear there has been POOP!:wahoo Keep trying the veggies, it takes several days and several taste testing before they like the stuff that's good for them :D Sorry, I forgot, did you try carrots or apples? And keep trying the kale - it's one of the best veggies to offer! It will also soon be time for them to sleep less and start playing more - good times! :multi

10-26-2008, 10:25 PM
yes Digi, Jackie, guys they are playing alot. sorry for taking so long they keep me busy. today i revamped the little guys cage, they didn't know what to think. by revamped i mean i put sticks (more), logs (small) for them to climb up, a pine cone (that they totaly ignore), some new nesting material (tissue), and a handful of achorns (just to see their reaction). i came back to ckeck up afew hours later... they love the sticks, they chew the log, they still ignore the pinecone, they hulled and ate the achorns, and had managed to turn the inside of their cage into a war zone. i even saw one of them pop an achorn in his mouth and hide it. then five minutes later he couldn't find it again due to the mess him and his brother had created. i'll have to clean it again tomarrow anyway.

they seem to love to run should i invest in a ferret leash?

what is a rodent block?

is it round and sorta small and tastes like a salt block?

and is cribbing (can you tell i own horses?) a bad sign?

ps: salt block tastes very good but only if you get it before the horses do.

:wahoo :wott :wahoo :wott :thankyou

10-26-2008, 10:52 PM
Nice to hear from you, Knives........awesome that the babies are active and happy.........a messy baby is a happy baby:peace

(*sigh*) disappointed there are no pics, though. Thought for sure when I clicked on your thread I would be dazzled....

Anyway, on to your questions..........

they seem to love to run should i invest in a ferret leash? Leashes, yuck! How about letting them out in a 'squirrel-proofed' room, while you supervise, of course. I let my babies out at least once per day for 2 hrs, and twice per day whenever possible. They did have the run of my bathroom but are now on the screened porch WITH SUPERVISION. This way they can learn to run all over YOU :D

what is a rodent block? Yucky stuff, but really a necessity. Dig and Chip NEVER liked it, though I spent $$$$$$ on different brands. Check out the 'sticky' under Squirrel Nutrition for the recipe for squirrel block. Yes, this requires you to cook. I didn't like that, either, but now everyone eats what is good for them (most of the time :shakehead )

is it round and sorta small and tastes like a salt block? yes it is roundish, sorta cylindrical and gray/beige but don't know what it taste like as I have not personally tried it. Dig and Chip say it is gross.

and is cribbing (can you tell i own horses?) a bad sign? No, they are just playing. Love, love, love to chew and it's good for their teeth.

ps: salt block tastes very good but only if you get it before the horses do. I will take your word for that; think I'll stick to the squirrel scones - there is a recipe on the forum somewhere
:wahoo :wott :wahoo :wott :thankyou

Continue to enjoy your terrific twosome! Sounds like things are going great!

Oh, yes: Digi and Chipper think pine cones are boring, too. Magnolia cones, though, got a big :thumbsup

10-27-2008, 07:29 AM
:wave123 Hi Knives,
About Rodent Block............... I got this from one of Gammas postings.... "Start them on Rodent Block right away. That can be with them to munch on 24/7, and it should make up about 70% of their diet."..... The rodent block has many, many of the important nutrients they need! Of course give them healthy veggies too, not much fruit... too much sugars.

You can make your own rodent block or buy it, I bought it and mine loved it! If they turn their little noses up to it, just keep offering it to them, offer before you put in other foods, of course they will choose their favorites if given the chance to.

Jackie in Tampa
10-27-2008, 08:53 AM
Hello Knives...:thumbsup
I am waiting for pictures, I held my breath but turned blue and deprived myself of oxygen....so now I am pouting!
Hoping the two monsters are keeping you busy loving them!

10-29-2008, 12:41 PM
pics soon, my dad is a trucker so.....yeah.:D :D

10-29-2008, 08:06 PM
oh, knives, whatEVER :poke
Just kidding, SORTA..........we really, really, really,really, like the pics, man!

10-31-2008, 08:02 PM
pics! :wahoo look if the pics don't come through i'll try again. these are just a few of the (so far) 69 we have.:D

1:evanrude 2.dad and jasper 3.me with my babe evanrude 4.jasper feeding 5.lil bro and evanrude (again) 6.evanrude feeding 7-8.my baby sister and one of the two mosters, i think it's jasper 9.my mom feeding jasper (her little baby) off her shoulder. which i thoroughly scolded her for and told her to hold him next time.

there may be more to come.

PS: Digi i'm a girl

Jackie in Tampa
10-31-2008, 08:39 PM
:thumbsup I knew we would get pics some day!:poke
They are great pics! :thankyou
Your babies are adorable :Love_Icon :Love_Icon and your family too!:jump

[Quote Knives]PS: Digi i'm a girl
:tilt with a name like knives...who knew???:dono
We'ld love to see more :D
They look healthy and happy:thumbsup Geat job!:multi :multi

10-31-2008, 09:47 PM
there are more pics to come....sometime. can some body please give me the link to the rodent block recipe. (squirrels are our friends and children they aren't rodents.) somebody please tell my mom that dog food is bad for them. and no they have not been fed any yet enless they ate it while on free range (highly dought it). its just aren't squirrels vegetarians? i took their syringe away while feeding them to unstick the stopper and they got maaaaad. i'm not sure i would want to understand what they were calling me then.:soapbox

when do they wean typically?

what should we be feeding them other than formula? so far they eat lettuce, achorns, and a few raisins... maybe some other stuf as well. ohhh yes, love the raisins, but they typically get them as a treat.

we do water down their formula a little bit. I probably should have cleared this with you'al first. Is this action okay?

is it okay that we placed a glass watering dish in their cage?

And finally... at what time should a larger outside cage be built; just for futer reference.

10-31-2008, 09:56 PM
It makes me feel really good to see such a loving family and with those cute babies! Good job all!

10-31-2008, 10:36 PM
:wahoo Hello Knives! Great pictures, very well worth the wait! The babies look very good and so cute :multi ! Keep up the good work :thumbsup .
Let them chew on some healthy veggies, raw sweet potatoe is usually a favorite! Peppers, broccoli, carrots.... try em all! And definitely the rodent block! Weaning won't be till 12-14 weeks old.
Pls do not water down their formula, they need everything it has to offer.
How old are they now?

Jackie in Tampa
11-01-2008, 02:10 AM
If you are using premade, do not add any water. Also premade has a 3 day shelf live in fridge after opening. I prefer powder.
Powder ebilac 2 scoops
water 1 scoop
Lots of veggies!:thumbsup

11-01-2008, 02:30 PM
Knives, Knives, Knives....how can I know you are a girl, not only with a name like Knives (you know us old ladies, very traditional:oldwise ), but when you neglect to get us any pictures!! I know, I know...now there are pictures - and well worth the wait!!!! Oh, how cute!! Can't wait to see more and MOM! NO DOGFOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stick to the Healthy Squirrel Diet (no watering the formula) plus you will find there are usually 'local foods' in your yard and neighborhood that are on the 'safe' lists that your babies can have. Time to go foraging!:D

11-04-2008, 01:57 PM
its okay about the name guys i've been called worse. Knives is a cartoone character that i typically role play as. He is a boy so the insult isn't really all that bad.

The two boys are doing great. i let them out now in a squirrel proofed room. My bathroom because we have a two year old that thinks she runs the rest of the house and squirrel proofing anything with her around is nearly impossible. Plus she can't open the bathroom door. just so you know i sit in there with them just in case. they really seem to enjoy climbing everything; if i can get them off me first. Evanrude is more explorative than Jasper. Jasper seconds me only to the towell rack, while his brother perferres the shower curtain bar...which i try to make them avoid. it's so high up you know. :osnap

is there a society for slightly rounded squirrels? Jasper is in the prime of squirrel plumpness. but then again he did just eat.... Jasper's a momma's boy.

i have to put them back in their cage now before Evanrude falls asleep way up there, i don't want him to fall! Get down! :soapbox

thanks for all the help so far you guys/girls are great! :Love_Icon :bowdown :thankyou

11-04-2008, 05:14 PM
hey darlin, so glad these guys are doing great!! sounds like you got your hands full!!:jump

11-04-2008, 05:30 PM
Sounds like they (and you) are havin' a blast! Digi and Chipper started out with the bathroom as their room. I stayed in with them when they were not in their cage. We had great fun. Isn't is fun to be a squirrel tree?:D

11-07-2008, 07:03 PM
oh yes digi love being a tree....

hey digi, jackie, anybody i have a question.... they like to chew my fingers and lick my skin. they also chew on rocks (sea shells and fossils actually) found as decoration in my bathroom. i have the rodent block, i feed them three times a day with watever veggies i can get my hands on (save corn), i give them little fruit, they have a water dish in their cage, but my question is what else do they want that makes them chew constantly whenever they come in contact with my hand or a rock?

please answer soon it has me worried:thankyou

11-07-2008, 07:16 PM
Mine like to chew and lick my fingers (Digi in particular likes to sit on and lick the back of my hand) and I believe lots of other's squirrel babies do as well; some also 'clean' their human's fingernails.

As for the rock, it has been suggested in some threads that you can and should put either a rock or a seashell in their cage so they can chew/lick on them. It's perfectly normal, but I forget the reason (I believe I mentioned before that I was getting old - memory is the first thing to go). I know that the seashells have calcium but don't know about rocks. Do you have one of those calcium chew things that you can buy at the pet store for birds? D&C have one, shaped like a banana, that hangs on the side of their cage. But they like the rock in there still.

Also, do they have plenty of wood - branches, etc, - to chew on to help them with their teeth? Chewing is normal and natural, so don't worry! Plus, I'm sure someone will be on soon to agree and maybe know why the rock and shells are good....
Nice to hear from you!:thumbsup

11-07-2008, 07:19 PM
:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou

i needed to know that!!!!!

11-07-2008, 07:42 PM
doesn't it just stink when you're worried about your babies?!:sanp3 But they are SOOOO worth it!:)

11-10-2008, 05:15 PM
hey digi have you noticed it's awfully silent with just the two of us for the last few posts? Hhhhhh.

is it okay to feed them cheerios? my little sister dropped one on the ground and they ate it. the cereal is multigrain and they love them? oh i hope they don't hurt them. i'm smart enough not feed them what i consider human food without asking first.

other members i miss you!!!!!:poke

11-10-2008, 10:14 PM
Hi Knives! I don't think they like them to eat many cheerios but a few won't hurt them. Thats what Chester started out with as his first food, but he won't touch them now.

11-10-2008, 10:44 PM
Hey Knives.....yes, I DID notice it was just us....they must know we are SO totally awesome, we don't need any more advice:D :brock Seriously, though, the thread probably got passed by but with your new post:) it should be showing again:thumbsup

As for cheerios, as Chestersmom said, a few are okay (they are actually used as a weaning food - something to learn to chew and eat) but only a few at a time. Dig and Chip still get a couple now and then.

Now, maybe some of our pals will see the thread has new comments and come and see us..........I know Jackie is super busy with a few new rescues and vet appts so we might not see here for a bit, but there are plenty of other friends out there:poke :) :poke

11-11-2008, 09:46 PM
awsome!!! and thanks guys for the advice with the cheerios. i'll make sure they only get a few. they are starting to refuse the formula.....for me anyway. they eat fine for her.

11-14-2008, 07:21 PM
Knives, if you check back in.......finally saw where I read the official lowdown about the seashells and rocks being good: it's included in The Healthy Squirrel Diet (I think in the nutrition section)! It says to be sure and make seashells and/or several walnut sized rocks available because they are a good source of trace minerals.

:thumbsup So now we know for sure why they like them!:thumbsup