View Full Version : Problems with a friends squirrel, shaking, fast heart rate

10-12-2008, 11:06 PM

I got a call from a friend about 30 minutes ago and she was crying and saying her 3 or 4 month old squirrel is suddenly very lethargic, shaking, and not moving very much...in fact she says she can't or won't walk...saying her back legs don't seem to want to work. She has not taken any sort of falls. I also have a squirrel (actually I found the two she has too :flash3 ), and I seem to recall him doing this too (he's a little over a year old) but I'm not too sure. She is really freaked out about it and doesn't know what's wrong, she has never acted like this before. I'm praying it's nothing serious because she is incredibly friendly toward EVERYONE...much more so than the other two, who only allow their mommies (us) to handle them. My first guesses would be a parasite possibly, some sort of reaction to something, or she ate something that didn't agree with her but looking around I can't find anything that describes the symptoms she is describing but she is scared she is going to die.

So any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

10-12-2008, 11:23 PM
Does the squirrel get sunlight every day - or does your friend have an ott light? I'm not a rehabber but it sounds a little like MBD, with the lethargy and lack of use of back legs. Go to the specific ailment section and find the MBD thread, then see what you think. Hope this helps:thinking

10-12-2008, 11:23 PM
Tell her to give him some warm plain pancake syrup or karo syrup mixed with very warm water and let us know if that helps.

10-12-2008, 11:46 PM
Lookout You said she has more than one squirrel. If they are eating the same diet then she better treat them as well. Its only a matter of time until they develop MBD too. Also make sure your squirrel is getting the proper nutrition as well, if not you need to start supplementing yours also.

10-12-2008, 11:55 PM
Thank you so much for the quick replies but I have some sad news, she has already died :( :( :(

Just don't understand it...she was perfectly fine earlier today, then she went to get her out of her cage (she keeps her out of the cage for several hours a day) and she noticed the problems I described and after I posted this she seemed to be calming down finally. But then she just died. God I feel so bad for her. She is taking it very hard...she was truly the sweetest thing.

I don't understand what could have killed her so quick unless maybe she ate on a pill or something on the floor....which mine will too..before I let him out of the cage, I make sure there is NOTHING he can get into that could be harmful but she is always good about that too. It only a took an hour and a half from the time she noticed her being sick to dying.

I'm on the phone with her now and although she is crying her eyes out, she wants to thank you all anyway. We will both be using this forum for now on (and will follow the advice given already in this thread..which again thanks so much) It is a great site. Wish we knew about it when we found our other two.

Any ideas on what to do about a broken hearted squirrel mommie? :(

10-12-2008, 11:55 PM
Please follow Gamma's Baby's advice ASAP!!! THis could happen to the others, too!

10-13-2008, 12:10 AM
Aww I'm so sorry. Your friend must be heartbroken. :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

10-13-2008, 12:16 AM
Many prayers to your friend I am so sorry to hear this. God Bless