View Full Version : Need release advice

10-11-2008, 01:56 PM
Hi all. Well this season I only have one little baby, the rest of his litter mates did not survive the fall from the tree and my others were older and already released back were they came from.
Here's the problem... This little guy is about 9 weeks now and all by himself. I would really like to release him before winter because I dont think he will be very handlable as he gets older. He bites if I wash my hands and god forbid I take a shower and wash my hair, that incites an all out attach. I dont have a sutable place for release, I'm too close to a main street and the other squirrels in my yard are very territorial and will probably drive him off. Does anyone have any babies his age ready for release that will accept him into their release pen. I hate to see him go it all alone. I live in the NYC area. If you dont have any babies for release but have the capabilities would you be willing to release him for me?
Thanks so much guys, I dont know where else to turn with this one.

10-11-2008, 08:08 PM
:bump I was afraid she might get overlooked.