View Full Version : Alternative to Vegies......??

10-10-2008, 08:29 AM
Timothy basically turns his nose up at most vegitables although I continue to offer them...He especially doesn't like anything green...I thought to try some baby food vegitables, so I got peas, greenbeans, carrots and butternut squash (they have them in organics), anyway...He likes them and willingly eats them...It is easy to mix the calcium in with it too...

I would much prefer he eat fresh vegies but I figure the baby food vegies are better than no vegies at all...The only ingredient is the vegitable........

So, what do you think???

10-10-2008, 12:01 PM
This sounds great Tinypaws! It makes sense too really, since as you know, flyers are insect eaters, and suet lovers! My girl loved the fruit purees from Gerber Organics, having tried many other brands of the same fruits, which she rejected. PIC-KY!! I'm glad your boy likes the Vegies! I wonder if there is a SAFE fiber product for pets on the market that could be used to suppliment the pureed veggies, to give them a fiber boost? I would check with your Vet to see if they have one that is made for small mammals.

10-10-2008, 12:52 PM
Sounds good to me!