View Full Version : Millie woke up with a bloody nose =(

10-10-2008, 07:17 AM
She is sneezy and has a very bloody nose! She is going today to get her teeth trimmed so I will get it checked out but any idea? I don't think its her teeth. She had them trimmed last month...

10-10-2008, 08:48 AM
She may have punctured her sinus. any chance of an old head injury or fall? :thinking

10-10-2008, 08:58 AM
Fallen got a bloody nose one time from a pecan shell. He stepped on it to eat the meat out of it and a pointy edge from the shell went right into his nose and he bled and sneezed and hung his head low from the pain. He was fine within the hour but continue to sneeze until he finally got all the blood that was iritating him out.

Is there any thing that could have punctured her in the nose in the cage...anything with pointy edges, etc.

island rehabber
10-10-2008, 09:48 AM
It could be her teeth.....my two maloccluded girls who are now with Tomo need to have their teeth clipped every three weeks.

10-10-2008, 01:02 PM
My poor Millie girl!!
She went and had her teeth clipped but the bad news is she has fairly bad tooth disease and he believes both the roots and old injuries from her teeth are infected. The teeth were very lose and easy (soft) to cut so he thinks maybe lack of calcium as well. Says the bleeding is more then likely due to the infection. Her roots could also be agitating her sinus cavity.
He says right now the best solution would be to have the teeth removed.
She is in pain because of the tooth disease and infected roots, so keeping her with her teeth will just make her miserable to eat plus stress her out every 3-4 weeks for trimmings which she really didn't do well with.
Otherwise health wise she looks ok andsince she eats well and is otherwise healthy she is a very good candidate for the surgery which he has done many times.
I absolutely adore this new vet and I can't thank 2 people ( you know who you are) enough for referring him!

The estimate is between $3-4 hundred but closer to 3. I a going to start saving but I have a bunch of crap I have to pay off including another vet bill, her meds, car ins, my own prescripts and doctor, etc. so I may ask for donation help just to take a little edge off.
I think this is the best solution for her though and she won't have to ever go through this again or be miserable.
I'll be making a new thread about this sooner or later. I have to go borrow money until my check comes to go get her meds lol.
For now she is really stressed out, in a little pain, and not coming out of her box. =(

10-11-2008, 02:48 AM
My poor Millie girl!!
She went and had her teeth clipped but the bad news is she has fairly bad tooth disease and he believes both the roots and old injuries from her teeth are infected. The teeth were very lose and easy (soft) to cut so he thinks maybe lack of calcium as well. Says the bleeding is more then likely due to the infection. Her roots could also be agitating her sinus cavity.
He says right now the best solution would be to have the teeth removed.
She is in pain because of the tooth disease and infected roots, so keeping her with her teeth will just make her miserable to eat plus stress her out every 3-4 weeks for trimmings ...

The estimate is between $3-4 hundred but closer to 3. I a going to start saving but I have a bunch of crap I have to pay off including another vet bill, her meds, car ins, my own prescripts and doctor, etc. so I may ask for donation help just to take a little edge off.
I think this is the best solution for her though and she won't have to ever go through this again or be miserable.
I'll be making a new thread about this sooner or later. I have to go borrow money until my check comes to go get her meds lol.

Hi! Of course I'm going to help you with this. Go ahead and get the meds that she needs and I'll cover them. I'll contact the vet and find out what he wants to do.

I've emailed as well, but I did want to tell everyone here that ShesASquirrelyGirl has been an absolute angel, and has volunteered to help with some animals that can't make it in the wild any more. So if anyone is still wealthy after last week<g>, she's that person who could add a lot of care to your extra $$ to help some nice animals. A very worthwhile cause. Again, I'll be doing everything I can for Millie, but SquirrelyGirl probably has tons of other expenses from the other little creatures she's been helping.

And thanks again. It's great to know that there are generous, caring people out there.

10-11-2008, 08:55 AM
I have ZERO cash (actually, I'm probably in the negative!:shakehead )but would be happy to send bedding, old tshirts, or anything like that the squirrelygirl could use.....I also have a TON of acorns in my yard, plenty for my locals with lots left over for ALL:D

10-11-2008, 12:01 PM
Marks a bigger angel then I am, I am only nice to the animals and animal lovers. :osnap He's nice in general. :Love_Icon
If we can get this bill covered then everything should be good. Everything just likes to happen at once lol.