View Full Version : 2 new ones...problems...

10-07-2008, 09:44 PM
I had someone drop off 2 babies for me. I helped the couple get started about 4 weeks ago when they first fell out of the tree, and they called me last night to say they are too much to handle. We think they are about 8 weeks old, their upper teeth are coming in.
Although I gave them all the info I could when first found, these babies are in terrible shape! I know they eating Esbilac because she gave me the formula with them, and said they eating vegetables and dog food.
But they look like they are starving to death!
The boy and girl are only skin and bones and SO TINY! I have another squirrel that opened her eyes the same day as these two and she is twice as big (but she spoiled :) )
I can hardly pinch enough skin to see if it tents, but am assuming they dehydrated. They are alert, but not active. An strangest to me was when I fed them they lapped at nipple even though it was same nipple that the woman had been using! It was right size and all, but they didn't suck until I gave them one of the longer nipples. I gave them homemade pedialyte solution and then discovered the female has diarrhea!

I currently have them on a heating pad because they in such bad shape I would find it hard to believe they can regulate their own body temp.

WOW I don't know what I would do without you guys! Thanks for being here for me again!


island rehabber
10-07-2008, 10:08 PM
Gammas is right on target, zoogirl. I only want to add one caution: go very slowly with bringing these babies up to full strength formula. They MUST be fully hydrated before starting to take in too many calories, or their systems will be overtaxed. Sometimes hypoglycemia can occur, and even seizures, if emaciated babies get too much undiluted food to process all at once. Resist the temptation to overfeed these poor starving sweeties....go slowly...hydrate FIRST. I speak to myself as well as you when I say this, because twice I went too fast with feeding emaciated baby squirrels, and twice I lost them. :(

10-07-2008, 10:10 PM
When they act lethargic, try giving them a few drops of PLAIN pancake syrup (NOT real maple syrup)this will help raise their blood sugar enough that they will feel more like eating. You can do this evey few hours until they are eating better.

10-07-2008, 10:10 PM
Oh, how sad!! And FRUSTRATING!

It sounds like she brought them to you just in the nick of time!! Hopefully once they are rehydrated they will respond to more nutrients.

For severely emaciated squirrels, some of our rehabbers have recommended alternating hydration and formula -- rather than hydrating for too long -- because they can ill afford much delay in getting nutrients. [EDIT: I see that Island posted while I was typing -- follow her experienced advice on this!]

They may benefit from Bioplasma salts (available at health food store) which helps them digest the nutrition they get.

:thinking Since these poor babies are in such poor shape, would you like contacts for some of our experienced rehabbers in the area? I'm just thinking that it might help for them to be with someone who has nursed emaciated babies before and knows what to expect? Or, at least, that you would like to know you have local back-up? :dono

I'm so glad she brought them to you so they have a chance to be saved!!

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

10-07-2008, 10:33 PM
Thanks for all of your help! I knew I could count on everyone here!:wahoo

I will go very very slowly, but maybe I need some help on how slow...How often should I feed them the rehydrating solution? Am sure you know, I would be up every hour on the hour if I thought it would help, but this would do more harm than good.

I will be sure to get supplements in the morning, but since they are eating solids how about yogurt?

I would like contact for someone in my area just in case, but I would really like to see how I can do on my own...at least for first 24 hours.

They are a little more active now. YAY!

Now on the lighter side...I have to share this...

This morning as I was um collecting acorns no less...HAHA...I stepped in an ant pile and have been soaking my foot between squirrel feedings..my ankle is swollen twice its normal size. It brings a smile to my face to think of how much trouble these little guys have gotten me into already and I LOVE IT!

thanks again


10-07-2008, 10:40 PM
Is there anyway for you to post a picture so we can judge how dehydrated they are? We say start slow but also take care to give enough.
How much did they take in already?

10-07-2008, 10:44 PM
The girl probably took 6 cc the boy 5 cc. I cant post pictures, am sorry. Its so sad that people could be caring for these babies and not realize they dying before her eyes!!!

10-07-2008, 10:49 PM
What a shame, once you have them rehydrated I would begin alternating the esbilac with the hydration. Thank goodness you got them back!!

10-07-2008, 10:52 PM
I guess this is a silly question but their skin is stretched so taunt over bones that how will I know when hydrated?

10-07-2008, 11:17 PM
You can do a pinch test. Pull up a little skin with 2 fingers on their back and see how long it stays tented. If it stays tented for more than 3 seconds they are dehydrated.

10-07-2008, 11:30 PM
Am very familiar with pinch test, but I can't find skin! there is none extra to pinch. Even there legs are all bones. I don't know another way to describe it other than this, am sorry if its not clear.

They are much more alert and ate another 6 cc each of rehydrating solution.

10-08-2008, 12:50 AM
That's good. You will have to be the judge on when you feel they are strong enough to go onto formula. I wouldn't wait past tomorrow afternoon to atleast give them some dilluted formula. They need the calories and see how they do. I'd do 2 feeding for each dillution and keep on going up until they on full strength formula. Watch for diarrhea and/or bloating. Just keep TSB posted and someone will help you!

10-08-2008, 12:56 AM
How rude of me?
:Welcome :Welcome So glad you have joined The Squirrel Board! I see you had joined earlier in September and I did not send you a welcome. I'm very sorry! Welcome to TSB,:wave123 :wave123 I'm so glad you're here and sounds like you're doing a fine job with your babies.

10-08-2008, 11:26 AM
Thanks for the welcome! Am very glad to be here. You all have answered a lot of my questions and I will be sure to post in the introduction section soon.

They are doing well! Although these little ones look terrible, they are more active at each feeding. I wish I had a gram scale to explain how malnourished they are for their age...


10-09-2008, 10:04 PM
So I no longer believe that these two squirrels were neglected...I think the formula the person was using had spoiled!

I had been using up the last of the powdered esbilac I had before I moved to the half full container of powdered esbilac she had given me. They ate that very well and I had no problems. This morning I started using formula from other container and I immediately thought it was different when I mixed it...it seemed to be more dilute even though I know I mixed it properly. The squirrels immediately turned their noses up to it, but I didn't really think anything of it. At the next feeding however they had diarrhea again!!!

I checked the expiration date and although nothing was noticeably wrong with formula, am certain that was the problem. Once I got a new canister they ate 9 cc's easy!! :wahoo

I wanted to pass this along to see if any of you had had similar experiences and to warn others as well


10-09-2008, 10:07 PM
Yes that can happen. So glad they are doing well now:thumbsup

10-09-2008, 11:40 PM
I'm so glad you thought to look at the expiration date.:flash3 Hopefully your babies will do well from now on! I have been told to freeze all unused portions of powdered formula if it will not be used for awhile. I still would throw it out if it had expired. I would think that it would lose some of its' nutrients when it just sits out in the open air.
Glad to hear your babies are doing well!:) :)