View Full Version : Cupcake needs a comb-over.

10-07-2008, 03:15 AM
Hi All!!:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

CupCake is doing wonderful! She is still tame, friendly - comes when called, even knows a few "tricks" like "trade" and "jump up". She is also very affectionate to new visitors - which is surprising since i live alone and rarely have company come over. I know she isn't a baby anymore - she just seems so content, i don't quite know what to do:Love_Icon

But now for another question! She is on the "pet squirrel diet" right now - veggies in the morning, which she eats, then more veggies and fruit at night - 2 very small acorns a day, calcium chews, squirrel scones (3 a day-small) and rodent block (available to her all day long). And FSL on her over 8 hours a day.
She also gets 3 drops of a liquid vitamin supplement called "Nutriphase Mulit-Vitamin" Formulated for "guinea pigs and small animals" recommended by my vet - she has only been on this for about 3 days (you can buy it in the small animal section at PetsMart).
She is very playful and active, bright clear eyes and a very nice shiny coat (i would be taking pictures but one of my pups decided to eat the upload cable...sigh) :shakehead

BUT BUT she has a little patch of missing fur on her head, right above her nose between her eyes. It started off looking like she had just mussed her fur then about 2 days ago there was skin showing. She might be rubbing it during the day? I vaguely recall a thread about squirrel losing fur due to some nutritional thing? I'm very sorry i cant get a picture up but could someone give me a break down of some of the most common hair loss reasons? Her skin underneath looks healthy and normal,and shes not scratching or seeming to be bothered by it. I will try to upload something ASAP!!:dono

Thanks in advance for all the great info i know ill get!!!

island rehabber
10-07-2008, 07:09 AM
Hair loss in that particular spot is almost always from rubbing on the bars of the cage while chewing at them. Does she have enough chewy things to play with, or can you let her have a little more out-of-cage time, especially later in the afternoon? Bar chewing is a hard habit to break.....

10-07-2008, 10:50 AM
Oh no!
She has rodent chew blocks that she loves and toys she doesnt really care for lol. She is out most of the day/night, except for the few hours im at school. How would i go about convincing her to chew on her toys as opposed to the bars?

Thanks IR!

10-07-2008, 06:55 PM
My Fallen always hated a cage...chew chew chew to free himself.

His 6x4 cage we built we used 1/4" wire mesh wire and for whatever reason he is not able to chew. Some say they can still chew that size wire mesh but he can't. I just rewired his rehab cage today, that I used when he broke his arm, in the 1/4" wire mesh so I can put him in it for a couple of hours in the yard for some natural sunlight.