View Full Version : Lillybell and Andy
10-05-2008, 06:34 PM
My little ones are doing much better but Sat. my blood pressure went way up my heart rate was irratic and i spent the night in the hospital and my speach was so slured i had trouble explaining to my husband how to feed them but i managed to somehow and was worried he would overfeed them causing them to asperate and they let me out the hospital this morning so when i got home i checked them right away and they seemed fine but while i was feeding them i did notice some sneezing but not alot what i want to know is if the sneezing continues should i try to get antibiotics for them? They are energetic healthy looking otherwise and take their milk easily also their eyes are now open should i still feed them through the night or not as they dont seem very hungrey at their middle of the night feedings as before.
10-05-2008, 08:07 PM
are you sure it's sneezing and not just the funny little sound they make?
10-06-2008, 06:23 AM
Fallen went through episodes of sneezing when younger, and I always wondered he never does it now.
Is there any fragrance that maybe causing it. All materials they come into contact with....bedding, blankies should all be washed with a non-scented detergent. Was your hubby or you wearing any perfume/colgne, etc. to cause the sneezing....just some things to look into.
squirrel princess
10-06-2008, 07:17 AM
glad you are ok what did they determine was the cause in rise of
BP:poke and look at you having a possible heart attack and worried about the babies:grouphug
10-06-2008, 01:14 PM
Ok they are not sneezing anymore but Andys not taking his milk as well as before my hospital stay but im hopeing hes ok anyways mountain mamas going to take them for me as my blood pressures still kinda high and yeah i was in the ER argueing with the er doc about keeping me there overnight telling him i couldent stay because my baby squirrels needed me there to feed and care for them and sick as i felt it seemed unthinkable to not be home for them anyways i just hope im wrong and Andys ok and will be so grateful when mountainmama has them and i dont have to worry as i know she will take really good care of them and i love them so much and thank you all for your replys and concern for them and me.
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