View Full Version : Mange Again! This time it got Little Boy

10-03-2008, 11:21 PM
I saw "Little Boy" today for the first time since I got back from Nantucket, and he had many bald spots all over that just have to be mange. I didn't get any pictures because while he is not too afraid of me, he is chased unmercifully by Princess and Paulie when he comes over to my corner of the back yard and he is wary when they are around.

So, I raced upstairs to get a walnut and a drop of Ivermectin, but when I came back he had gone. It's getting cold here so I was worried about him all day. This afternoon he came back and after a lot of coaxing and maneuvering I got the walnut into him. I do hope he will be OK. I was so scared by what happened to another little guy last week who had a reaction to Ivermectin, and I hope Little Boy will not have any negative effects.

He's such a pretty, clean cut little guy! I was horrified when I saw what had happened to his fur, and I think he was embarrassed too.

10-04-2008, 08:36 AM
Poor baby! I hope his laced-walnut does the trick and his fur grows back fast!! ...... and he has a warm nest to sleep in, meantime!

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug