View Full Version : 11 weeks, blood in stool

10-02-2008, 04:25 PM
Things were nice this morning, until I saw Rhubarb poo.

The rundown, she's on about 1.5 feedings of Esbilac a day. About 6 ccss in the morning, maybe 3 - 5 in the evening. Other than that, she's been eating vegis, almonds, pecans, large branches from the forest, they have a big rock from the forest that they love to knaw on. She's drinking well. I haven't been able to keep her quiet long enough to stimulate her to see if there is blood in her urine today. However, I've seen her urinate in the last couple of days and it's clear.

She just pooed a jelloy green like poop with not lots of blood, but some in it. She's moving not as high speed as I have seen her in the past, but still getting around. I've noticed that she drags her bum a bit, but has also done that before right before she poos, as if she is trying to stimulate herself. She seems to be eating fine and drinking water well. I did notice that her poo smells a little fishy. She's always seemed a bit thin to me, but has always been on the small side in comparison to her brother- always about a week behind and needed a little more care. Her coat is still of a baby coat (fuzzy and thin-like), whereas her brother is getting the sleaker shinier adult coat.

In contrast, her brother who is always with her, is completely fine. Poops, eats, and pees consistently. Their diets and conditions are the same.

Please help- I'm worried about her.

10-02-2008, 04:38 PM
Can you get a fecal done on her stool?

10-02-2008, 04:48 PM
I'm not sure how I can. I live in an illegal state. I could take it to my dog vet, but that is only idea that I have.

10-02-2008, 05:44 PM

I was wrong, she is still very active- she is everywhere right now, and I saw her poo again twice. It didn't have any blood in it and it wasn't runny, but again, like a jell substance and a light brown. She is still rubbing her bum against the surface every once in awhile, as if it itches.


10-02-2008, 07:40 PM
Was the blood bright red? or very dark? If bright red it would be from lower down in the GI tract and if dark from further up. It maybe just a irritation from a piece of shell or such she was passing. I would keep an eye on the stool for a bit. We can look at options as we know more.

10-03-2008, 11:51 AM
Thank you Mars.

It actually looks bright red and kind of veiny. It wasn't in clots. And a very thin membrane look to it. I've been watching her closely ever since and have not seen any blood in her stool yet. She also urinated yesterday and it was clear and did not smell.

I've also been watching her habits. Last night, when we got home, I let them buzz around the first floor while I got their evening food prepped and she was as speedy as ever. And very curious, alert, eyes shiny. And today- she is the same. Her poo is still the same jell-like mass and does have some texture, just not pelleted the way Henry's is. And he's still wanting his formula in the morning, less in the evening. And I was looking at their coats- his daily is developing that sleak adult coat, while her's is still fuzzy like a babies. Could I be over simplifying by thinking that she is developing later than he is? She has since a baby. And today she refused more formula and wanted solid food. When she was more on her formula, her poo never looked like this. Could her system not be adjusting well?

I've kept them both on yogurt in their formula in hopes that it will help her digestive tract.