View Full Version : Hydration Help Needed

10-01-2008, 10:41 AM
I'm posting this here for quick attention but any replies should go in this other thread so as not to tie up Emergency and generate many email alerts to the rehabbers -- http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276664&posted=1#post276664

Here's the question:

HOW do you determine whether hydration via syringe is appropriate OR WHETHER SUBQ is needed???
Baby is being transferred to someone that can warm and hydrate via syringe, has the basics. Arrangements being made for transfer to rehabber later today, we hope philomycus.

Baby is eyes closed, "some fur." Had homemade pedialyte last night, refused this am. Actively crawling last night, NOT active this morning. Described as "weak." MIGHT have been w/o mom for a week, with "sugarcane water" available (I am guessing this means puddles available in stands of cane, not quite sure)? Or might have been not as long. Finder got him yesterday am. Given evap milk til finder was told about hydration recipe. INCONSISTENT warming as only hot water bottle available to finder.

So with that background, guidance as to what to look for and how to decide whether to proceed to warm then hydrate via syringe --- or obtain subQ assistance? I believe there is a local vet's office that could perhaps do that if needed.

:thankyou :thankyou Pls reply here: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276664&posted=1#post276664