View Full Version : Aggressive
09-29-2008, 06:11 PM
Hello I'm new to this but I'll give it a try. 4 days ago I found 2 baby squirrels in a garbage can in my backyard they fell in and couldn't get out. The one baby was ok but the other I thought was dead until it moved a little. I brought it inside and dried it off with a hair dryer. Then I fed some milk in a eye dropper that I found out later was wrong. To make a long story short I picked up some puppy formula and have been feeding every 4-5 hours. It finally today started to poop and run around also is very aggressive jumping at me and making noises. After it settled down I was able to hold and feed it Now again it's aggressive. The other baby that was ok I witness eating food,this one won't eat anything I have to feed it with a eye dropper. It looks just like the mother only smaller if that gives you a idea of it's age. My question is should I let it go now that it's ok or should I keep it untilit eats on its own. Thank you Joe
09-29-2008, 06:19 PM
Oh no please dont let anyone go! I am NE Pa also and may be able to help you if you wish? I am near Hazleton/Bloomsburg area.
Do you have any idea how old they are? It sounds like their Mother could have been killed and they went in earch of their own food.
They may be aggressive because they arent getting enough food?
09-29-2008, 06:20 PM
You will need to keep them for a few weeks at least, or get the to a rehabber. It sounds like they are about 8 weeks old. I typically release my squirrels at 14-16 weeks old.
It sounds like your agressive one is just hungry. They learn pretty quick who is feeding them and when you have the formula, they want to get to you and fast. I have had them leap at my face and claw me all up to get to the syringe. They make a little noise too, it is because they are excited to eat. That is a good sign that they are nice and healthy :thumbsup .
09-29-2008, 06:53 PM
The mother is still alive and living in my back porch roof with 2 young ones. The other young one that was in the can with the sick one I let go that day and I see him/her sitting on my banister eating every day. Yesterday I put some peanuts on the banister and the mother and 2 young ones were sitting there eating them. I don'tknow why this one won'teat other than puppy formula also it is about half the size of it's brothers/sisters.
09-29-2008, 06:56 PM
Is it possible its not from the same litter? Also could be the runt and let me tell you it has been one rough season babies are small, and not developing properly. Its good to hear the other is with the Mom, will she not accept the small baby?
09-29-2008, 06:58 PM
Keep the small baby on a heating pad set on low.
09-29-2008, 07:05 PM
I haven't tried to let it back with the mother because until today I wasn't sure if it was going to make it or not but what a change in it today. Before it would only sleep I had to pick it up and hold the eyedropper to its mouth then it would wake up drink then sleep. Today it's climbing all over the cage. The cage is around 3 feet long 2 feet wide and 18inches high.
09-29-2008, 11:33 PM
is it big enough to jump out of a box or tote container or no?
09-30-2008, 10:51 AM
No its not big enough to jump out of a box but it was climbing so I put it in a cage. It's about the size of the one your holding in the picture.
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