View Full Version : 11 weeks- Am I on track?
09-25-2008, 01:28 PM
Greetings everyone-
Just checking in to make sure I'm on track with Rhubarb and Henry. They are almost 11 weeks old. They are still asking for formula- about every 6 hours. I stopped tracking their cc intake since it was so inconsistent. At times,Rhubarb might want 16 ccs while Henry would want only 2. Next time they both might intake 17 ccs. They are both ingesting a consistent diet of fruit and vegies- I keep a copy of the pet squirrel diet posted on the forum on my fridge- I make sure they get a little bit of everyting off of there. The only thing they don't like is the rodent block.
Their home is about 1 1/2 ft. wide X 2 ft. tall. They sleep all night and during the day they're awake about every 4 hours. They sleep about an hour after each formula feeding and are awake at other times. They get out of their home about an hour mid morning and about 2 hours early evening.
Little Henry seems very attached to me while Rhubarb is slowly pulling away.
As far as their energy level- very high. Sometimes almost frenzied. Is this normal?
Are they where they should be at this age?
And at what point should I start to consider their sun intake to avoid MBD?
And at what point should I move them to a larger home?
All input is welcome and thank you.
09-25-2008, 01:44 PM
Sounds like you're doing everthing right. Yes, they need to move to a bigger house. Yes, they will start needing lighting since they are getting off the formula. Some of them wild up sooner than others, and that is normal.
Sparky started hissing and chattering at me at 12 weeks. They are now alomst 16 weeks, and Sparky hates me and Saide doesn't and still wants me to hold her, but I don't b/c I know it's in her best future interests.
Try pouring warm water of the rodent block and crush it a little. Mine don't like it either. I've never had a squirrel go crazy over it. Mine would alomst rather starve, but it is good for them.
09-25-2008, 02:33 PM
They do need a bigger home, are you over wintering or releasing them, or are they pets?
If you are releasing them you can start putting their cage out slowly everyday for sun and get them used to the outside? Just a thought?
If they get an hour or two of sun a day you dont need fsl.
09-25-2008, 03:22 PM
Thanks Rippie and Phylo for both your responses. Rhubarb and Henry aren't pets. It is still my intention to release them, but it has been mentioned that I should over-winter them due to the incoming weather. Is this not true? Can they be released when they wean completely? I think I listed my location wrong though (I have it listed as Northeast). I live in VA and the weather is fairly mild till Dec.
I already started putting them outside for 1/2 to an hour at a time when I'm in the garden or at the barn. Typically they hide in their covers though. They still seek their heat pad some.
Thank you in any case- at least I know I'm on track with the little farts.
Thanks so much!
09-25-2008, 03:33 PM
Sounds like you are doing a great job with them. I think with your guys, it is OK to release them this fall instead of overwintering. If you had a single squirrel (they grow up slower because they don't have any buddies to learn with and they tend to take longer to wild out) or your squirrel was still eyes closed, I would say to overwinter, but since they are older I would say they can go free. They should be ready for release in 2-5 weeks. I have 2 girl foxers that are about a week and a half older than yours and they are in the outside prerelease cage (6' wide, 7' long, and the roof slopes from 6' to 8' high) and will be going free in 2 weeks (I release mine anytime up until mid October, provided there are still leaves on the trees and the weather is good). They have been completely off milk for a week now. If I were you, I would cut them down to just 1 feeding a day and see how they do, then in a week take them off milk.
Like Rippie suggessted, start putting their cage out each day for a little longer each time. I also agree they could use a bigger cage.
09-25-2008, 03:43 PM
I will get them into a bigger home. I think they would much prefer that anyway. As far as feeding them once a day- when should that one time be and how will I know (outside of weight)if they're fairing well? Is weight change the only indication they aren't all right?
09-25-2008, 03:47 PM
When I reduce their feedings, I watch their weights (do you have a way to weigh them and do you know what their weights are now?) and also their activity levels. If they get really sleepy or are trying to attack me looking for milk everytime I go near them, then I put them back to 2 feedings a day. You can also watch how much regular food they are eating. They should be eating a good amount of fruits and veggies at their age. So, just keep an eye on them and make sure they seem to be acting normal.
09-25-2008, 03:55 PM
To be honest- I haven't weighed them in a bit. I do have a scale and I religously weighed them up until 9 weeks. They wouldn't stay put on the scale and seemed as long as their appetite was healthy and they stayed plump and the poop / pee was good- it seemed they were fine. But if you think I ought to continue weighing them, I will strive to do so.
However, I was reading through the postings and I think I've been giving thema few too many nuts. They eat about 2 - 3 almonds each a day and a couple peanuts each.
09-25-2008, 04:05 PM
I quite weighing them awhile back too. I still feed mine 2x per day. I leave them in the release cage for 2.5 weeks before I open the door, but still put food out 2x per day until they chose to go find their wild buddies for 'love' :D
09-25-2008, 04:06 PM
If they are getting 2 feedings of formula each day I WOULD LET THEM DRINK ALL THEY WANT AT EACH FEEDING, THEIR BODY IS TELLING THEM THEY STILL NEED IT, sorry caps locked.:shakehead The formula is better for them than any veggie it helps with not having to worry about the sunlight so much.
Try some pumpkin seeds (unsalted) they have a lot of protein and will put weight on?
You can also offer some wallnuts in place of almonds. This is the time of year you want them to have some extra weight on them.
They will get used to being outside some take right to it and others take sometime. The more you baby them they take your que (no kidding) that its something to be frightened of. (just like kids)
When I first take mine out I sit out there with them, with a magazine just incase a hawk or something frightening comes along...I can quick scoot them back in.
They should be able to be released this year...some release up into early Nov. depending on the leaves on the trees and the temp. Have they been using a nestbox? If so when they are released you can hang that in a tree, where they will be safe & you can see them coming and going?
If they havent had one you still may have time to get them one. Then they could take their time building their nest, I am sure they will stay together until spring atleast.
09-25-2008, 04:40 PM
It's funny you mention it- but I am off to get their nesting box tonight. I've been meaning to get one for couple of weeks now and haven't had much luck. My husband and I have been planning on where we're going to place the nest in the trees once they're released.
And thanks for the walnut and pumpkin seed suggestion- will do.
And you are definitely right about them taking my que- I've noticed that Henry feeds a lot off my emotion on things. It's strange how perceptive the little minx is.
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