View Full Version : More Poop Problems!

09-23-2008, 11:47 PM
Hey everyone,

I have been studying and posting on the forum for a couple of weeks, since I took in two orphaned baby squirrels. They are approx. 8 wks and very healthy appearing.

At first they didn't poop and I composed various threads regarding this. Then the poop starting flowing and everything was cool. NOW, starting this afternoon, they are pooping rather large amounts of smooshy, kinda peanutbuttery colored poos and man, it STINKS!!! None of their poops smelled before.

I have recently (over the course of the past week) introduced kale, carrots, apples, yellow squash and acorns (not all at once of course). Today they have had their esbilac, as well as apples and carrots for munchies. Peeing, playing, and sleeping fine.

I figured they may be eating too much and will definitely cut down for their morning feeding, but I am worried about the sudden smell:eek:

Any ideas anyone???:help

09-24-2008, 01:34 AM
frick did the same thing when i brought her her own all you can eat buffet of new fruits and veggies. it was AWFUL!! poor baby was even puking with it. at one point it was nothing but like melted peanut butter....no consistency at all. i took ALL the solid food and just gave her formula and rodent blocks and some gatorade (didn't have any pedialyte) until her poop was normal again. THEN...she got 1 fruit and 1 veggie for several days....then if everything was good...we added another veggie....after a few days with no issues another fruit...and so on and so on. not only did it no overload her system, but if something didn't agree with her, i could easily identify what was new to her. i am happy to report that was a couple months ago and she had not had runny poop again AND can pretty much eat any fruit or veggie...not always WILL, but CAN. :) definitely take away the solid food and just do formula and rodent block until it passes.

09-24-2008, 12:22 PM
Too many different foods are not good as Frickster has mentioned, but do not use Gatorade, that was never counseled to give to a baby squirrel here. Pedialyte can be made up at home, if store bought is not available, WHEN one of our experts here sees that the situation merits it's use. I will ask one of our resident experts to share any suggestions with you on this.

09-24-2008, 03:20 PM
Thanks everyone! I took out all new foods and gave pedialyte this morning, then regular strength formula this afternoon. Their afternoon poop was back to normal: golden, cute and non-smelly:alright.gif

09-24-2008, 03:23 PM
I would suggest adding bioplasma to your formula. One tablet twice a day for a bit. Bioplasma ( also called cell salts or bio salts ) can be found in health food stores. ( not GNC )

This will help your babies to absorb the nutrients into their bodies. L-Glutamine ONCE a day..Bioplasma TWICWE.

Gamma's Baby,
Do you mean for me do this anyway, or only if the diarrhea continued? :dono I want to make sure I'm giving them the best.