View Full Version : Bad Discovery

09-23-2008, 11:36 PM
I'm starting to wonder if the one little boy got hit in the head before I dropped him. His little skull seems to have a small split in it at the back. It's the same one who was acting funny the other day. I'm wondering if he might be having some small seizures because that split can't be good. You can feel it if you run your finger over the peak at the back of his head. He's been eating fine, and acting normal since the episode the other day. I'm hoping it will just fuse on it's own and he'll be fine. I need to be extra careful with him until it does.

island rehabber
09-23-2008, 11:42 PM
I'm starting to wonder if the one little boy got hit in the head before I dropped him. His little skull seems to have a small split in it at the back. It's the same one who was acting funny the other day. I'm wondering if he might be having some small seizures because that split can't be good. You can feel it if you run your finger over the peak at the back of his head. He's been eating fine, and acting normal since the episode the other day. I'm hoping it will just fuse on it's own and he'll be fine. I need to be extra careful with him until it does.

This can happen in squirrels as it does in humans, the fontanelle doesn't fuse together. If you've read about our adorable Baby Charm, you'll see what happens when the fontanelle remains open and fluid seeps in, causing hydrocephalus. Keep an eye on your little boy for any signs of swelling in that area, and we'll all pray that his problem eventually cures itself. :)

09-23-2008, 11:54 PM
There wasn't really any noticeable swelling until I dropped him on my metal chair leg 2 days ago. I was checking it out today, and rubbing it lightly to check the amount of swelling, and I noticed that there was a split in the bone on the back of his head. He's acted 100% normal until the accident, so I'm hoping if I just keep going like I was and be careful, it will most likely fuse on it's own and everything will be ok. I won't lie, I don't have the money to take him to a vet.

09-25-2008, 08:24 AM
Perhaps you can get him to a rehabber who can take him to the vet or get him on anti inflammatory. Just waiting to see what happens isn't the best idea.

09-25-2008, 08:36 AM
AWW call around and see if any of the Jax vets do W/L pro Bono, some vets take mercy on people like us and give us a break. Good luck on that little one.