View Full Version : Iris Seeds?

Tum Tum
09-19-2008, 08:56 PM
Today when we were at the park we saw some squirrels coming from the edge of a pond and then we saw these seed pods and we were wondering if the seeds from the inside were safe for our little guy to eat? because we thought maybe those squirrels may of been eatting on them from looking at the pods on the ground. we have not givin him any because we wanted to find out what they were and ask you guys what you thought. From pictures I saw online the pods are definatly iris pods.mjs

09-19-2008, 10:50 PM
Sorry - Iris is a no no. They carry a toxin that cause depression and vormiting.

Tum Tum
09-19-2008, 10:59 PM
Thank you very much, me and my fiance are pretty smart when it comes to ask first feed if there is a O.K. :thankyou

We never gave him any, but we picked up a lot of acorns :wahoo The squirrels at the park are mad at us i bet :dono