View Full Version : Do you use flea treatments

09-19-2008, 03:49 PM
We used the advantage (vet verison) dose for kittens on Scamp about 3 mos ago after reading on the internet to use to keep fleas away. Is this safe? I have seen him scratching again and was going to the vet for more but now am worried after reading a lot of the postings here that some information I have may not be correct. We just introduced the newest baby (Rocky) to the cage (8ft by 4ft) and they get along very well, thought maybe Rocky may have brought the fleas since we do not have any other indoor animals. We do keep the cage in our sun room were they get a lot of light but am now understanding may not be the correct lighting for them.
:thankyou Lisa

09-19-2008, 04:20 PM
Hi Lisa :Welcome
I have only raised two squirrels. When they found me, they were about ...maybe 4 or 5 weeks old...and LOADED with fleas.
Initially...I did pick a few off and put them in a cup of hot water....but those fleas didn't jump like dog fleas, so it was easy to do. I only did this a few times.
I was amazed that after a week.....those fleas were all gone! It seemed that once the babies were warm, fed properly...the fleas just disappeared!
Maybe they groomed one another and ate them? :dono
I never saw any fleas after about 3 or four days, and I never used any flea meds.
I changed their bedding every day (using baby blankets that I washed in the washer).

I'm sure others will be on soon to give you some advice......but I do know it's possible to get rid of the fleas without using any of the pet meds.

Wishing you so much luck with your two little ones.

09-19-2008, 05:54 PM
Advantage is safe to be used on squirrels. Use the samll cat dose and only use one drop on the shoulders for teeny squirrles and two or three drops for bigger squirrels. Imadiclopride (the active ingedient in Advantage) is only toxic to fleas and related insects and is non toxic to mammals. You need to watch the use of other fleas preventions because many others contain pyrethrin or permetrins both of which can cause problems. Flea powders are relatively safe but not always as effective.

09-19-2008, 05:57 PM
frick and frack were covered with huge fleas crawling all over them and in and out of their ears when i found them. i used the kitten shampoo (not sure which brand) because they said it was more sensitive than the puppy. i only had to do it once and haven't seen another flea.