View Full Version : Three little suckers....
Hi it is Tori with the three little babies that were brought to me last week courtesy of Mena. All were very dehydrated at first and I had to do alot to get them stable. they got subq fluids and tube feeding for several days but all are eating on their own now and gaining weight. They are being called Peter, Wendy and Tink by my co workers at the vets.
They are also all little suckers! Literally all are nursing each others privates at least once per day...I have had babies do this before but not this bad. All three are doing it...should I seperate them? Hate to sperate them they are so happy all cuddled up together.
09-13-2008, 09:27 PM
I've had mine do that too. I tried feeding them more often and that helped.
I am feeding them 4 mls of esbilac every 4 hours. I do not think they are hungry it seems like a comfort behavior? I don't have any stuffies with nipples for them either:rotfl
09-13-2008, 09:35 PM
My latest three all did it to some degree, with one girl being the worst. I found that staying on top of the feedings is what helped the most. Sometimes even every 3-3.5 hours is what it took. If it gets too bad, you will have to separate. I had to separate the worst sucker, Daisy, as she was causing scabs on poor Chatter's penis from her constant sucking. She was so bad, that I could feed her, and put her back with her siblings, and she would literally make a b-line to Chatter's penis and start sucking. Daisy is now at my friend Laura's house doing well, getting fat, and spoiled.
09-13-2008, 11:26 PM
When ever someone invents a squirrel pacifier, they are going to make a million. I have had this problem to the point I ended up separating them. You can try Yuck, it's a bitter tasting ointment that sometimes discourages them from nursing on their sibs.
Humm :thinking trying to make that million how about mini condoms:rotfl
Good luck with your babies:)
When ever someone invents a squirrel pacifier, they are going to make a million. I have had this problem to the point I ended up separating them. You can try Yuck, it's a bitter tasting ointment that sometimes discourages them from nursing on their sibs.
09-14-2008, 01:20 AM
Depending on how old they are, you can also give them a cheerio or two, right after you have given them their formula. It keeps them busy until they get pass the "I still need to nurse" moment.
Too little for tube socks or cheerios yet they are only maybe 2 weeks at the most eyes still closed.
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