View Full Version : Benebac????

09-12-2008, 11:28 AM
I need to know how much benebac to give to my 5 week old baby girl. I have posted that we have had some issues with no poop then diarrhea and now we're back to no poop. I realized that I had an unopened tube of benebac in the cabinet and I have read on here it could be good for tummy troubles. I just don't know how much to give her. It is the gel benebac. Can anyone help me? Thanks

09-12-2008, 11:54 AM
She weighs 80 grams as of last night.

09-12-2008, 12:08 PM
Some of our trusted rehabbers use Benebac and no doubt can help you figure out the dosage (I would think it would be just a tiny dab).

Others of our trusted rehabbers have cautioned that probiotics are very sensitive to age and storage conditions and that Benebac might not have been stored well even before you acquired it. If you have had it for some time, the utility becomes even more suspect. Which is to say, it probably wouldn't hurt her, but may no longer contain anything that would be particularly helpful.

Healthfood stores that keep their probiotics under refrigeration may be a better source. Alternatively, yogurt with active cultures (full fat, no artificial stuff) may also be helpful.

[not arguing here, just giving you information on which to base a decision :peace ]

NOTE: Your "no poop" comment deserves follow up as well -- how long w/o poop?? Was the last poop runny or not? What/how much has she eaten since last poop?

FYI responding members, here are the prior two threads for background: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12783 AND http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12790

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

09-12-2008, 12:21 PM
I was kinda wondering if the benebac was still good...Anyway about the poop, I've had her since Sunday. She pooped a tiny pellet Tuesday nightand that was it until, yesterday morning when she had diarrhea and now has not pooped since. I thiught the benbac mighthelp but if it might harm I won't give it to her. I will get something else. Do you think maybe she just pooped herself out yesterday? She has been on liquid esbilac but I just got the powder today, so for her next feeding she will get powder.

09-12-2008, 12:56 PM
Sometimes it does take them a few days for their systems to adjust ... and have enough to poop.

But: Do you think she seems bloated at all? Her tummy should expand slightly after feeding ("like a partially deflated balloon") but then should go down again before the next feeding. Look carefully to make sure it does go down. Bloated babies should not be fed til the bloating is addressed. Is she peeing regularly?

If you think she's bloated, we will post instructions what you can do.

If you don't think she's boated, go ahead and feed her as you planned.

Check also to see if she is dehydrated -- pinch skin at back of neck -- it should go down quickly. If it stays up, or if her fur looks kind of spiky (standing up), she's gotten dehydrated. What you can do is offer her Pedialyte (or homemade version) IN BETWEEN her formula feedings.

Let us know how she is doing. :Love_Icon

[btw, it's not that the Benebac would necessarily be BAD for her, it just might not be useful, especially if it has been around a while]

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

Mountain Mama
09-12-2008, 01:03 PM
My reference says to give Bebe-back .05-1 gram once a week. What concentration do you have?

As long as she is not bloaty and is taking in fluids, I wouldn't panic over the lack of poop yet. Just give her a little time. But in the meantime, you can try this...stimulate her with a warm q-tip to see if you can get her to poop. And do it for a while...several minutes...sometimes it takes some extra time.

And I will be the first to admit I get panicky if I don't get poop.:shakehead But just keep on keeping on, and let us know how things are going.

09-12-2008, 02:53 PM
She is pee-ing regularly and she is not dehydrated, I just checked. She isn't bloated either. I'm feeding her 4-5 cc's every 4 hours, but she seems to want to eat more. I won't giver her more though because I don't want to overfeed. Am I doing that right?