View Full Version : Please help, need advice about baby squirrels

09-08-2008, 02:24 PM
About three hours ago I heard a squeaking on the porch and I looked out and there was a tiny baby squirrel on the roof. As some of you know, I have had baby squirrels up in the nest between the wall & chimney before, but until this morning, I didn't know Rosie had another little family up there.

The problem is, this little guy fell off the roof and for the past THREE HOURS has been running around the deck. He's just a tiny thing, I would say 4-5 inches in body length not counting his tail. I can hear squeaking up in the nest, so I know there are other babies up there.

I don't know how old he is, but he's obviously hungry and nibbling on the squirrel brownies I put out. I am worried that something has happened to Rosie. Can someone tell me how long a mother squirrel will leave a nest with babies alone? I am VERY worried about the little ones in the nest, if something has happened to Rosie they might be hungry. And how long should I leave this little guy to run around on the deck? If she doesn't come back, should I bring him inside & get the others out of the nest? How long should I wait?

Here are pictures, PLEASE HELP!! Thank you so much!

09-08-2008, 02:37 PM
oh my gosh....that little baby is one of the cutest EVER!!!! i don't know about everyone else....but if the mommy doesn't come back, they definitely will need someone to help them. i'm glad you know where there nest is and that for the time being they're in it. are you able to watch the baby on the run to make sure a predator doesn't get him!?

09-08-2008, 02:41 PM
Yes, I am watching him. But what I'm worried about is how long I should wait for Rosie to come back, she's been away over three hours now.

island rehabber
09-08-2008, 02:43 PM
Squirrellie I wouldn't worry until late afternoon -- 5-6pm. Those babies are at the age where if they were in rehab we would be feeding every 5-6 hours anyway, so she knows they are ok to leave for awhile. But, as the sun gets low Rosie SHOULD be back. If not....execute Plan B. :)

09-08-2008, 03:31 PM
Thank you IR, I hope she comes back soon, she's been gone at least four hours. Now the baby is hiding in back of the grill and he looks worried.

How old do you think this baby is? He looks so tiny, but he is eating regular food.

Here are some pictures showing him eating before he went and hid behind the grill.

09-08-2008, 03:39 PM
at least he's safe right now AND if you do have to intervene they look like they'll be easier to care for since they're a little older. plus...the fact that you know the others are up in the nest means they haven't fallen or been injured most likely. keep an eye on the nest too to make sure no predators get those sweet little things!

09-08-2008, 03:45 PM
Looks like an emaciated 5-6 week old to me. Can you safely get to the nest in case you have to implement plan B? Is he drinking any water? You are a wonderful photographer! Good luck!

09-08-2008, 04:04 PM
Babies that age don't start leaving the nest unless Mom has been missing for a while as in days. I would encourage to have a plan for rescue in place and not wait till dark. You don't want to be climbing on the roof in the dark. It be very quickly clear they need help if they feel as skinny as they look.

09-08-2008, 04:36 PM
Babies that age don't start leaving the nest unless Mom has been missing for a while as in days. I would encourage to have a plan for rescue in place and not wait till dark. You don't want to be climbing on the roof in the dark. It be very quickly clear they need help if they feel as skinny as they look.

Winky2, there is water on the porch but I didn't see him drink any.

Mars, that is what I'm worried about. I haven't seen Rosie since Saturday, we had a big storm Saturday afternoon. I think something happened to her. Just now I went to try to pick up the baby to test his skin for dehydration, but he freaked out and started barking and squealing when I got near him, then he wedged himself down between the wall and the deck. He was really panicked. I don't know what to do at this point, I don't want to scare him any more. And also will the other ones be upset like that if I have to take them out of the nest? Is there a right and wrong way to pick them up? Is there anybody who can help me take them out of the nest, who has done this before?

Here are pictures of the baby hiding behind the grill and then down between the wall and deck. I am starting to get very upset about this, I want to help him but can't get to him where he is now.

09-08-2008, 05:13 PM
:D He is a cute little bugger :D
I really do hope you succeed in resolving this problem. Poor baby.:grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
09-08-2008, 05:28 PM
:grouphug be prepared...they MAY chew out of a cat carrier or rubbermaid tub...:sanp3
good luck!:Love_Icon

09-08-2008, 07:25 PM
Love the photos, we are enjoying watching this little one too! OH the Cuteness!!

09-08-2008, 08:57 PM
Now it's almost 9 PM and Rosie has not returned. I found the baby at 11:30 this morning, and haven't actually seen Rosie since Saturday. Tonight I went to get Pedialyte, tomorrow will get Ebsilac.

We're going into the nest tomorrow to get the rest of the babies out. I am worried because the little guy is already afraid of people and he squealed when I tried to pick him up today. He's still on the porch, I put out a box with t shirts for him to sleep in. Should I try to get the babies to a rehabber when we take them out of the nest?

Thank you Sciurus, isn't this little baby so sweet he takes your breath away. I am just feeling REALLY bad that this means something has happened to Rosie, though. They are at the age when they really need their mom, I think, because they seem too young to live on their own but this one has already shown he's afraid of me.

Does anyone have any advice on how to handle the babies at this age, besides to wear gloves when taking them out and cover the nest with a blanket? I would really appreciate any more practical advice.

09-08-2008, 09:07 PM
Do you have a Havaheart to try to catch the baby? What about a net? When it comes out to nibble, you can also try throwing a blanket over it, but only if you are a good aim. He will certainly be fearful and evasive after that.

09-08-2008, 09:13 PM
I think since they will be afraid, you should use gloves and a blanket to capture them in the nest if possible. They can at that age chew through plastic but that may be all you have. Keep them quiet and in a dark space while they settle down. Do you have a syringe that you can offer them pedialyte with? They may be so thirsty they will take it eagarly. They do look like they have not had Mom in a while so I would try the liquid asap. Good that they are eating the biscuits:) I am sure there will be others here soon with more advice. Good luck:grouphug That little one is adorable:Love_Icon
Thanks for trying to help them:thankyou :grouphug

09-08-2008, 09:15 PM
marie..i just tried to phone you....:poke
i had this same situation in ct... mommy got hit by a car..i saw it happen..but i saw her run away under a tree...she died.. :Cry..then the next morning....3 babies..i bribed them with a bottle.....except..once you've got them to come to you...use the syringe.with pedialyte.:thumbsup you're gonna have to get a big cage....:thumbsup i used a large shoe box with bunny fur to line the box...or you can use fleece..inside the cage..
call me..:) if you want..:thumbsup

09-08-2008, 10:15 PM
Gamma, I can't find the baby now, it's almost 10 PM. My husband thinks he might have hidden under the deck for the night. I put a sleeping box out with t shirts and a ladder up to the nest. First thing tomorrow at sunrise we're going up to try to get the others. The babies are definitely still alive, at about 5PM tonight I heard a lot of scuffling in the nest, and a lot of squeaking this afternoon. This little guy seems strong, he even tried to climb the screen. But my first impression was he was thin.

Yes if you know of any local rehabbers, please let me know.

Atlanta squirrel girl, no I don't have a Havaheart trap but wrapping him in a blanket sounds like a good idea. This afternoon I tried to grab him wearing oven mitts and he got really scared.

Wheezer, yes I just got the pedialyte, the unflavored (clear) kind and a big eyedropper, here is a picture of the eyedropper. Does it look like the right kind?

Rachel, thank you for calling, I still have dial up (yuk, not for long) so you probably got the busy message. I will try you tomorrow, I am going to bed soon so I can get up at dawn to get the babies out. I made the squirrel brownies for you yesterday, good timing because this little guy ate some today. Don't worry, there are plenty left for you.

Here is a picture of the little guy climbing the screen to get in the nest. Also two pictures of the CUTENESS

Everybody PLEASE wish me luck with getting the rest of the babies out tomorrow and thank you SO MUCH for your advice and support:thankyou

09-08-2008, 10:25 PM
Here are the other pictures

09-08-2008, 10:27 PM
I agree with Wheezer, toss a blanket, and scoop him up in it, and put him in a container, or tub with a lid. Then when you have him inside, work the blanket with your hands to get a grip on him to put him in a cage. This works well for babies of his age. He will squeak and scream, but don't worry, it is normal for him to do it. Better to hear a fuss and save his life. Kids you know are the same way, lots of noise, but you do what is best for them anyway.

09-08-2008, 10:31 PM
Please let us know ASAP how everything went for you tomorrow morning. MANY prayers going out to you and the little ones. :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

Thank you so much Gamma, I will let you all know ASAP tomorrow.:thankyou

09-08-2008, 10:44 PM
Please don't leave a box out in the open, where a raccoon or some other predator can get at him. Even a rat can get a baby like that. If you can go out and turn on the light, he might try to come out still. pucking up your lips closed, make a vibrating sound like you were going to say wha, but don't open your lips up to do it, just make vibrating the sound in a low tone, like a grunt. It is a sound the mother and babies make to one another when it comes to food, it might draw him out. It is hard to decribe, sorry. I will be praying the little one will be ok.

09-08-2008, 10:45 PM
Bless you for trying to save these babies. I sure will pray for you all goes well in the morning Good Luck and hope to hear good news.:)

09-09-2008, 07:22 AM
Sciurus, we have a deck with a roof on it, I put the box in the corner and left the porch light on all night, but he didn't sleep there last night. You are right, I should have thought about predators because we do have skunks come by at night sometimes.

I used a stepladder to go up to the nest this morning before my husband went to work. I shined a flashlight in and it was EMPTY in there. There was bedding but NO babies. I moved the bedding around both entrances, both sides of the chimney and there was nobody in there at all. It was remarkably clean in there, not too chewed up, a little bit of pee smell but not much. I heard them scuffling around in there yesterday around dinner time and they were also squeaking loudly yesterday afternoon. I don't know what to think now. Maybe Rosie chewed another entrance hole and they're deeper inside the roof somewhere?? But I didn't see any other holes or chewed areas like that in there. There is also no sign of the baby I saw yesterday this morning but it's still early, about 7 AM.

I'm going to just wait and watch this morning. Here are some pictures of the nest area I took this morning. Behind all the bedding at the entrance is the nest enclosure, a crawl space between the deck roof and the roof overhang, by the chimney.

Thank you all so much for your help and great advice and support, I am not sure what is happening here but will keep you all posted. Thanks so much:thankyou :thankyou

Jackie in Tampa
09-09-2008, 08:09 AM
:grouphug Good luck and keep us posted.
Hoping for the best!:grouphug

09-09-2008, 03:44 PM
This doesnt sound good, if you can get those babies pm me or have someone call me if you can meet me half way to Hazleton I will be glad to take them dont be afraid to pick them up.

Jackie in Tampa
09-09-2008, 05:45 PM
:thumbsup :bowdown Rippie

09-09-2008, 06:44 PM
So far there is no sign of anybody. No Rosie, no little guy. I checked around the whole yard, all the bushes, under the deck with the flashlight and he is nowhere to be seen. And the nest is empty, I looked in there this morning.

What do you think has happened? Could Rosie have come back last night while we were out getting the Pedialyte and moved the babies because the one fell out and she thought it wasn't safe anymore?

Thank you Rippie, for offering to take them if needed. I will keep you posted on this.

Tum Tum
09-09-2008, 07:02 PM
So cute, looks like mine but smaller.

Good luck hope everything goes well and everyone is fine.

09-09-2008, 07:07 PM
i'd like to think rosie came back home..and didnt like her boy being so comfortable around humans....ans smelling of human food.....she came home...and moved them...gave her childrens..(children)...a good cursing :nono ....

your so..good marie.....willing to save a baby...i love the one of him on the roof top with his mouth open...was he crying for rosie ?http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=50165&stc=1&d=1220926461
it was nice talking with you today....and mr human bean..you should have seen him *instant tail POOF* listening to your voice...:rotfl :jump
have a great night n try not to worry too much.:grouphug
rippie...you are such a sweet heart..:grouphug
rachel n bean:grouphug :wave123

09-09-2008, 09:01 PM
Tum Tum is adorable:Love_Icon :Love_Icon

Rachel, it was great to talk to you and Bean:Love_Icon today, I wish I could have seen his tail POOF! Yes, the baby's little mouth was open because he was squeaking for mommy. I'm still worried about the babies, just have this uneasy feeling, it's the not knowing what happened to them that is worrying, and not seeing Rosie at all today. I am hoping she moved them to her other nest, and will bring them back for the winter.

At least now I am prepared with the Pedialyte, Ebsilac and syringe just in case, and thank you Rippie, for being willing to take him if needed. Thanks to all of you on TSB, you are great!!

09-09-2008, 10:26 PM
I would like to think mommy came and got her babies. They do make more then one nest. Let's pray you will see them soon:)

09-11-2008, 07:27 PM
I would almost assume that Mommy returned for her babies. I was watching a you tube video the other day of a momma squirrel rescuing her baby from a cat carrier from a human who was only trying to help....it was quite cute acutally. I don't remember if I found it linked to here on the squirrel board or just looking around on you tube. But, to have them all missing...I would think they would of stayed close by unless Mom picked them up.