View Full Version : Help: Quints fighting over grapes
09-07-2008, 06:32 PM
The 5 of them had me scared earlier when I fed them supper. They are about 7-8 wks now. I gave them some carrots, pepper and broccoli. They were ok and "sharing" nicely :) I then peeled 5 grapes and when I put them in the cage they became maniacs:crazy . And the fights :nono were horrible, I was thinking I would see blood... thank goodness there was none. After the last lick of the grapes were gone, they all washed themselves up nicely and some went to sleep, some played.
Is this normal squirrel behavior? Should I worry that they will hurt each other? Will they work it out themselves or do I break them up.. ?
09-07-2008, 06:36 PM
I only have raise my one but what tempers at such a young age :nono
Already terroritorial over food :shakehead but only when it comes to the good stuff :rotfl
I don't know your answer but will keep an eye on the solution others give...very interesting!
09-07-2008, 09:38 PM
That is so funny! GRAPES!!:crazy Every squirrel I have rehabbed loves grapes, especially the red grapes. I have seen the fur flying around too over grapes, cheerios and nuts. They must think they will never get another one. At that age they won't hurt each other. Of course unless they hurt themselves on the cage or something in it or get scratched. They sure sound and look vicious!:D :D
island rehabber
09-07-2008, 09:39 PM
This is definitely normal squirrel behavior. Wait until they are in a big cage and you have a nest box. One girl will decide she is Queen Sh*t and will not allow the other girls to sleep in the box. For awhile they will sleep on shelves, the hammock, the floor of the cage. They'll end up having a mutiny, beat her up, and then all will be well. I think baby squirrels need to learn territorial behavior to prepare them for the wild. :thumbsup:)
09-07-2008, 10:34 PM
:thankyou :thankyou Fallens, FS and IR!
As long as its normal squ behavior then I am happy that they are progressing normal! But damn, they had a brawl! :peace
They have been in the big cage and nest box BUT have yet to resemble that behavior IR mentioned... thanks for the warning!!!!
I am now assured they will not hurt each other, that is what worried me!
09-07-2008, 10:37 PM
09-07-2008, 10:41 PM
OMG Judy B, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!!!
:jump :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4 :jump
You are raising some potentials for the Jerry Springer show:jump :jump
09-07-2008, 10:49 PM
:jump :jump :jump :wave123
:D The girls are growing:rotfl
09-08-2008, 12:21 AM
That was so cute!! :rotfl I love it when the two of them have it in both their mouths at once. Looked just like that scene from the first Land Before Time movie where all the little pterodactyls were fighting over the cherry.
09-08-2008, 05:59 AM
That was hilarious! I have seen that behavior before. All I can suggest is to put more grapes in at a time.
Even my Squirrelie makes grumbles at me and swats at me if he has something he likes. When he is no longer all that hungry he won't do it any more. He is so funny. Sometimes he will just grumble and hold us back with one paw while he eats. Doesn't he remember taht we gave it to him?:D
09-08-2008, 06:52 AM
Frick makes the most God Awful squeaks and other random noises if I have something she really wants in my fist. Tries to dig it out and will unpry one finger at a time with her little mouth. Such a funny little girl! I did LOVE your video...they are so cute! Where were the other 2 though?
Momma Squirrel
09-08-2008, 07:53 AM
What a hilarious video, they were getting kind of mean though :tilt
09-08-2008, 08:53 AM
I did LOVE your video...they are so cute! Where were the other 2 though?
The other 2 maniacs :bash were on the top level duking:bash it out too!!!!!!!
squirrelfriend: I had only 5 grapes left after my human :hyper child dove into them!!! But good idea putting more in at a time:thankyou
squirrel princess
09-08-2008, 08:55 AM
What a hilarious video, they were getting kind of mean though :tilt
maybe administration should step in:jump
that video was too funny:rotfl greedy little things:nono :rotfl
island rehabber
09-08-2008, 09:51 AM
:jumpthey are so adorable!!! And as for putting in more than five at once, you can put in fifteen grapes and three squirrels will still fight over the same one....:shakehead :rotfl
09-08-2008, 02:23 PM
IR, you're right. I usually pour in a few pecan halves or other nuts for LF and Pootz and they still fight over the same ones. Sometimes it does work but not always. Squirrels are just greedy by nature.
Frickster, My squirrelie does that too.
09-08-2008, 02:54 PM
:) Well, after lunch I gave the quints some grapes, 5 cut in half = 10 pieces......... and they were perfect:love
Although they were GREEN grapes. The fight was over RED ones! :dono :jump
I then gave them strips of a paper towel, the clowns tried eating them, playing with them.. except sweet Sassy:Love_Icon.... the young lady brought one by one into the nest box and looked very concerned at her silly:multi sisters.
My human child was napping and I sat with coffee just watching them:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
What an amazing creature they are:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
squirrel princess
09-08-2008, 02:59 PM
:) Well, after lunch I gave the quints some grapes, 5 cut in half = 10 pieces......... and they were perfect:love
Although they were GREEN grapes. The fight was over RED ones! :dono :jump
I then gave them strips of a paper towel, the clowns tried eating them, playing with them.. except sweet Sassy:Love_Icon.... the young lady brought one by one into the nest box and looked very concerned at her silly:multi sisters.
My human child was napping and I sat with coffee just watching them:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
What an amazing creature they are:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Aren't they:Love_Icon I have sat and watched chipper for hours building a nest with paper towels burying nuts exploring etc. :bowdown
I answered your post in my thread:rotfl
At least you have one sane one in the bunch:jump
Oh my must have been some cute to watch:D Hope to see more new pics soon. Best wishes to you and all the girls :thumbsup
luvs squirrels
09-08-2008, 09:50 PM
Oh my goodness. What a video that was.
I'm glad they all survived after that! So funny.
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