View Full Version : Hurricane orphan EVAPORATED MILK FED

09-06-2008, 11:24 PM
I am hoping some of ya'll are up still. I just recieved ANOTHER hurricane victim that has been fed EVAPORATED MILK STRAIGHT for 5 days. The guy said she was real lively until Thursday when she started becoming lethargic and curling up in a tight ball. He said she was only wrapped in a towel, and he kept his house cold.... She is a fox squirrel 5-6 weeks old, weak ,limp,. I have her warm now. this is one of almost 200 that our group down here has taken in since Gustave wrecked havoc last week. It is terrible what these people have done to "TRY" to save them...what next? Any quick suggestions?

09-06-2008, 11:26 PM
Geeeze I could scream! I have cried way too much this past week....she has already took her last breath.........................

09-06-2008, 11:27 PM
Awww.. poor thing:grouphug . Im relatively new here. Im sure someone will be here shortly to help you. Good luck! I hope he pulls through. :grouphug

09-06-2008, 11:28 PM
Im so sorry! Thank goodness she had you in her last hours to comfort her. :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
RIP little one:Love_Icon

09-06-2008, 11:34 PM
Thanks Judy, It is too late. When I first posted I had put her down warm and silent. While waiting for a reply I went to her and she was gone....We need help down here, there are sooooo many babies coming in. This baby had just got here at 10 PM..
RIP little one.

Right after the storm we got many calls, which were easier to deal with somewhat. Now days later people are freaking out on their futile efforts at trying to do things themselves. So we are geting alot of those calls now. And people are still cleaning up this weekend so we are also recieving babes that have been laying out under branches, severely dehydrated and hanging on to the last thread. So sad....

09-06-2008, 11:41 PM
I wish I could help, but too far away.:(
I don't understand people... resources are a keyboard away.. a phone call away, to learn how to care properly for a baby animal :shakehead
Good luck in continuing to care for them. :grouphug
RIP Little One :grouphug

09-07-2008, 12:07 AM
thank you sweet Gamma. It has been a while since I have been on here. But I did not forget were the squirrel friends are! All the rehabbers north of me were hit pretty hard too, so help from them is not an option now. And south of me is the Gulf Of Mexico...9 miles....... sigh.. I saw Loopys Posts, and she is suffering too. Poor thing! Pray for us, I fear Florida or the Gulf coast is going to be in for it again from hurricane IKE...

09-07-2008, 12:14 AM
:wave123 C*ndy welcome home. So sorry to she you under such :sad sadness. Hanna is pelting us up here tonight but nothing like what you all get.

09-07-2008, 07:35 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this....Why in the world did he wait 5 days!!! :soapbox

Jackie in Tampa
09-07-2008, 07:47 AM
...another storm is coming...looks like Ike will also hit in the upper gulf or the east coast of Texas! Good Luck:grouphug
So many sqs and not enough info available to the public.
Flyers....we need to disribute inormation flyers to the pet stores!
I don't want to thread jacket...but unless we can reach the finders, more sqs will be fed peanuts and evaporated milk..:shakehead
Thank you Cindy:grouphug
R.I.P. Baby Squirrel:Love_Icon

09-07-2008, 09:11 AM
Hang on EAst coast!! and Gulf coast!!!!
All we can do is pray!
To top off this trying time, my system decided to come down with I guess a sinus infection, so I had fever late last night......No telling what that storm blew in.
Maybe someone here can open another thread under an appropriate subject where hurricane affected rehabbers can keep in touch and vent. I know I need all the encouragement I can get right now! Off for another feeding!

09-07-2008, 09:31 AM
Oh No! So sad!
I am so glad I came here when I first got Scrib otherwise I would have fed him milk to-it seems like such the right thing to do at the time. Glad there is at least somewhere for people with internet to go.
I think you need a Hot Toddy (whiskey, honey,ginger and hot water!) It will make you feel hundreds!

09-07-2008, 02:11 PM
aHHHHHH Kimble a good hot toddy! Need I say I took your advice! I never take medicine, just usually fight it...I just finished another feeding round, made me a toddy and I am going try to catch a few Zzzzzzzzz.....CALGON WOULD BE NICE RIGHT NOW!!!

09-07-2008, 04:07 PM
LOL!! Glad you did! You'll have to have one for me-its to hot here to think of drinking anything like that! But a Gin and tonic would go down well if I wasn't doing my Worried Sick Mommy Bit!
Good Luck, sleep WELL!!

squirrel princess
09-07-2008, 04:09 PM
Dang:soapbox I wish the first thing people would do with the world of the internet is go online and do a little research and hopefully stumble upon TSB. I am so sorry you lost the baby:grouphug

09-07-2008, 04:30 PM
I just went through a similar stressful time with way too many babies from Fay for the size of our group of rehabbers. Our center really could use a public relations specialist to recruit more squirrel foster parents. Unfortunately we're all more about the critters then PR. Good luck. I can relate to your sadness and frustration.

09-07-2008, 04:36 PM
I'm sorry you lost her. That's horrible! I agree with being mad at the guy who waited 5 days until she was too fargone to ask for help. A couple of weeks ago, a kid at the highschool found 2 and didn't tell me she eve had them until they both died. She was giving cows' milk. Why do people think it's a novelty to try to raise a squirrel, but don't bother to ask for any advice. Makes me sooooo mad. I like the idea. About posting flyers up in potential hurricane areas.

Al's mom
09-12-2008, 07:27 PM
I live further north, but i know what you guys go through after major storms. Can't someone in the media do a story about how to care for orphaned wildlife, maybe interview some rehabbers in Florida, or something to get the word out. I think HurricANE kATRINA made people aware of the plight of animals as well as people struck by devastation. It would be a win-win, something interesting on the news, and helpful to the animals...:sanp3 ..that might just make sense, Peace, D

09-12-2008, 10:04 PM
whew! We are getting pounded again, with the outer edges of Hurricane Ike!
Plenty rain today and WiND! Tornando warnings as I write. I am concerned about Muffin . Talked to her earlier, she was fine. Hang on! There will be more babies coming in! Sigh...

We have a new baby, arrived today! A baby girl!! 7lb9oz
Arien Marie! My 6th grand baby!!! My "little squirrel girl":crazy

09-12-2008, 10:35 PM
Congrats on the new baby!!

Keep up the good work!

I love the name Muffin!

09-12-2008, 10:47 PM
Congrats Grandma:beerchug
Stay safe through Ike :grouphug

09-13-2008, 12:50 AM
Prayers to you and all yours, fuzzy and human. Please stay safe and dry. Hurricanes are nasty things.:(

09-13-2008, 01:10 AM
You still hanging in there, C*NDY? We're getting a little more of that rain and wind here now, and it won't get anything but worse before it gets better! If I'm lucky, I'll sleep through most of it. :D Gotta feed Peanut one more time, then I'm off to bed.

Telling us about a new grandaughter is all well and good, but WE WANT PICTURES!!!

(I always wanted to use that smiley!)


09-13-2008, 08:30 AM
I have thought about you all night. We lost power on and off but have not totally been out!
We are getting severe wind/tornados, and we are on the east side about a 100 miles from landfall.

Thanks everyone for the congrats! Pics of my grandbaby! Ok, hmmm should I post them on this thread?

09-13-2008, 11:57 AM
i dont know if it will help- if people are not turning to the internet first...but i'll bet someone will come across it that needs it:

can we post on craigslist, weekly? a post about the squirrel board..."have you found a squireel? here's how to care for it"...come visit us at the squirrel board!"

it sems especially in the hurricane areas, people may be looking for replacement items, pets, etc- maybe they will stumble upon it- or a friend of a friend...and then hopefully people will stop feeding hem cow's milk...or breast milk!

anyway just an idea. if one person from each place, posted for their area on CL weekly, we'd certainly be able to shove the information at them, in advance and possibly save some lives?

congrats on the real baby too!

09-13-2008, 12:02 PM
oops squireel :rotfl

09-13-2008, 03:49 PM
hmmmm it is an idea! I have only looked for something on it once, and aren't the listings for individual areas? I am going to check that out! thanks!

09-13-2008, 04:10 PM
posts expire in 45 days on the list. Options for contact are by email or phone number posting. there is a listing for volunteers!

09-13-2008, 05:03 PM
ah we use CL A LOT!

make an accounnt, and pick where to post it- maybe pets? i am not sure...and then write your statement.

i think most posts expire after 1 week, so you will have to keep posting- but if you make an account and all, it saves what you posted prior- and with one click can re-post it again instantly!

hopefully that helps!!

we should all do it for our local areas- especially when there are storms etc!!


09-13-2008, 06:25 PM

09-14-2008, 05:31 AM
Would it possible to make a downloadable/printable flyer that members can use to put up in their area? Maybe make a place for rehabbers to put phone numbers or a call centre number on for their area? And basic info for members of the public who have found a squirrel?
I suppose with all the laws with regards to Squirrels in the States just anyone putting up a flyer would be against the law?
I have been asked to write an article about Squirrel care for our local rag here in Botswana. It is mostly used for small news items and for sale adverts but has a SPCA section in it. Is that sort of thing allowed in the States?

(common practice in Botswana is to just ignore the problem and it will die eventually or throw stones at it until it does.Regardless of Species. So frustrating.I have already been arrested for throwing stones back! LOL!)