View Full Version : Antibiotics/Solid Foods

09-06-2008, 04:08 PM
Hi, Roxy has just turned six weeks and shes still being fed formula every four hours... I just stopped her antibiotics (Its day 10, is this a good idea?) and I'm wondering when starting to feed solid foods, do I reduce the amount of formula or just add the solid foods? She now weighs 92g and drastically increasing so I thought it was about time? Shes made an awesome recovery from being deathly underweight about a week ago. Also, she nibbles on the rodent blocks, but doesn't seem too interested.. What foods are safest to add first?

Thanks :)

Apple Corps
09-06-2008, 04:26 PM
The normal dose period is 7 - 14 days / that is where I came up with the 10.

If she is tolerating it well I'd probably continue it for two more days so as to get closer to the 14 period - no real science on the two days more.

I'd also continue the formula for another week or two and introduce some limited solid foods - too many new things too fast = problems.