View Full Version : Jaque acting skidish

09-05-2008, 06:14 AM
My baby Jaque is acting skidish when i go to get him out of his cage. It breaks my heart cause i love love this lil man. Could it be i need to spend more time with him? My hubby said that could be why he is acting skidish and i should spend more time with him. If thats the case i will do it for sure. Jaque is my last baby, ok i say this now but im sure my DH will find another:D .

pamela lee
09-05-2008, 06:52 AM
All squirrels have very different personalities. Some are skiddish and jumpy and the closer they get to release age will start swatting and growling at you. Some are very laid back and chill and could really careless about the things going on around them. It's all just part of them growing-up.

09-05-2008, 08:04 AM
[B]My time with Jaque. Morning feeding 6am and then he goes right into my shirt to sleep, usually i let him stay there for about 1 to 2 hours. 10am feeding and then i try to let him wander around my bed to scope things out, but again down my shirt to sleep. 2pm feeding then i try to take him outside on my pool deck to get some natural light but he doesnt seem to interested in coming out of my shirt. Just sits there and sniffs with his head poking out. I guess you pretty much get the picture./B]

09-05-2008, 08:14 AM
I agree with what Pamela said,,,,,,,,its a hard call to make lots of observing and playing ,,,, more playing.:wave123

09-05-2008, 08:27 AM
When did he open his eyes? It takes a few days for them to adjust and until then they can act skittish.

pamela lee
09-05-2008, 08:31 AM
[B]My time with Jaque. Morning feeding 6am and then he goes right into my shirt to sleep, usually i let him stay there for about 1 to 2 hours. 10am feeding and then i try to let him wander around my bed to scope things out, but again down my shirt to sleep. 2pm feeding then i try to take him outside on my pool deck to get some natural light but he doesnt seem to interested in coming out of my shirt. Just sits there and sniffs with his head poking out. I guess you pretty much get the picture./B]
If he's still just a baby, he's not coming out because in the wild they don't come out of their nests to start exploring until their about 12 weeks old. Just give him time.

09-05-2008, 11:57 AM
If he's still just a baby, he's not coming out because in the wild they don't come out of their nests to start exploring until their about 12 weeks old. Just give him time.

:thankyou I wasnt sure if i was spending enough time with him. I feel better now.

09-05-2008, 11:59 AM
Oh what a DOLL BABY!! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon At this age, they do like to stay in their nest and sleep most of the time,. However, when he is awake, I would get him out, let him walk around your floor, and give him LOTS of snuggles. They are so lovie at this age. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon The more time you spend with him, the better. :thumbsup As he gets older, and is getting around the "release age" that is when you want to keep your distance from him.

:thankyou Gamma