View Full Version : Found Young Squirrel

09-04-2008, 07:25 PM
Hi all. Our apologies, It's been a few weeks since we've been on here busy with life and all. Neo (little flyer) is doing great and in storing mode with fall coming up packing everything he can find in his little maple cabinet. His hand didn't completely heal after he fell. Vet said, it's always a possibility some things just don't heal and that is would most likely affect his climbing skills. So, we've decided he's part of the family till the end. :)

Ok, the next project. Peach (my better half), was at her dad's who has LOTS of trees, critters, animals, rodents, and coyotes, including masses of squirrels living on the property. He happened to notice a little squirrel (aka fuzzer) on the ground next to a retaining wall as he drove by. When he pulled back up, the little guy jumped off, but didn't run away. He got up close and realized it's just a little guy, probably still a baby by all accounts.

Peach came out to take a look and the little guy B-lined straight for her pants leg where he hid. He hissed and squaked like all strong squirrels do, but refused to run away. They tried setting him next to a pine tree, helped him get started up one, and he insisted on coming back down to them.

Here are some pics so you can help assess him further. He looks pretty healthy other than sleepy, dehydrated, and may have taken a big spill out of one of the several huge pine trees. We couldn't find any traces of other squirrels, but noticed a couple empty nests. There was also no sign of mommy throughout the afternoon. Unfortunately, that area is a breeding and feeding ground for just about any animal, regular and predators alike.

We assessed that he's a bit dehydrated after pinching the back of his neck (stayed in position for about a second). Peachy is picking up some Pedialyte and made a little batch in the interim to get him started. We haven't given him anything to eat yet until he starts drinking more. And we're going to go ahead and offer some Esbalac once he's more lively and peeing.

Our goal is to get him back on his feeties to start and find a rehabber or squirrel lover in the area. We're in Federal Way, WA about 40 minutes or so south of Seattle. Be advised, we've talk to a couple places in Kent, WA (15 minutes away) that turned out to be nothing more than wannabe rehabbers and grant gobblers. *HISSSSSSS* Legit rehabbers don't sound like utter idiots.

Ok, we'll check back later. I think we happened upon him at the opportune moment for best results.

09-04-2008, 07:39 PM
Aww just a baby. Still too young to fend for himself. Thanks for taking him in! After the pedialyte I would do 50/50 pedialyte and mixed formula, then full strength next feeding if he looks hydrated enough.
I am sure someone will scoop him up for you! :Love_Icon Little kisses on his tiny head! You're an angel for saving him!

09-04-2008, 08:54 PM
Good luck with the little guy. Sounds like he knew you could help him!
I PM'd you...

09-04-2008, 09:05 PM
Pedialyte is never to be mixed with formula, they need to be fed atleast a half hour apart.
You can give pedialyte in between formula feedings if you are having a problem with hydration. But the 2 cannot be given together.:thumbsup

09-04-2008, 09:18 PM
Ok, a little update. We got a better look at him and as you can probably see from the photos, he's actually in better health than we first thought. He's been sleeping VERY soundly off an on. And, he's quite strong for his size. One thing that makes us think he may have just taken a bad spill is that he's gentle with us till he doesn't like something we do...like make him turn for us. He's got spirit for sure.

We'll just keep going with the Pedialyte first, then Esbalac and whip cream mix later on just in case. He knows what pecans are apparently. The smell aroused him enough to look, but turned back over to sleep. Maybe he just needs a bit more rest than anything.

His neck actually doesn't stand up much after getting him in a relaxed state while sitting up. He doesn't feel near as thin as Neo was when we found him. So, my gut suggests we got a squirrel playing possum! :rotfl

09-04-2008, 11:12 PM
If you are going to use cream make sure it is regular whipping cream/heavy cream and not the whipped cream in the tub or can...some get confused so wanted to clarify.

Also just precious...Thank God you found him.

Also at this age....not playing possum...they just sleep all the time. He probably use his last bit of energy to find his momma. But they sleep most of the time at this age.

09-04-2008, 11:20 PM
I don't mix the powder with pedialyte but after hydrating I often will use half and half ( as in half pedialyte and half already mixed formula) as to not directly give full strength. You can dilute it with water if you wish but its not going to hurt mixing the two together as long as the baby is already hydrated.

09-04-2008, 11:59 PM
I think it's funny how he has such huge feet and hands to his little body. Neo, our flyer, didn't get bigger feet and hands till just a few months ago. Right now, Chopper, (eh, Peach named him...) occasionally looks up at us when we're checking on him, but is otherwise sleeping so soundly. I'd be dead if I tried to sleep that deeply.

09-05-2008, 05:07 PM
How's he doing today?:)

09-05-2008, 05:45 PM
Hi, that is one beautiful baby you have there!

I thought I would add that this is NOT a Western Gray Squirrel, so in Washington State there IS NO taking him to a rehabber, unless you KNOW for sure, they will release him back to where he was found. Fact is, this State practices euthanasia of squirrels that are non native species, such as the Eastern Fox Squirrel, or the Eastern Gray Squirrel.

I have what may seem like a silly question for you. Are the other squirrels in this area Eastern Grays, or Fox Squirrels, or a mix of them perhaps? I am not saying this is baby is a foxer, but I sure would like to know what species this was found amongst, just the same.

09-05-2008, 06:45 PM
Ah yes, I did talk to an animal control officer who said officially that the rule of non-native animals is the dumbest ruling to ever come out. She is completely against the killing of any type of animal just because it's not native to a region. Animals migrate naturally based on food supply and encroachment, where as humans encroach unnaturally. We agree it's not rocket science.

And, Chopper is doing excellent. He was only partially interested in the Pedialyte, but was very motivated by the Esbalac and (real) whip cream mixture. He has happily moved to eating about 4 eye droppers at a time. He's a feisty spirited guy. We're pretty confident he's on the fast road to recovery. :)

So, he's just a baby who fell from the tree and got separated from his mom. I'm sure we'll be called if they find any more little ones roaming about.

09-05-2008, 06:57 PM
I have what may seem like a silly question for you. Are the other squirrels in this area Eastern Grays, or Fox Squirrels, or a mix of them perhaps? I am not saying this is baby is a foxer, but I sure would like to know what species this was found amongst, just the same.

Still wondering what the rest of the squirrels in teh area that you found this baby in were?

09-05-2008, 07:54 PM
I'm not sure which kind of squirrel he may be. The squirrels around here are gray and softer, reddish brown. All of them seem to get along since they are sharing the same feeders. Maybe I'll be able to figure out what he is by looking at some pictures.

09-05-2008, 09:06 PM
:Love_Icon :Love_Icon He is just adorable! Good luck with him.

09-05-2008, 11:28 PM
Likely he is an Eastern Gray Squirrel, not sure of the subspecies though, save it appears to be one of the Northeastern subspecies, not the Southeastern ones, seeing he has far more gray on the upper coat, and only some tan on the margins and back feet, and head of course.

09-06-2008, 12:16 AM
He is beautiful!!!! :crazy
Good luck with him :Love_Icon

09-06-2008, 12:19 AM
Just a simple, question here. Does anyone know if a Northwest Flyer can get along? Neo has already smelt the scent of Chopper and was mainly curious, yet very cautious. I remember reading another post that said that a flyer seen in a feeder was doing well to hold ground against other squirrels lurking about. As long as we're rescuing squirrels (because I know we're going to get more calls now...), I'd like to learn more.

Did I mention these little fuzzers all rock!!?? :peace

09-06-2008, 01:31 AM
My experience has been that flyers do not get along with tree squirrels. Our NR grey will sometimes come into the flyer room. If he climbs up on their cages, the flyers come out in attact mode - war dancing, ears laid back, and tail going 90 miles an hour! The grey leaves immediately, as fast as he can!!


09-06-2008, 01:59 AM
Since flyers are nocturnal, and Gray squirrels are diurnal, in nature they would never meet, so there is no precedent for them to be species that wouldcoexist side by side to begin with. Most squirrels, even of the same species, rarely tolerate others in their space, save for when it is winter, where they may huddle together for warmth with others of their own species. Only nest mates are seen to spend time together, and even they will part ways not long after their mother releases them. In captivity, there is still going to be competition, at least in their minds, for food, territory, and that includes the person who feeds them, being to them both. So no, I do not believe there is any basis to put these two animals together. MS put it best, there would be a war a brewing if you did!

I sure would love to see the war dance on video MS. that sure would be something!

09-06-2008, 11:58 AM
Thanks for the kinds words everyone who has commented.

We introduced Chopper and Neo to each other a little more early this morning. Neo remained calm till Chopper, who has no earthly idea what Neo is in the first place, turned to him sniffing around. Neo took a quick step back, but didn't give off any signs that he felt threatened. In fact, he crawled in to a blanky of his peaking back out occasionally, then going off to bed. Neo was obviously relaxed enough since he was laying on his back with his feet straight up, head tilted back, and mouth open. !LOL!

I talked to a member already who may hopefully take over. We're just waiting on details to try and make the trip easier. Chopper is 100% cool and all, but I'm sure he'll need more space. Also, he's still eating quite a bit from the dropper. He found a small raisin to be a gummy treat. He's got pretty healthy teeth growing in already, so the raisin might have been the perfect squishy treat.

09-06-2008, 08:58 PM
After looking at a few baby squirrel pictures, we think he's a mix between a Western Gray and Fox squirrel. He's got some of the reddish, brown hair trimmings, but a brighter white tummy unlike a Fox squirrel. I guess I understand the slight confusion from the pictures. (We're no experts, so don't hold us to tightly to our summation.) That would be pretty cool if he were a cross mixed squirrel.

09-06-2008, 10:54 PM
I would say it is an eastern grey too. He is [B]very[B] cute:Love_Icon
Check this info out:
The eastern grey's are in the north oregon and Washington areas. He is not a fox and western squirrel mix:)

09-07-2008, 03:42 AM
I didn't think it was possible for an Eastern to get here, but I guess it depends on a few variables like, people, migration, and more people. An Eastern it is! It sounds like he'll be at his new, permanent home tomorrow. It's been great having the lil one around for a little break in regular life around here. *goes to check on him one last time*

09-07-2008, 06:49 PM
Ok, Chopper is well and in the capable hands of another TSB member. He'll be with others his age and naturally grow up to be beautiful. We didn't mind sending him off to "squirrel boarding school" with someone who actually has the experience to help make that happen, versus any wannabe rehabbers in this area. "...Eastern grays and fox squirrels not native to this area", so no support?" Pfft, I sure hope none of those jerks ever need my help. They'll get the same "not native to my area" comment and left in their own demise just as alone. (Sorry, but I get fired up when someone who's suppose to be a friend to nature decides the fate of wildlife based on stats, ratios, regions, and classifications. Grrr...)

Neo should be back to having free roam in a matter of days and we'll keep our eyes out for more orphaned little ones. Fuzzers 1...politicians 0. :peace

09-07-2008, 09:34 PM
i live in redmond- and i am willing to help in whatever way i can if you need it :)

how sweet the pics!!