View Full Version : Drool
Attic Light
09-03-2008, 03:51 PM
Once or twice when I've gone to take out my squirrel for feeding, I've noticed that his mouth and chin are very wet. We're talking sopping wet. I know that excess saliva can be caused by teething, but he's not even 5 weeks old yet; his eyes haven't opened, and from what I understand that's a little early for his teeth to be coming in. Is this something I should be worried about?
09-03-2008, 03:57 PM
Is it only his chin or his whole belly? Are you stimulating him too pee after every feeding? Have you peeked in his mouth? How does his breathing sound?
SORRY??? Just trying to get an idea of the situation!!:)
Does he have a heating pad? How warm is it if he does? What kind of bedding? Any photos?
I may have some idea or someone else may if you can answer a few of these questions - and I'm sure others with more experience will have other questions.
Attic Light
09-03-2008, 04:19 PM
Just his chin the last time-- the first time was one or two days ago, and it was two streaks from the corners of his mouth to just under his ear. He's peeing regularly after feeding, and he's warm and everything. The only other thing is that he's had a sneeze for the past few days, although it's been starting to get better today and yesterday. I don't have any pictures of the drool aftermath, but these are taken on the 1st.
If anyone could help with what sort of squirrel he is, as well, that'd be nice. He seems to have characteristics of both a eastern grey squirrel and a fox squirrel.
Look pure eastern grey to me.:D They sport more red in their summer coats than in the winter.
Drool is "not normal" in a baby squirrel. Is it possible he substained a head injury before you found him? :thinking
09-03-2008, 04:31 PM
I'm thinking Eastern Grey. Very cute too. Hmmm. I'll think some. How does his breathing sound? And when he eats, does he bubble formula out his nose?
Attic Light
09-03-2008, 04:40 PM
It's possible, although I don't know. He wasn't showing any signs of external trauma when we found him, and seems to be doing what I'd think is typical baby behaviour. He doesn't quite walk yet, although doesn't have any trouble pulling himself around, and is quite active.
His breathing's all right, although he last feeding he just had he did aspirate jut a tiny amount. It's the first time he has, however, and happened after I noticed the drooling.
For some reason your baby appears to be sleeping with his mouth open. :dono If only happens occassionally I don't think I would worry. If however it becomes constant or is combined with something else going on I would then become concerned. Without more to go on that is the best I can come up with though I will give it some more thought. Perhaps some else has seen this before.
09-03-2008, 04:51 PM
I would check the mouth to make sure nothing is stuck it in and check his baby teeth make sure everything looks good.
If he has a stuffy nose (sneezing) and is breathing more out of his mouth then drooling wouldn't be to abnormal.
Attic Light
09-03-2008, 05:07 PM
His teeth seem fine, and I can't see anything wrong with his mouth, either. He wasn't too impressed with me trying to wake him up, though, and pretty much just stayed nearly asleep for the entire check. I'll definitely keep an eye on it, however.
Loopy Squirrel
09-03-2008, 05:49 PM
I am w/ Mars. I am wondering some type of head trauma. It sounds like he may have had a seizure. They will drool during/after a seizure and they can remain sleepy for awhile. It could also be a hypoglycemic seizure, but if you are feeding regularly that really shouldn't be a problem unless he has a underlying condition that is using up the sugar between feedings. I'd watch very carefully. Hopefully it is just tooth or hunger related.
Attic Light
09-03-2008, 06:23 PM
He hasn't been showing any signs of seizing (or at least I haven't seen him do it), but we'll be on the look out. I'm used to seizures in people, so we'll be able to notice if he has one. He is being fed regularly, every 3-4 hours, although the longest it's ever been was probably about 6.
Attic Light
09-03-2008, 07:28 PM
He has his bottom teeth, although I can't feel any top teeth yet.
We haven't been able to get him to the vet yet-- we don't have a car and it's not exactly close, although we're going to work on arranging things tomorrow morning.
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